Part 17 (S3)

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"Just what are you doing, your highness?" A small, black dragon asked. He wore a circular pair of gold glasses. I cocked my head to the side, staring at him.
"How long have you been watching me, Archibald?" I asked, a bit agitated.
"Long enough," the dragon answered.
"You're not going to tell my father, are you?" I worriedly inquired as we began our way to the palace.
"No.. Although it does make me wonder how long you've been acquainted with... him." Archie shifted into his feline form and walked with me the rest of the way.
"Not too long," I stated awkwardly. The two of us continued our way in. I heard my father yelling in the background of the court once we got closer to it.
"What are you doing? Don't you dare!" The dragon was too late with his words.
"I thought I made it clear that your kind are unwelcome when I banished you all from the realm!" His angry voice boomed. I entered to find a large, red troll with green fur looking terrified and speechless at the King.
"Father! What are you doing?!" I shouted, rushing over to the creature.
"My orders are clear! Leave the wood, and the penalty is death." The man slammed his sword of Excalibur onto the ground like a staff. "Bring him to the sunlight!" The guards standing next to the troll began to force it into the sun's rays, turning pieces of his face to stone. He screamed in pain as this happened.
"Stop!" I desperately cried out, shooting some type of red bolt out of my hand at the curtain tie-back, causing the gigantic drapes to fall shut immediately. The troll gasped for air, breathing heavily, and touching its face.
"What is the meaning of this, daughter?!" The King questioned.
"He is innocent!" I rushed to the defenseless creature, holding my ground. "You would kill an innocent being just because you're scared of him?!"
"I will not endanger my kingdom!"
"Then why bring him here?!"
"I made laws to hold this fragile land together, and they will be abided!" My father pointed his sword at me. "Now, step aside, daughter." I shook my head slowly, still trying to shield the troll.
"He is innocent. Please listen to me!" I pleaded. There was a silence as the King thought.
"...Fine. I will show to troll mercy. He will live.." I nodded. "In the dungeon." Before I could say anything else, the guards grabbed the injured troll and dragged him out of the court. "I do not understand why you protect those monsters. They do nothing but cause harm to our kind!"
"That is not true!" I protested. "They can be kind, and gentle!"
"How.. do you know this?" The King asked reluctantly.
"Because... I am acquainted with one.." I answered slowly.
"What?" My father seethed. "Which one?!" I didn't get a chance to answer; it's not like I would have, anyway.
"Your majesty!" The boy named Hisirdoux burst in.
"And you are?" The king asked, turning in the boy's direction.
"Hisirdoux, Merlin's apprentice" the awkward mage stated, "Master needs to speak with lady (Y/n)."
"Hm.. Very well." My father growled. I cautiously followed Douxie out of the court.
"What am I in trouble for, now?" I asked once we were out of earshot.
"Nothing," Hisirdoux answered.
"You're welcome," the boy looked at me with a smile. I caught on.
"You just lied to the King," I stated with a smirk. "Clever."
"No." With that, I stalked off in the direction of the dungeons.

Trollhunters - Jim x [Female] Reader (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now