Part 16 (S3)

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My phone began to vibrate in my pocket as we walked to Claire's house. I took it out to see an incoming call from Barbara.
"Hello?" I asked, stopping in my tracks. My friends turned to see what was going on.
"(Y/n)!" Strickler's voice sounded panicked on the other end. "Have you seen or talked to Nomura lately?!"
"No.. why?" I began to feel anxious.
"I'm afraid something's happened to her. Agh! I should have gone with her! It's dangerous to be alone.."
"Oh.." I looked in Jim's direction for a moment.
"You aren't alone now, are you?" The worried changeling asked.
"What? No! I'm not that stupid!" I knotted my brows at the ground.
"I have to find her.." Strickler mumbled. I heard the rustling of keys in the background.
"Wait a minute, I'm coming with you!" I demanded.
"What? No!"
"You said it's dangerous alone. I'm coming with, and that's that!" I hung up the phone before he could say another word, walking quickly in the direction of Jim's house.
"Where are you going?!" Krel called out, beginning to follow me.
"I'm helping find a friend's.. cat." I answered.
"You are leaving me with him?" The Latino pointed at Jim. I chuckled, looking at the confused trollhunter.
"You'll be fine. How well can you remember things?"
"I have already told you I have a superior intellect." He stated obviously.
"Good." I pulled him close and whispered in his ear. "If anything goes wrong, this is my number.."

I burst into Jim's house. Merlin looked up from whatever he was holding.
"Ah, lady (Y/n). Come to your senses?" He asked halfheartedly.
"Shut up, Wizard! Where's Strickler?!" I shouted.
"He is not here. I sent him away with the Trollhunter's mother." Merlin took a step forward.
"Why would you do that?!" I snarled.
"To get you here, alone." The wizard furrowed his brows.
"What?!" I felt my energy pulsing through my hands, begging to break free.
"I had to do something to lead them away. Now think of this, (Y/n). If Gunmar has the staff, he will need human hands to wield it, and speak the trollish incantation--"
"You knew they would get captured!" I exclaimed.
"Precisely. When Gunmar frees Morgana, we must strike immediately, when she is at her weakest." I raised a hand, wanting so badly to fire at his stupid face.
"Why did you want me here?" I growled.
"That.. is easy. To unlock your memories so you can aid in Morgana's defeat."
"What if I don't want her to be defeated?!" I suddenly became overwhelmed with emotion. "What if she doesn't die?! She may be evil, but she's the only family I have left!" I shot a warning blast at the wizard's feet.
"Really, (Y/n)? I knew my apprentice was arrogant, but challenging me?" The man summoned his own magic, his being green. "I expected better from you."
"You're a fool, Merlin. And an old one at that." The two of us stood in a fighting stance.
"Who.. are you calling old?" He growled.
"Agh!" I shot at his chest. The man easily dodged three more that I threw at him.
"Is that all you remember?! How disappointing!" He flung something at me, and I couldn't move fast enough. It hit my arm, causing me to yell out in pain. Warm blood began to streak down, staining my sleeve. Something crossed my mind. It was gone in an instant. Merlin used my distraction to pin me against the wall, one arm on my chest; the other one reeled back, ready to strike. "Go find yourself, (Y/n)."
"Wh--" Everything went black.

*Scroll slowly for dramatic effect*

(Late Twelfth Century Camelot)

I woke up, tired from my training excercise the previous day. I yawned and rolled back over in my quarters when there came a loud knock on my door.
"Yes?" I called, sitting up. The door opened for my handmaiden to come in and draw the blinds. She was an older woman; gray streaks running through her dark brown hair, slight wrinkles beginning to form on her face. She wore a long, navy blue dress with a short apron draped over the front.
"Time to get up, Princess," the woman's elderly voice chirped.
"What day is it?" I asked sleepily. My eyes squinted at the sudden burst of sunlight.
"You have no duties today, and today only, lady (Y/n). However, your father has asked me to escort you to Merlin's wing." She opened my wardrobe to pick out a dress.
"Why? Isn't he aware--"
"I am just following orders, your highness." I rolled my eyes at the woman, getting out of my bed. She turned to me, holding out a long black dress that was hung in a square opening over my chest, lined with gold embroidery.

(Time Change)

My heels clacked against the stone grounds as I made my way into Merlin's tower. My handmaiden stopped at the door, pausing to open it. She then left the area.
"Ah, (Y/n)." Merlin's voice reached my ears. "What can I help you with today?"
"Master, I was under the impression that you knew why I was here," I answered in an agitated manner.
"Yes. There is something I must speak with you about." The wizard spiraled his hand towards the door, and it slammed shut. "As you know, the King has forbidden entry to the forest." I scoffed. "He would like me to inform you that the law applies to you as well as everyone else in the kingdom."
"Then you are to tell him that I acquiesce." I turned away.
"The King will not approve of this--"
"What my father does not know, will not hurt him!" I shouted, grabbing the door handle.
"Very well.." Merlin sighed, going back to his work. I exited the wing, leaving the palace.

"Your highness!" A boy called out just before I stepped onto the bridge that linked the castle to the forest. I turned around to see him trip over a random bucket. I then chuckled at his foolishness.
"Who might you be?" I asked once he got back up.
"Hisirdoux Casperan, your highness!" The boy's voice cracked before he kneeled. "W-we train under Master Merlin together.."
"Get up," I commanded. He obeyed. "I do believe I have seen you in the past. Aren't you Master's.. errand boy?"
"A-apprentice," he nervously corrected. "I'm training to be a real wizard, with a staff and everything!" It surprised me how much excitement the boy possessed.
"Oh," I adjusted the hem of my dress. "Well, best of luck to you, and.. Oh! If my father asks, I never left the palace." With that, I crossed the threshold, and happily made my way across the bridge.
"Oh, uhh.. alright!" I heard Hisirdoux call out faintly behind me. I entered the forest, running straight to my favorite tree stump. I sat on it, basking in the single ray of sunlight that shown through the trees.
"Back again, Princess?" A deep voice growled. I looked over to see a large, black troll.
"Of course, Butcher," I replied.
"I have a name," the troll sat down calmly.
"As do I," I rolled onto my stomach to face him, sighing. "Sometimes I feel as though I cannot escape my father's prying eyes."
"As do I.." the troll sighed, unsheathing one of his swords. I felt a bit of fear ripple through my body as the blade caught my eye. The troll chuckled.
"I will not hurt you, Princess," he stated and began sharpening it against the backside of his forearm.
"Bular! Where have you run off to now?!" I heard the Gumm-Gumm King, himself, roar from a distance. The black troll stood, sheathed his sword, and let out a low growl in the direction of the voice.
"I have no duties to fulfill this day, Father." He replied as Gunmar the Black came into view.
"That is my decision to make, boy!" The Gumm-Gumm paused, looking to me, still on the large stump. "Arthur's princess? What have you done?" I removed myself from my position and stood before the King.
"Your son has done nothing," I answered, giving a small courtesy. "It was my choice to enter the forest." Gunmar got down on all fours.
"Do you know what happens to trespassers in my woods?" He growled.
"Enough, Father!" Bular cut in. "She is the princess!"
"A spy of Arthur's!" Gunmar yelled. Bular then put a paw in front of me, dropping to all fours, growling at his own father. "You dare challenge me? Pathetic."
"She is causing no harm!"
"You will escort her out at once. When you return, you will battle Aaarrrgghh as punishment for your arrogance." With that, Gunmar angrily left the area.
"Why did you defend me?" I asked nervously on the walk back.
"I... do not know," he answered coldly. I stopped walking.
"You know how it feels, don't you?" I asked.
"Suppose I do. It has no affect on you." Bular's large paw wrapped around my body and lifted me onto his shoulder, walking to my own father's kingdom. Once the two of us reached the border, I was set down.
"Thank you," I stated before he left. The troll grunted before bounding to fulfill his duty.

Trollhunters - Jim x [Female] Reader (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now