Part 4 (S3)

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Gym class started five minutes late. I was standing in between Steve and Jim, who was next to Toby. We were by the soccer nets when I caught a glimpse of Coach Lawrence running after a kid.
"Oh, you want to text and run? Well, how's this for a status update?!" He took the boy's phone and threw it extremely far. I couldn't even see it flying in the distance.
What the hell...?
"Jim, did you see that?" I asked, grabbing his hand.
"See what?" He followed my gaze to Coach, who was now running after Eli.
"What the-- That's your best?!" He jogged alongside the smaller boy.
"I'm.. doing the best I can, sir," Eli panted.
"Let me ask you. How have you not been eaten by a hawk with those embryonic, little legs?!" The teacher mocked, flapping his arms like a bird, "Oh! Look out! Run, little worm! Run!" Eli picked up his pace a bit, scared of the man. Quite frankly, I was getting weirded out.
"Jeeze, who peed in his coffee?" Toby asked, furrowing his brows.
"Oh wow..." I moved closer to Jim.
"Cut him some slack, Coach!" Steve scolded. Coach stopped, and turned his head in our direction. I saw Steve slightly shrink down in his posture.
"Stand tall, Steve," I said in a voice so low only he and Jim could hear.
"Your father might've taken your lip, but you're playing on my field now," the teacher stomped over to us. I saw my friend take a step back away from him. "If it weren't for your mother, I'd have shipped you off to military school, son!" As he said this, Steve's eyes went wide, and a slight redness spread across his cheeks.
"You said you wouldn't say anything..." the boy's voice cracked.
"Dude!" I let go of Jim's hand and took a step towards my friend. I then put a hand on the tall boy's shoulder as the class seemed to realize the situation. Coach Lawrence's eyes fell on me.
"Oh, (Y/n)! Don't think--"
"Leave her alone." Steve's voice was stone.
"Don't you talk back to me, son! You think I like picking up your pimple pads and your pudding snacks?! You're a disgrace, Plachuk!" The teacher fired back. There was a silence before Steve pushed Coach back.
"I hate you.. I HATE YOU!" He ran off, Eli following him. "I hate you!" Jim grabbed ahold of my wrist, protectively pulling me into his body before turning to Toby.
"Tobes, maybe there was something in his coffee.." he thought aloud.
"What do you mean?" I asked.

Jim opened a red locker in the boys' locker room, revealing a container of coffee grounds. The boy removed the lid and sniffed.
"Oh, no...."
"What did you do...?" Toby asked. I ducked behind them when I saw someone walk by.

I apologize for the short chapter, I had another wrestling meet tonight and didn't exactly write a lot earlier smh..🤦‍♀ I would just post this tomorrow, but I don't want to keep y'all waiting for that long..

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