Part 2 (S2)

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Y'all I had a dream last night that one of you was really angry at what I wrote about my scars and commented on the previous chapter: "Why'd she show Steve we like Jim more"
Like, what the heck lmao😂

My time with Steve was surprisingly not bad. I met Toby at his house that night, unfortunately missing out on Trollmarket's experience.
"Dude. Steve?! Seriously?" He asked in disbelief, shaking his head.
"It's not that bad!" I playfully protested.
"What do you mean, it's not bad?! Jim's gonna die if we don't do something, and you're fraternizing with Steve!" He violently shook my shoulders, wiping the smirk off of my face.
"What..?" I squeaked, my eyes going wide.
"Yeah! While you were off with Steve- ... -random trolls- ... -we snuck in- ... -says Jim's a changeling- ... -the Tribunal- ... -Queen Usurna- ... -they're gonna kill Jim!" My consciousness was slipping in and out. I could barely hear what all Toby was saying as I sank into his bed, rubbing my temples.
"Usurna..." I mumbled.
"That bit-- lady had something to do with it, I swear!"
"Because! When I was watching Jim play the game-- Pyro.. whatever-- she was talking sh.. stuff about him to Vendel!"
"Well... I don't really even know what to think about this!"
"Neither do I.. Goddammit, I miss him.." I buried my face in my palms while Toby sat down beside me, putting an arm around my shoulders.
"I know. Me too. I miss both of them."

(Time Change)

"Any luck, Blink?" Claire asked when the three of us entered his library the next day.
"Per usual, I'm never short on plans, but a working one?" Blinky replied with a sigh, "no. I must say, it is most frustrating to find oneself without any options." He turned toward Toby, who was standing in front of the statue of Aaarrrgghh, which had been moved. "What about you, Tobias? Any fortune with the fetch?" The boy removed his head in a crystalized loop.
"I've been sticking my head in this thing everywhere in Arcadia. All I see is endless Darklands. No Jim," he answered. I spaced off, unconsciously walking away.
Where could he be?
The question repeatedly crossed my mind.
Where? Where? Where?
I found myself in the room of Killahead Bridge, staring at the very place I saw Jim last.
"(Y/n), are you alright?" Draal's voice sounded behind me.
"I don't want anyone else in here, please." I looked into his eyes. He nodded and left the room, shutting the door on the way out. Only a few minutes passed before there were signs of a struggle from outside. The door was opened, and I was joined by Toby, Blinky, Claire, and the son of Kanjigar.
"They're not going to get through us," Draal growled.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"The Tribunal is planning on tearing down the Bridge!" Claire exclaimed.
"What?! No!" I shouted.
"Break the controls!" Blinky screamed.
"If only I had a portable war hammer.." Toby said sarcastically, "oh wait, I do!" He pulled out a strangely shaped handle and extended it into his war hammer. The boy smashed the lock, shutting the door and messing with the defenses.
"So now what?" I asked.
"We hold them back as long as we can," Claire stated, twirling her shadow staff.
Oop. She got good at that.. Agh! Shut up! What the hell?! Don't think like that!
"For Jimbo," Toby suggested.
"Always had a thing against authority," Draal remarked, cracking his neck.
"I just hope Master Jim is near.." Blinky added. The door was bashed on until it was forcibly opened, revealing Queen Usurna and a few other Krubera trolls.
"The Tribunal shall discuss matters of your ousting after this, Vendel," the woman snarled, stomping in.
So he's on our side.. Good to know.
"Kiss my mossy bottom, Usurna.." he shot back, rolling his eyes. A laugh escaped my lips, but I quickly shut up. As the Krubera trolls moved towards us, Draal attempted to attack, but was thrown to the side with extreme force. The same went for Toby, Claire, and Blinkous.
"Good gracious! You're condemning the boy!" The four armed troll yelled angrily.
"A fight against the Tribunal is an affront against trollkind," Queen Usurna stated in a higher tone.
"Bullshit!" I didn't mind my tounge this time, screaming what I thought were lies in the woman's face. "You're just mad because you're working for Gunmar!" She gasped, suspiciously glancing at everyone around us.
Wait a second.. am I right?!
"How dare you accuse me of such an action!" She pointed her staff at me as I was grabbed by one of her guards. The portal to Killahead Bridge was ripped open. I ignored the screams of everyone around me, glaring at the Queen. Usurna grabbed my throat and brought me close to her face with a low growl.
"You shall die at the hands of the Dark Lord, himself.." I was thrown into the portal to the Darklands. I squeezed my eyes shut, a throaty scream ripping through my body as I fell. The impact was painful.
"(Y/n)?!" Jim's voice loudly called in my ear.
"Jim..?" My own voice was barely a whisper before I fell unconscious.

(Time Change)

I awoke, but thought I was blind for a moment before my eyes adjusted to the darkness.
"Blinky thinks you're dead!" I heard Jim yell, "if he knew what you were doing--"
"Behave, boy, and I'll see to it that you're cared for. The Dark Underlord listens to me." Another voice sounded. There were sounds of metal hitting against rock, and then Jim grunted in pain. "Have it your way. Reserve your strength. You'll need it. As for the girl..."
"Jim?!" I called out, now seeing he was in some sort of glowing cell. I was grabbed my two large black trolls, assuming they were Gumm-Gumms.
"(Y/n)! Don't touch her!" Jim yelled aggressively. The other troll began chuckling before walking away. I was weak, being dragged after him. My breathing increased as I struggled to move in their clutches.
"Where are you taking me?" I asked aloud.
"I must alert Gunmar of your arrival." I was answered.

My body was thrown to the ground. I pushed myself to a standing position, shaking; still a bit lightheaded from passing out. There was a loud growl from a dark corner. My attention turned to a troll who reminded me of Bular. He had the same build, but possessed long horns that curved up at the ends, and his scars glowed blue. He was missing an eye, and the visible one seemed to burst with energy.
"Why are you here?!" His deep voice boomed, catching me off guard, making me jump.
"I insulted a Queen." I retorted, trying with every fiber in my body not to let my growing fear show.
"What is your association with Merlin's trollhunter?" He had an offputting angry tone.
"Hah! Wouldn't you like to know?" I shot back. The troll chuckled.
"You are a brave flesh whelp.." He stood on all fours, still towering over the top of me. "Tell me!"
"I-I can't say I know what you're talking about," I crossed my arms. The longer I kept him talking, the better.
"I think you do.." He leaned down to my level, nose nearly touching my neck, inhaling my scent. I blushed at the faint touch and goosebumps raised. "You reek of flowers.. but I still smell your fear."
"Are you Gunmar?" I blurted. I didn't mean to, it just came out. He chuckled once more at this.
"You will refer to me as your Dark Lord, or you will die." I scoffed.
"Make me." I challenged. He laughed out loud and slammed me to the ground.
"You challenge me, flesh whelp?" I got up, palms now glowing.
"You underestimate me, Skullcrusher."
"You.. are an interesting young human."
"And what of it?" I knew I was jeopardizing my life, but if it meant the slightest possibility of freeing Jim, I was willing to take it.

Trollhunters - Jim x [Female] Reader (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now