Part 28

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"Say we do get him out of town," Draal began, "what's stopping Angor Rot from finding him?"
"Hopefully.. me," I said, adjusting the position of the ring. My vision was suddenly not mine. I was staring at Angor's blade being poisoned, glowing a bit.
"(Y/n)?" Jim's voice brought me out of the trance.
"Huh?" I asked, studying the Inferna Corpula closely.
"You kinda spaced off there," the trollhunter replied, putting a hand on my shoulder.
"Oh.." I trailed off, looking up at him, "I saw something, Jim."
"What did you see?" Draal asked curiously.
"It was, like, not me? Like, I was seeing through his eyes." I thought for a moment, "he was poisoning a blade. Trailing point, I think."
"Ah, yes." Strickler's voice cut the tension, "I'm surprised you haven't seen through his eyes before, especially since your.." I got up to punch the man, but Draal held me back.
"You can't hurt the impure," the son of Kanjigar said calmly before growling, "as much as I'd like to.."
"The stupid binding spell!" I yelled, "you know what? Fu-- frick this! I'm going to find him and tell him myself to remove it!"
"(Y/n), wait!" Strickler and Jim both shouted as I left the house. I didn't care.

I found myself in the sewer.
So disgusting.
Angor Rot was carving a golem when his eyes fell on me.
"Back again, fleshbag?" He asked with a smirk.
"You..." I was unaware of what to say. The troll came toward me, seductively touching my neck. My ringed hand grabbed his wrist.
"What have you done?" Angor asked flatly, stumbling back a bit.
"You belong to me now, and I say, remove the binding spell!" My aggressive voice rang out. There was a fear in the troll's eyes that reminded me of myself in the situations with my father. Now, I knew I could use this to my advantage.
"Scared, Angor?" I chuckled, taking off the ring and holding it up. "You'll get this when you remove the enchantment." I should not have taken it off. The troll lunged at me, causing me to drop the Inferna Corpula. As I reached for it, his blade came down. It landed in the ring, turning it to stone with the Creeper's Sun poison.
"No.." the two of us watched as Angor's soul came out, circled his head, and faded. "No!" I watched the gold in his eyes fade into white. "I'll kill you!"
Haha. Serves you right.
"As if," I scoffed, thinking of the powerful energy I'd been avoiding. I believed that I could use it. My hands were angled at the troll as I shut my eyes. Memories flooded by. Thoughts of insecurities were the strongest.
"You bitch!"
He will never like you.
"Ugh! Just go kill yourself already!"
"Quit trying so hard."
"Don't eat so much, fatass."
"Wait, did you think he actually liked you?"
"Shut the fuck up."
"You're so annoying."
"Go sit somewhere else!"
"We don't want to hang out with you anymore."
I could feel the power coursing through my body. Energy painfully ripped out of my hands, and I could see the light through my eyelids. When I opened my eyes, Angor Rot was laying on his back, slowly getting up, hate in his eyes. I ran, counting on Bular's words to get me away.
"You... run surprisingly fast for a fleshbag.."

I arrived at Jim's house, knocking on the door. I was extremely lightheaded.
"(Y/n)! You're alive!" The trollhunter observed before hugging me. His hands grabbed mine as the boy realized the Inferna Corpula was gone. "What happened?"
"I did something stupid.. and impulsive.. and I shouldn't have done it.." I stayed serious, trying not to pass out. "He destroyed his soul."
"Why would he do something like that?" Strickler came around the corner.
"I don't know, he was angry I guess?" I was at a loss.
"Strange.." the changeling started, "the very thing he sought the most.."
"Shove off," I snapped, "I didn't come here so you could question his every move." I pushed the teacher and headed into the kitchen with Draal.
"Are you alright?" He asked me, concerned.
"I'm fine..." My eyelids became heavy. The floor seemed to be traveling closer to me in a way, and the son of Kanjigar caught my body directly before I lost consciousness.

(Time Change)

"Damn it, again?!" I shouted angrily. Strickler and Jim turned to face me from lifting the couch to cover a window. It was now dark out. "What.. are you doing?"
"We fight here," Draal explained from the doorway, "take back the tactical advantage!" I joined him on the stairs, watching him sharpen his axe while the other two finished setting traps.
For Angor Rot, I'm assuming.
"Okay, that's the last one," Jim began talking to Strickler, "now all we have to do is wait."
"You know, I'm a bit surprised how well we work together," the changeling remarked as I noticed a rope hanging over his shoulder.
"You know," Jim said, pulling the rope tightly against the man's neck, "I'm still gonna take you down after all this is over." Smirking, I nudged Draal and he looked up, laughing out loud at the sight.
"Perhaps, if we get through this," Strickler started, removing the rope, "I could talk to my constituents about the eye of Gunmar."
"The third stone?" I asked, suddenly interested, "you know where it is?"
"Personally, no. But my ilk are wide and numerous; Where there's a will, there's a way." At this statement, Draal got up, offering his hand to me in which I took.
"But why would you help me kill Gunmar?" Jim asked. The changeling chuckled.
"Let's just say, I'm always looking out for my best interests."
"What a shocker." As Jim continued the conversation, I felt a chill down my spine. Whipping around, I saw Angor Rot's eye on the banister of the staircase.
"What is that?" Draal asked, now looking in the same direction.
"It's his eye," I answered, anxiety rising.
"Gunmar's eye?" Jim asked, trying to peer over my shoulder.
"No!" Strickler yelled, "it's Angor's! He's been watching us! Get it!" The four of us tried desperately to grab the eye, causing it to almost get away.
"Gunmar's eye, Angor's eye, enough of these eyes!" Draal shouted. Luckily, Jim caught the thing in a cup before it could disappear. The front door began to open.
"He's here! Get in position!" Jim demanded. I joined the trollhunter in his position, whispering in his ear.
"You know, you're kinda hot when you're giving orders.." His face grew red. "If only we weren't being hunted by that stupid assassin."
"Hey kiddo, you home?" I jumped at the sound of Barbara's voice, "Wanda messed up my schedule again. Guess I have the day off after all!"
"Mom! Wait, no, watch out!" Jim yelled as the woman set her purse on the coat rack. The weight of it send an axe flying into the boarded up door, Jim pushing her out of the way right in time.
"Jim?" She asked, alarmed. Her eyes flew to the door, "woah, holy-- why is there an axe in the door?!"
"Barbara!" Strickler emerged, "are you alright?"
"I'm fine. Woah! Holy-- how--? What is--? W-walt? Why are you here? And why are you holding a crossbow?!"
"Me? Uh, yes," the changeling tried to find an answer, "you see, there's a school project I gave Jim and (y/n), and-- uh..." While struggling to think, the man accidentally shot the crossbow, hitting their chandelier.
"Wow. Way to go, dummy," I remarked, taking Barbara by the elbow, hoping to lead her to the kitchen. Before I could take her anywhere, Draal burst out of the basement with his axe, roaring in rage. This made Jim's mother scream for her life. I bitch slapped the son of Kanjigar, causing him to quickly shut up. "Draal!" I scolded.
Thinking quickly, the woman pulled out her pepper spray. I saw what was coming a mile away and ducked to the floor as she sprayed the troll, along with her son. This caused me to double over laughing at the idiots. Draal, caught off-guard, stumbled backwards into a bookshelf and it fell on him. Trying to stifle my laughter, I made my way over to the troll, seeing that he'd knocked himself out.
"Ugh.. mom!" Jim came over, "he's a friend!"
"He was a friend," Strickler observed, "now, he's out cold." Barbara fainted at the sight, "and.. so is she."
"I didn't take you for the comedic type," I said, scoffing. "Come on, help me get her up."

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