Part 13 (S3)

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"Guys.. he's stirring. Whatever you're planning, do it now," I said a bit quietly.
"Places, everyone!" Mrs. Nuñez whisper-yelled. "Aaaaand.. go!"
"You'll never be able to defeat the combined might of the chewing gums!" Toby's Nana yelled, holding a broom out in Barbara's direction.
"For Merlin's glory.. a sword of sunlight is mine to control!" Jim's mother boasted, making a whoosh sound while grabbing a second broom. The two hit the handles together before Nana let out a loud sigh.
"Oh, I cannot defeat you in this wretched human form.. I must reveal my true self!" She cried, making her way out of the room. Dictatious entered directly after, knocking over a potted plant.
"Ah! That is better!" The four-armed troll began sarcastically, trying to step forward, but accidentally falling on the plant. I snickered at his stupidity.

"Bular told me, if I can't get you to hand over the amulet, I should kill you!" Strickler yelled out a few minutes later, when the scene switched. He was now in his troll form.
"You would kill me? In front of my son?" Barbara asked emotionally.
"I will if I have to!" Strickler called back.
"That's funny.. I was just thinking the same thing." Jim's mother suddenly rammed the broomstick into the changeling's stomach, striking him on the side of the head next. The impact knocked him over. She then hit the top of his head and used her momentum to uppercut the troll, causing him to fly backwards.
"Good one," he groaned from the floor.
"And now.. the third rule!" She raised the broom over her head.
"No! Scene! Scene!" The changeling pleaded.
"Bravo! Bravo!" Mr. Scott began clapping.
"Aaaaaand scene. Great job, everybody!" Mrs. Nuñez complimented.
"Oh, detective!" Toby's Nana came over, startling the man. "We'd been wondering when you'd wake up." Mrs. Nuñez went over to fake-congratulate Strickler while I stared at the cop.
"You've been out a while," I remarked.
"Hey.. I remember you," Mr. Scott said. "You were with Domzalski and I when the suspects had us detained!"
"I believe you mean, Domzalski and me," I corrected, ignoring his previous statement.
"What?" He asked.
"You said, 'Domzalski and I.' You meant Domzalski and me," I clarified.
"Huh.. I guess I do-- did." He thought for a moment. "Well.. anyway.. what happened?"
"You passed out," Mrs. Nuñez lied.
"Yes. A vasovagal episode, most likely," Barbara made her way over to tell the detective.
"I've got a bruise--"
"You fell backward," Mr. Nuñez cut him off.
"After you fell forward, he means," Councilwoman Nuñez put her clipboard in front of her husband.
"Ugh.. what they mean, is that you fell forward when you passed out, and I accidentally dropped you when we moved you to the couch," I rolled my eyes, correcting the situation.
"Oh.. I guess that makes sense, doesn't it?" The cop rubbed his head.
"Of course. But you seemed alright, so we decided to proceed with our rehearsal," Strickler entered in his human form, dabbing a cloth to his face.
"Yes. For the play we're putting on: Trollfighters!" I inwardly face palmed myself. Detective Scott thought for a moment.
"Hmm.. you know, I've always wanted to get into acting. I've been told I have a very expressive face!" He announced.
"Oh, is that so?" I asked, pretending to be interested.
"Yes!" He answered excitedly. "You think there might be a part for me?" I looked at the shocked expressions on the adults' faces around me.
"You know what?" I began, wanting to mess with them. "I'm sure there is!"

(Time Change)

"Why did you do that?" Mrs. Nuñez agitatedly whispered, handing out her new script. I snorted.
"You got yourself into that mess." I smirked.
"Alright. So, I just.. go anytime now?" Mr. Scott asked.
"Yep!" I answered, very amused. I was sitting on a chair, acting as the director.
"Gunbar!" He yelled, flinging a spatula in the direction of the others.
"Gunmar," everyone corrected. A look of panic washed over the man's face as he looked back at the script in his hand.
"Oh.. Gunmar must be defeated at all costs! Who among you will follow me to certain death... and glorious victory?"
"That's it, now, give me bravery," I commanded. "Pretend the spatula is your weapon." The man nodded at me and spun the utensil like some sort of color gaurd member, pointing it at Strickler.
"What say you, sir Tobias?" He moved to Barbara. "And lady Claire?"
"Great audition!" I complimented, only being half sarcastic. Jim's mother applauded the detective.
"Wow. And here you said you had no acting experience!" I could detect a hint of fakeness in her voice.
Come on, be a little more convincing..
"I don't!" Mr. Scott remarked.
"Well, you're.. a.. natural!" She continued. I got up, making my way over to them, gesturing for the others to join. They caught on and began clapping.
"Splendid," Strickler stated.
"That was the most awesome thing I have ever seen!" Mr. Nuñez boasted.

I found myself sitting in the kitchen thinking about what all had happened that night. Breaking up with Jim was harder than I had expected, and I didn't exactly like Steve that way either.
"Oh! A text from Jim!" Barbara announced from the other room. I booked it to their location, standing by Strickler and Dictatious. "They're okay!"
"Oh! I never doubted them!" Everyone glared at Mrs. Nuñez, signaling that she was the one freaking out the most.
"We're all okay. Gunmar got the staff, but we found Merlin? Smiley face, thumbs up," Barbara continued. I gasped.
"Merlin?" Strickler and I asked in unison.

(Time Change)

After Toby's Nana and Claire's parents left, I found myself staring at Jim and an old man that gave me deja vu.
"Jim, are you.. okay?" I asked hesitantly.
"Yeah.. I'm okay.." he sighed, sinking into his couch.
"What is she doing here?" The old man asked the trollhunter, gesturing to me.
"What do you mean?" I asked, needing confirmation on my next question. "You know me?"
"Well, you'd think I'd recognize my own apprentice, wouldn't you?" Merlin asked, a bit agitated.
"That's the thing," I told him. "You recognize me, but.. I don't recognize you."
"Hmm.. strange, indeed. I assume you're still acquainted with Hisirdoux?" Merlin studied me.
"Who?" I asked, racking my brain. "Oh! You mean Douxie? I knew he looked familiar.."
"By my beard, lady (Y/n). Who did this to you?" I shrugged, mumbling an 'I don't know,' flicking my eyes to Jim. The trollhunter had fallen asleep. "I sense sadness in you, (Y/n)."
"It's nothing," I blurted.
"Fine. Then it shall be nothing." Merlin rested a hand on my shoulder. "Although I do have to wonder: is your friend a troll or a thesaurus? I'm genuinely curious."
"What?" I looked up at him. "He.. he's a very well-educated troll. Not quite like the others."
"I see. Well then, lady (Y/n), rest up. For tomorrow, we devise a plan to destroy Morgana."

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