Part 26

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Trollmarket seemed to be buzzing with excitement. As if the Queen's arrival wasn't enough, now a game of PyroBligst was the talk of the town. I wasn't quite sure what that was, but Jim was going to be participating.
"Blinky!" My voice rang out near the Hero's Forge, "Blinkous!" He was probably too far away, reading a book. "Blinkous Galadrigal!"
"Great gorgon, (y/n), what is it?!" The four-armed troll turned towards me in annoyance.
"What is PyroBligst?" I asked him innocently, batting my eyes.
"It's a game similar to that of your... basketball." I cocked an eyebrow.
"So why do I feel like Jim's going to get hurt?"
"Oh, he will," Blinky said, "the game is as old as it is dismembering."
"Dismembering?!" I practically screamed, "since when is dismemberment a part of basketball?" The troll stopped to stare at me.
"Like I said before, it is similar to your version of basketball. Now please, out so that I can attempt to educate Master Jim before the game!" With that, he shooed me away.
Draal was talking with one of his friends as I made my way over to him.
"Draal!" I yelled at the son of Kanjigar, startling him, "since Blinky won't explain to me, exactly what is PyroBligst?"
"The object is simple," he began, "Jim and Aaarrrgghh are to get the Gorb past the other team into the Soothscryer."
"Oh.. That seems easy enough." I followed him to the same place in the Forge where Toby and I stood when the son of Kanjigar battled the trollhunter. The memories flooded back. Jim came over, followed by Toby and Claire, and grabbed my hand. I pulled him closer to me, whispering in his ear.
"If you get hit, hit them harder. If you die, walk it off," I growled before letting go of his hand, cupping his face and kissing him fervently.
"Uhhhh... I-I'll try," he replied with a blush.
"Wait..." I glanced around, "where's Aaarrrgghh?"
"I thought he was with Tobias," Blinky stated.
"Blinkous," Vendel appeared, "where is Aaarrrgghh?"
"He isn't here?" The four-armed troll looked around, "I hardly noticed."
"It is imperative that he must play," Vendel snarled, "you!" He gestured to Toby, "the big-headed one. He likes you. Go find him!" Toby saluted the old goat before rushing off happily. "Draal. You're in."
"It would be my honor to compete in the Forge once again." The turquoise troll answered.
"Not compete. Win!" Vendel urged.
"It is only a game, Vendel," Blinky stepped in.
"This, isn't a game," the goat man snapped.
"Okay, Vendel, can I have my amulet back now?" Jim asked, changing the subject.
"You didn't tell the boy?" Vendel asked Draal. The son of Kanjigar sighed before turning to Jim.
"In PyroBligst, combatants must earn their weapons, including your amulet." He rested a hand on the Trollhunter's shoulders. "You take the small one, I'll handle the big guy." I looked at the two Krubera trolls in the arena, cocking my head.
"They look the same to me," I thought out loud.
"Hah. Hard to tell, huh?" Drall nudged me with his elbow before walking with Jim further into the Hero's Forge. I followed Vendel up into the bleachers to spectate. The Soothscryer was raised as the Gorb was released and the game started.
One of the Krubera grabbed the Gorb and was immediately tackled by Draal.
Huh. So this is basically football mixed with basketball, as far as I understand.
Still walking with Vendel, almost at our spots, I watched as Jim raced for the Gorb and was thrown like a rag doll by the other Krubera. My face twisted in horror as I watched my possible boyfriend nearly get killed while the troll scored a point for his team. Their tribe went wild at the sight.
Now, how was that legal?
"Your human trollhunter plays as well as I expected," Queen Usurna stated smugly. I wanted to punch her.
"Hey, he's doing his best!" I butt in angrily.
"Now, now, (y/n), settle down." Vendel told me, placing a hand over my shoulders. I winced at the impact, but stayed standing. The opposing team continued to earn points and even two weapons. I saw Draal talking to Jim.
The Krubera with the Gorb attempted to score, but the son of Kanjigar exploded upward underneath him at the last second, stopping him from doing so. I watched Jim run in the other direction towards his amulet when the other troll began rolling in a death ball towards him. It popped up and attempted to crush Jim with its hammer, but the trollhunter used this to his advantage to jump over him, grabbing the amulet and shifting into the armour.
"That's my boyfriend!" I screamed unintentionally. My hand flew to my mouth when I heard what I said. Glancing around, I recieved a few stares, but at this point I didn't really care that much.
Jim continued to run, now with both Krubera trolls chasing after him, rolling in their death ball. Thinking quickly, the boy used his momentum to run up one of the spikes on the arena, pushing off with full force to catch the Gorb that was thrown at him by Draal. Jim scored the first point for Trollmarket.
"The human body," Vendel told Usurna, "quite nimble." The disgruntled queen scoffed. Her team scored another point and then it seemed to be some sort of halftime.
"Can we go down there?" I asked Vendel.
"Yes, I suppose we must." He urged, quickly leaving, me right on his heels.

"Aaarrrgghh still isn't here?" The old goat asked as Blinky brought Jim back. I ran and hugged him.
"Woah, ease up," the trollhunter said, laughing, "I'm still pretty sore!"
"Too bad." I stated, cuddling him.
"We must win!" Vendel demanded, pulling me back to reality.
"I know, for the glory of Trollmarket," Blinky boasted.
"Fools play of glory," the goat man replied strictly, "we are playing for Aaarrrgghh!"
"What?" Blinky asked in disbelief.
"If they win, they're taking Aaarrrgghh away forever," Vendel snarled.
"They can do that?" Jim asked.
"Why?" I demanded.
"What, why, where? It doesn't matter. Just win the match!" The old goat turned to leave.
"Sorry, that's my cue," I told Jim, "you did amazing out there, by the way."
"Am I crazy or did I hear you call me your boyfriend?" Jim taunted.
"Har, har." I said, moving along with Vendel.

The two of us rejoined Queen Usurna to spectate, watching as the game progressed. The arena was using its weapons now to knock the players off their blocks. Right as one of the Krubera went to score, Jim leaped from the side, smashing into him with a shield.
I don't remember him having that before...
The Gorb flew into the air as Draal caught it, throwing it into the Soothscryer. The two continued to work together, scoring points until both teams were tied.
Within the next round, Draal was caught off-balance and threw the Gorb, causing it to hit the wall right in front of Vendel, Usurna, and me. Jim retrieved it, but not long after was hit, and the son of Kanjigar was pummeled by both Krubera trolls. I gasped as he didn't seem to shake it off in time.
Jim was left to fight the two by himself, and was struggling greatly. Right as he was about to be crushed by the rolling Krubera balls of death, Aaarrrgghh replaced Draal, stopping them.
The trollhunter couldn't get sentimental now, they were so close to winning. He had the Gorb, continuing to make his way to the Soothscryer, but was hit hard. The impact caused him to fall, breaking the shell of the armour. Aaarrrgghh had no choice but to finish the game. I could tell it was a struggle, but in the end, Trollmarket emerged victorious.
I followed Usurna and Vendel down to the arena.

"Trollmarket is victorious!" The Queen announced. "A Bligst for the ages," she remarked.
"The time has arrived that we bid our friends farewell," Vendel stated calmly, "but first, one last order of business." The two stopped in front of our group of friends while I wrapped my arms around Jim, leaning my head on his shoulder.
"Aarghaumont," the Queen began, "brother, we know you are not well, but battled honorably. Will you return with us, your family? Or fight your last days here amongst your friends?" The rest of the group turned to Aaarrrgghh, confused. I remembered the glow on his underarm.
"What does she mean, his last days?" Toby asked, voice filled with worry.
"The choice is yours," the Queen finished.
"Your wound.." Blinky realized at last, "Creeper's Sun poison." He took Aaarrrgghh's hand as the brute flinched. "Oh, Aaarrrgghh, why did you not tell us?"
"He didn't want us to worry," I stated coldly, pulling away from Jim, avoiding eye contact with anyone.
"(Y/n)?" Claire asked, "did.. Did you know about this?"
"Like I said, he didn't want y'all to worry," I stated again.
"This is my fault," Jim said, "it should have been me that got hurt."
"Not Jim's fault," Aaarrrgghh replied, "don't wanna leave." I noticed Toby turn his back on the group. I put a hand on his shoulder, ignoring the others.
"No, (y/n)!" He screamed, swatting my hand away, turning to Aaarrrgghh, "I don't understand why you didn't tell me!" He turned to me, tears streaming his face, "he told you and not me!" There was disgust in the boy's voice as the rest of us went silent. "My wingman.." Toby ran away, violently wiping his eyes. I couldn't shake the feeling that it was my fault.
If I had taken Claire's advice and seduced the goddamned troll! Or kept the action going instead of stopping it that night..
Aarghaumont continued with the rest if the Krubera.
"Tell wingman, he family. I, family." The brute requested before disappearing. The rest of us that were left stood in the Forge for a few minutes after that, bathing in the silence.

(Time Change)

I had received a text from Tobias telling me that Aaarrrgghh had decided to stay, and I was happy for the most part, but wondered if the brute had only felt obligated to.
"You got that?" I asked Jim sarcastically. We were at his house and he was taking out the garbage.
"Har, har. I'm not that sore," the two of us laughed. As he put the large trash bag in the bin, I heard a faint rustling. I paid no mind, as I thought it was a small animal. Jim pushed a strand of my hair back and his lips were about to touch mine when I heard the rustling again. I jumped back.
"Jim?" I asked, panick struck me. I grabbed ahold of his arm, somewhat hiding behind the boy. The rustling became louder as Jim pulled out his amulet.
"For the Glory of Merlin--" He didn't get a chance to finish as I screamed when a figure stumbled out of the bushes at the two of us.
"Please, Trollhunter, you're my only hope.." Our history teacher, Mr. Strickler, came into the light, begging on his knees.
"Hah. You look stupid," I said, brushing off my fear as I saw the amount of distress the man was in.

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