Part 22 (S3)

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I would like to thank you all for being supportive and patient! I have been swamped in homework assignments, but I'm doing okay now.

I woke up laying across Jim's lap. He was smiling at me.
"What?" I asked, a smirk creeping across my face.
"You sleep funny," he answered, laughing a bit. I sat up immediately.
"What do you mean?!" I cried, grabbing a nearby pillow and playfully hitting him with it.
"You broke the museum! You philistine!" Blinky yelled from downstairs.
"Oh jeez.. I assume they've been at it all morning?"
"Yep." The two of us stood up and made our way down the stairs.
"...Trollmarket will be deserted. Morgana will be unprotected." Merlin was explaining.
"Gunmar and Angor Rot are my fight," Jim interrupted. Everyone's eyes flew in our direction. "First, we'll do what we can to clear Arcadia square. So, no one gets hurt." The two of us made our way into the livingroom.
"Actually, uh.. Master Jim, there's no 'we' until the night falls." Blinky set a hand on Jim's shoulder. "In your current form, sunlight will burn you as much as any of us trolls."
"Maybe Merlin can whip up some SPF one million?" Toby inquired.
"Uh.." Merlin sighed.
"We'll go with the children and put a stop to this battle of the bands," Nomura cut in.
"Then am I to fight Morgana alone?" Merlin asked. "I assume (Y/n) does not wish to accompany me in her current mindset."
"I'll go," Aaarrrgghh replied, "keep safe."
"Thank you, oh very, very big one." Merlin stated.
"As much as resent you, Master, I feel it's necessary for me to help as much as I can," I told the wizard.
"The moment of truth is upon us all," Blinky began. "With fortitude and bravery, we can end the threat posed by Morgana, Gunmar, and Angor Rot for all time!"
"Oh, yeah!" Toby shouted excitedly. There was a pause as he looked around. "It definitely felt like we were all gonna do that," he said quietly.
"That's okay, Tobes," I told him. "High five?"

(Time Change)

Aaarrrgghh, Merlin, and I entered Trollmarket. When we finally got down the stairs, I was grabbed by Aaarrrgghh and held back.
"Heartstone dying," he said sadly, staring at the draining life force.
"And, once it's gone," Merlin took a step forward. "Sadly, so is Trollmarket. Alas, that is a tragedy for tomorrow, my friend, for today brings it's own doom." I looked up at Aaarrrgghh to see him sigh sadly. A call came through on my phone from an unknown number.
"Hello..?" I asked suspiciously.
"(Y/n), what is happening?!" It was Krel.
"Krel, don't panic--"
"How can I not panic? What on Earth-- and I mean that literally-- are these things?" The call cut out right as I went to answer.
"Krel?! Krel!" I shouted into the contraption. "Cell towers are out." I turned to Merlin. "We need to find her, now."
"Precisely," the wizard stated firmly.

Merlin motioned for us to follow him into the Heartstone.
"Now what?" Asked Aaarrrgghh.
"She's supposed to be here," the wizard answered, looking around. "She needs the power of the Heartstone." I felt eyes on me as a small sound reached my ears. I whipped my head towards it to see Angor Rot quickly making his way towards us. Merlin summoned a sword.
"Wait!" I cried before the two began fighting.
"(Y/n)," Angor growled. "You destroyed my soul.. and killed me.."
"Yeah, no, you destroyed your own soul," I retorted, a bit of my old accent showing.
"I will not be ridiculed once again!" Angor snarled, running in my direction. I caught his forearm before he could stab me, and Aaarrrgghh punched the troll, sending him flying backwards. The sudden change of movement caused me to fall to the ground. "You? Your friends won't be able to resurrect you this time!"
"Same for you," Aaarrrgghh growled as the two continued to fight.
"Come, (Y/n)," Merlin ordered, pulling me up. "We must find--" A bright golden blast hit Aaarrrgghh to the side, just inches from Merlin and me. Morgana laughed in delight.
"Aunty?" I asked, my accent more identifiable.
"Oh, my dear niece. Do you remember me now?" She swirled her hands, revealing my old crown resting on my head. "Surprise."
"Leave them alone, Morgana." Merlin pointed his sword at her.
"Oh, have you missed me?" She asked, laughing at him. The old wizard charged at her, managing to grab his staff, but was only met with a beam that shot his body backwards. Morgana laughed again.
I guess that's where I get my humor..
"You old fool," she chuckled.
"My magic.." the Avalon in Merlin's staff flickered, but powered down. "You've-- you've taken it?"
"All of those centuries, you locked me away. What did you think I was doing? Let me show you how strong I am now." She lifted the wizard into the air, magically binding him. "I am stronger than you!"
"You won't win," Merlin retorted. "The Trollhunter--"
"I've already won!" The sorceress threw his body across the way, to the center of the Heartstone. "Take my niece with you, and go finish the Trollhunter," she commanded Angor Rot.
"No, wait!" The troll grabbed me by the waist and began to pick up his pace. "Master!" I screamed, clinging to Angor Rot's arm. I was brought out of Trollmarket, feeling guilty.

"Why did you do that?!" I punched Angor in the face as soon as my feet hit the pavement above.
"Agh! I will not disobey my queen!" He exclaimed in anger.
"What has she got on you?!" I cried, staring into his eye. "What could she possibly have that makes you obey her?!" The troll stayed silent, looking at the ground. "Don't want to tell me? Fine. Legilimens!"

*****Enter Angor Rot's mind*****

Black sea, Bulgaria, 1297 A.D.

A young Angor Rot enters a cave on a raft. He looks fearfully at a dark path ahead of him, holding up a torch. Speaking an incantation, the troll gently removes a small bird from a pouch that hangs on his belt. The bird flies into the darkness, and let's out a screech that is quickly silenced.
"I call you forth! Argante." There is no rasp in his voice. "Lady Pale." A bit of an American accent can be detected. "Baba Yaga. Eldritch Queen." His voice becomes desperate with every title he calls.
"I have many names," a woman states, startling the troll. Her voice booms as sound waves from her amplitude cause the flames on Angor Rot's torch to perish. The water behind him is illuminated with a purple glow.
"I come to trade," Angor's voice wavers as he drops his torch. "Gunmar's war for the surface lands has ravaged my village. I need the power to protect my people," Angor explains.
"You seek magic, but what makes you worthy?" The womanly voice inquires. Angor Rot pulls out a knife and plunges the blade into his side, pulling out his own values from his flesh.
"Here. My offering: carved from my own living stone," he holds out the crystals, walking a bit closer into the darkness ahead of him. He puts the crystals into a female's outstretched hand. She squeezes them, transforming them into a single ring. Her magics float into his own hand, giving off a golden aura. "Yes.. I can.. I can feel it!" He exclaims excitedly. "It is so.. it is so..." Suddenly, the aura dies out, leaving him confused. "Agh!" Angor Rot cries out, doubling over. He let's out a roar, falling to his knees as his soul leaves his body. The newly made ring absorbs the aura. "My soul!" The troll realizes, fear coursing through his veins. "You lied to me!"
"You fool..." the woman chuckles, putting on the ring. "Your flesh is worth nothing."
"What have you done to me?" Angor Rot manages to ask. "Inside, I am so.. so.. empty!"
"I gave you what you wanted," the woman answers while the weakened troll stumbles back to his raft. "Now, your soul is mine!" She screams. "You will seek Merlin's champions and bring death to his Trollhunters!" Angor Rot crouches on his raft as it floats away, feeling scared and violated.
"No!" He shouts in agony as he leaves.

*****Present Time*****

Angor stumbled back, holding his head.
"She... she violated you.." I whispered, taking a step back with a hand on my mouth. "I can't believe she's done this." I looked up at him. "You used to be a hero!" I screamed.
"Enough of your mind games!" He cried, racing off. "I will not fail again!"

Trollhunters - Jim x [Female] Reader (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now