Part 8 (S3)

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I faded in and out of consciousness for minutes at a time to see Morgana's golden outline standing over me in a sleep paralysis state.

I was sitting down, arms wrapped around my knees that were pulled to my chest, gently rocking back and forth on Claire's bed. Jim was on the phone with Blinky, and Toby burst through the girl's bedroom door with a pot on his head.
"Jim! (Y/n)! Are you okay?!" I shook my head.
"I think she's my aunt.." I whispered under my breath, too shocked to laugh at my friend's strange getup. I still didn't believe it. I thought by saying out loud it would make more sense, but it didn't. "I think she's my aunt..." My voice was barely audible.
"She's what?" Toby asked. NotEnrique's ears perked up. I said nothing, my mind going blank. The three of them tied up an unconscious Claire while I continued to sit, rocking myself back and forth.
"(Y/n) thinks Morgana is related to her," Jim said. Ignoring him, I looked over to see Claire's eyes flutter open for a moment. They were somewhat normal before they shut once more. I fell into a laying position and felt myself fade into darkness. This time it was different.
"Hello?" I called out. My surroundings were unidentifiable, as if I was blind. It smelled like the air after it rains.
"Why do you push me away?" Morgana's voice boomed in my ears. "Have you forgotten from whence you came?!" I clamped my hands over my ears. "Perhaps you should take a trip down your memory lane!"

*Scroll slowly for dramatic effect*

"Father! Father!" A young girl ran through the hall of a castle. She was around the age of six.
"Yes, my princess?" The King asked her, holding out his hand. He was a large man, wearing silver armor. He had a short beard, scars on his face, and wore a gold crown with a blue crystal in the middle of it. His sister stood next to him, watching her niece. She had bangs parted down the middle, and a long, red braid trailing down her back.
"Look, Father!" The small child swirled her hands, making a rose out of pure red magic. The King gasped, stumbling back. His sister smiled in delight and clapped for the girl.
"No.. It can't be.." He angrily grabbed her wrist, pulling her to a part of the castle she had never been. "Morgana! How dare you applaud this! The use of magic is strictly forbidden in my kingdom."
"Surely you wouldn't cast out your own daughter! My own niece!" The woman snarled, following them.
"I shall hear no more of this. If my daughter is to one day rule, there will be no magic. I will not endanger my people by keeping sorcery within its walls!" The King forcefully pushed open a door. An old man in black armour stood in the middle of the tower they had entered, staring into a green crystal attached to a tall staff.
"Arthur," he stated, not looking up. "What brings you to this wing, old friend?"
"This is not the time for reunion, wizard! I..." The King dropped his eyes to the floor, still holding onto his daughter's wrist. She cowered behind him. "There's been a mistake."
"Ah.. You come seeking guidance for the young one?"
"This is your doing, isn't it?!"
"My King," the Wizard turned towards the two, an annoyed expression on his face, "(Y/n)'s nature is not in my control."
"Just fix it, wizard." The King stormed out, leaving his daughter with the strange old man.
"What's going to happen to me?" The little girl asked, afraid. The wizard knelt down, holding out his hand.
"We're going to teach you how to use your magic for the good of the Kingdom," Morgana said.

My eyes shot open. I was restrained.
"She's my aunt!" The words flew out of my mouth. I didn't care who heard me. I didn't care about anything. All I cared about was finding out what happened in my past.
"Ah, so you've finally come to your senses..." Morgana's voice came out of Claire's mouth next to me. "Are you ready to finish what we started?"
"No!" I yelled, leaning away from her.
"(Y/n)!" Strickler called. "Are you alright?!" My eyes flickered over to him. The man was holding the shadow staff, keeping a portal open.
"Do not worry, young one," Morgana told me, "we shall be free soon enough...!"
"I don't want to be free if it means the world is going to end!" I snarled at her.
"Foolish girl!" She began to float, still restrained. "You once cared for trolls, as I do!" I looked down in shame, beginning to question myself.
"It doesn't matter what you care for now, (Y/n)!" Strickler broke through my mind. "All that matters is that you don't let her win! Jim is in th--"
"Oh.. you poor soul, standing in the presence of his lady creator.." She smirked. "You expect that feeble boy to be your savior, when a diety is before you?!" She suddenly snapped, growing angry.
"I don't deny who you are," the changeling stated. "But I choose to believe there's a better way!" The girl disappeared suddenly. I fearfully looked around.
"I know your heart, Stricklander." Her voice echoed. "You desire power. Changelings aren't equals, they're better."
"I've heard all this before!" The man cried.
"But I can offer something better," out of nowhere, Barbara now sat in the restraints. She was wearing a white off the shoulder top, instead of her usual medical scrubs. "The heart of another..." We sat in silence for a moment.
"Nice try. She's done with me," Strickler stated coldly.
"But I can bend her will. I will make her fall in love with you despite the monster that you are. All you have to do... is drop the staff... and seal their fate." The man raised the Skathe Hrün to study, and looked back at 'Barbara.'
"Strickler! No!" Blinky burst in, "don't listen to her!" Morgana made objects and furniture fly in his direction, hitting him into the hallway, shutting the door, and barricading it.
"Blinky!" I cried, seeing this. Morgana paid no attention to his attempts to get through the door, seductively getting closer to Strickler. I thought for once, remembering how I got out of my ropes the president time, and blasted them with magic. To my surprise, they came off.
Wow. I thought they enchanted these!
"Now it's just you and me..." the woman said to the changeling in a smoky tone.
"And me," I cut in, socking her in the jaw.
Sorry, Barbara!
She fell back, groaning. "That felt good," I stated, rubbing my knuckles. My attention turned to Strickler.
"All I have to do is let go," he said softly. I furrowed my brows as he suddenly shook his head. "But I've come to learn that a stolen heart is never truly yours!" He took a step back. "Agh!" His eyes flickered black for a moment.
"All you have to do is let go of the staff..." Barbara-Morgana said. The man's eyes fell completely black, glowing a bright orange at the iris. I ran to the door and opened it, causing Blinky to fall to the floor with the shift in momentum.
"What faustian bargain did you make with the witch?!" The four-armed troll yelled.
"I said no, you idiot!" Strickler shot back. "Now where is that gag?" I looked over to see Morgana staring at me, turning back into Claire.
"Oh, my dear niece.. Why do you fight against me? We are the future. We are their doom!" She screamed at me. "Azazazuth-Kinekh, Thoon!" The Scathe Hrün flew from Strickler's hands and, before he could catch it, went through the portal, disappearing.
"No!" I screamed, lunging at her. Blinky held me back.
"Master Jim has survived the impossible," he said into my ear, "we must have hope."

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