Part 32

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I left Vendel in the Heartstone to find Jim. The sudden outburst had my gears turning.
Why can't I say her name? Morgana is a fictional character! I'm so confused right now. Oh well, I need to find Jim.
There was a giant rumbling throughout Trollmarket. Everyone began to panic, running for the safety of their homes.
"Hurry! Protect yourselves! Everyone!" Vendel bolted in front of me, gesturing to buildings with his staff. I had never seen the old goat move so quickly.

I frantically met Jim at the stairs, along with the rest of our friends.
"Is he knocking?" Toby asked, war hammer at the ready, "is that some sort of troll war etiquette?"
"I believe he's attempting to intimidate us," Blinky stated, staring up at the debris beginning to fall.
"He's expecting us to hide," Jim replied, "I say we take the fight to him. Draal, hold the stairs. Blink, Claire, Tobes, protect Trollmarket. (Y/n), get to the Gyre station. Aaarrrgghh, NotEnrique, with me." The trollhunter began climbing the staircase.
"I'm rather comfy where I am," said NotEnrique before Draal hit him with the side of his axe blade, sending the changeling flying up the stairs. "Ya brute!" He snarled. I chuckled, fist bumping the son of Kanjigar before rushing to the Gyre station.

The wall swirled into an opening, revealing none other than Angor Rot.
"(Y/n).." the troll growled, a smirk on his face.
"Angor.." I mimicked his tone, brows furrowed, lips pursed.
"My wish is for you to leave unharmed, but if you so much as try to stop me.. I will kill you myself." His gravelly voice reached my ears.
"Well then," I stated, running at him. He dodged, then tried to trip me but I knew the motion too well. I jumped over his leg, landing behind him. Angor turned his body towards me, fuming.
I threw a high kick at him but he grabbed my foot, clutching it to his side. Unbeknownst to him, this was exactly what I wanted. Both of our right hands found themselves on the back of each other's necks as I shifted my momentum and jumped over his head. The two of us spiraled to the ground. My hands now were clutching his wrist tightly to my chest, straightening his arm. My legs wrapped around his shoulder, keeping him in place.
"Agh!" He roared, desperately tried to roll away. "I won't go that easy," the troll growled, pulling his blade out. He swiped at my legs, causing me to release him before I could be killed.
"Dumbass.." I muttered under my breath. Angor started towards me, but I kicked his knee, straightening his leg, pushing him back.
"You cannot win, huntress," he remarked.
"And what makes you think that?" I rolled my eyes, magic pulsing. Angor threw something off to the side, smirking at me. A red crystal golem rose from the shadows, aggressively stepping towards me as the troll ran away. I quickly blasted its arm off before it could punch me.
That's new..
The arm regenerated and I remembered the glass ones a while back. I used my emotions once more to shoot the carving out of the soulless creature. My fingers wrapped around the stone, crushing it my own hand.
Time to find him again.. God dammit.

By the time I made it past three more golems, Trollmarket was crawling with them. I fought off two more on my way to Toby, who seemed to be struggling to pick up his war hammer. My gaze fell on Aaarrrgghh who hurled himself in front of the boy. A blue golem pushed me to the ground, diverting my attention from the troll.
Tears fell from my eyes when I looked back and realized what Aaarrrgghh had done. The handle of Angor's blade stuck out of his chest, turning him to stone.
"AAARRRGGHH!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, energy bursting out of my entire body. It was as if I was seeing through a slightly red screen as I threw golems to the side with ease. My only destination: Angor Rot.
"I'm going to kill you!" Toby began trying to hit him, but was only laughed at by the maniac troll.
"I destroyed your soul!" I scolded, "your fight is with me, not them!" My voice sounded somewhat disembodied. I moved furiously to him, grabbing him by the neck and flinging our bodies into the Hero's Forge.
"(Y/n)!" Jim called after a few minutes. He pushed me out of the way and kicked Angor's hand into his stomach. I looked up, the redness fading from my vision, to see Toby coming through one of Claire's portals. The troll turned to stone and was smashed by the war hammer. Many souls were released and flew into some of the previous trollhunters' remains that were surrounding the Forge.
"Is he dead?" I asked stupidly.
"He'd better be," Toby growled, kicking one of the rocks.

These chapters are a bit short, I apologize; the semester is nearly over at my school and I have more things put on my plate than usual.

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