Part 25

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We've gotten this far in the story, I don't think I have to continue putting trigger warnings if y'all are still here😂

Aaarrrgghh followed me away from the action. The two of us popped into Blinky's library, completely alone. I studied his face; it seemed like he was disturbed and on edge. A faint purple glow on his underarm caught my eye.
"What's that?" I asked, startling him. The brute turned towards me with a hateful look.
"What you see?" He snarled, pinning me up against the bookshelf with his large hand.
"Woah chill, bro," I stared in shock, pointing to his underarm. The brute seemed to realize his actions, quickly letting go.
"Sorry.." he trailed off, avoiding eye contact.
"Aaarrrgghh, are you okay?" I asked. He shook his head, gazing at the Inferna Corpula. "What happened?"
"Angor.. Rot." I shuddered at the name as it left his mouth.
"Does Blinky know?" He shook his head. "Why? I thought--"
"(Y/n)?" Jim's voice sounded in the doorway, "are you in here?"
"Yeah, what's up?" I walked to the trollhunter, throwing a glance at Aaarrrgghh before Jim grabbed my hand.
"I just.. wanted to see you," he replied with a small smile.
"Oh, really?" I gave a mischievous smirk, rounding the corner and pushing him against the wall.
"Woah," he grunted against the impact. My ringed hand hit the wall next to his head, my other one resting on his chest.
"I was starting to think you didn't like me, Jim Lake," I whispered seductively in his ear, watching his face reddening.
"I, um.." The boy struggled to speak as my gaze fell on his lips before flying up to his eyes. I stayed silent for a few seconds, studying his face.
"Aren't you going to kiss me?" I blurted. He seemed caught off-guard before flipping our stance to where he was now pinning me to the wall. My shoulders tensed and I felt my face growing hot.
"I didn't know you wanted me to," the trollhunter replied, his breath increasing. I felt my hand grabbing ahold of the front of his jacket, and I forcefully pulled him in; a small sound escaping his lips when they fell on mine.
"What was that about?" Jim asked when I pulled away.
"What?" I asked, smirking. I could see a different feeling in his eyes. My face grew serious, "what is it?"
"(Y/n), what are we?" He asked, tapping his two pointer fingers.
"Um.." I furled my brows, "well, we're humans, I don't know if you've noticed." He laughed.
"No, I mean relationship wise," his voice stone.
"Well, until you ask me out, I guess we're friends with benefits," I replied sarcastically.
"Um, well.. (y/n)?" The boy looked into my eyes, grabbing ahold of my wrist.
"Yes?" I asked eagerly.
"Do y--"
"Jim, where'd you--" Toby appeared, his gaze jumped from me to Jim. "Uhh... am I interrupting something?" I turned towards the trollhunter.
"Was he?" I heard myself ask.
"Uhhh... you know what? Let's talk later," Jim said to me. "What is it, Tobes?"
"Yeah, you know, I just wanted to see where you went because I thought we were leaving soon," Toby looked in my direction, "but I'll go away if you need a few minutes."
"We can go now," I responded, "Jim can tell me later."
"Sweet, let's go," Toby chirped.

Ugh I didn't sleep much, I'll post an extra long chapter tomorrow, sorry guys..😓

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