Part 6

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Terribly sorry I didn't write yesterday, something came up :(
Possible Trigger Warning ⚠️

I looked in the bathroom mirror. I couldn't believe Jim actually liked me. I studied my face, then my hair, and then my body.
How could he be attracted to this?
The insecurities were getting the best of me. I removed the sweatshirt I was wearing, revealing a tank top that tightly wrapped my torso. Looking at my boobs, then at my waist, my eyes fell on my arms. Jim had never seen my actual arms. I would always wear long-sleeved shirts.
My wrists had scars up and down them. I wished they would just go away. I removed my pants, revealing stretch marks on my upper thighs, traveling up to my butt.
Is this from fat, or muscle? He will never like the real you.
I finished removing my clothing and stepped into the shower.
Hot water ran over my body. I began to sob. No one would ever like me, how could this have happened? Jim's words filled my head, and I was unable to stop thinking about them.

(Time Change)

The next day at school, I contemplated talking to him. I realized that I needed to say something at least. As I made my way towards Tobias and Jim, something stopped me dead in my tracks. I listened to their conversation. They were talking about someone named Claire.
Was that the one girl in my geometry class?
Suddenly Tobias spotted me, sending a worried look towards Jim that I would recognize anywhere. I had just caught them in a conversation I wasn't supposed to be hearing. I couldn't hold back my tears as I ran away.
"(Y/n)! Wait!" They called after me.
I found myself in the girls' bathroom. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I stared at myself in the mirror.
I knew it. No one will ever like you, you useless, ugly, piece of shit!
The door opened. Gasping, I wiped my face, sniffling. Who would walk in but Claire Nuñez, herself. Followed by two other girls, Darcy Scott and Mary Wang. They gasped when they saw me, Mary put her phone down, which I had never seen her do before.
"Are you okay, (y/n)?" Claire asked. I nodded and forced a smile.
No one has to know.
"Are you sure?" Mary asked, putting a hand on my shoulder. I nodded once more, the smile fading. The girls pulled me into a group hug. Why? I had no idea.
"(Y/n), it's okay not to be okay sometimes." Claire told me, "being a girl can be hard."
"So many expectations," Mary added.
"Yeah, not to mention boys and their fragile masculinities," Darcy added. I laughed at this remark.
"Here," Mary said, digging in her bag. She took out her makeup and began applying it to my face, fixing what I had messed up. When she was finished, I looked in the mirror. It was the first time in a long time I had actually felt pretty.
"Thank you," I said to them, "all of you." They nodded.
"No problem," Darcy answered.
"Anytime," Claire added.
"Just text me if you need anything," Mary said, punching her number into my phone. I nodded, and we left the bathroom.

(Time change)

I felt a hand on my shoulder when I went to leave the school. Whipping around, I said,
"Jim, I don't want to--" I was cut off. It was Claire. "Oh," I said, my chest tightened a little.
"I just wanted to invite you to our sleepover," she told me, "It's this weekend at my house, I'll have Mary text you the details." I cocked an eyebrow.
"I appreciate the offer, but why would you invite someone like me?" I asked, genuinely curious. The girl smiled.
"You always sit alone at lunch. I never see you with anyone else, except recently with Jim and Toby," My face softened, as butterflies filled my stomach.
"What are you saying?" I asked.
"I know how it feels." She blurted, suddenly looking away, blushing. Her hand found the back of her neck. "I just wanted to give you a real friend. Not that fake stuff any of those other girls give." I stared at her, completely shocked that this was coming out of her mouth. Before I even knew I was doing it, I pulled her into a hug, which she returned.
"Thank you," I said, "I mean it." And I did.

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