A Special Thanks

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I just wanted to say thank you to a few specific people.


Thank you for every comment and vote you've given. You've honestly been my biggest supporter and I can't thank you enough. Every comment you've written has put a smile on my face. Every time I Posted a chapter, I would be constantly waiting for your comments. Apart of the thrill of writing was in fact getting your response. I'm so glad I met you through Twitter. I'm glad we were able to connect through Wattpad too. I do consider you a friend and I can't wait to see how we will both blossom with our writing careers.

Also...were you surprised with my ending? I couldn't kill Cali off. I wanted her to be happy...


Your voting and comments came out of no where. I saw your votes and then out of the blue the comments came tumbling in. Thank you for taking the time to comment on my book. Thank you for showing me that I can in fact get random readers, and that my readers can become not random. I've appreciated everything you've put into my book. The time, and the joy. I'm so happy I've had you a part of my journey and I hope that I see you in my next one!!


To my newest commentator. Thank you. You were surprised when I first responded to your comment, just as I was surprised to see the comment. I've seen your sprinkle of comments since then and I can't thank you enough. I didn't expect Young Retribution to make as big as a statement as it as and I can see only future growth. You are apart of that and I am very grateful for that.


Finally, thank you to all of my voters. Some of you have voted for every single chapter and I'm glad that my writing is enough to get the vote. It means the world to me to see that in my notifications!!! I hope you guys join my in my path for the next chapter of my writing!!!

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