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"You have officially survived your first month here," Hope beamed as she poured the iced, pink drink mix from the blender into two clear, glass cups, "How do you feel?"

"I feel like I want to cut Dominick's break lines before he leaves one day, and then follow him, and then watch happily as his car either smashes into a tree or goes barreling off a cliff."

"Well clearly things have changed since I was here a few weeks back..."

"Oh they have," I snatched my drink from the top of the bar and took a large gulp, "You know when we were together for the first part of our relationship, you know the part where I didn't know he was a killer, I always knew what he wanted, and he knew what I wanted. We were in perfect sync. It was like one look shared between the two of us, and then amazing sex followed extremely shortly after. Now, I don't know what the hell is going on in that man's head. I try to sleep with him and he pushes me away. I try to take a nap, and next thing I know he's all over me. Then he gets mad when I tell him that I'm not in the mood. So what, he can tell me no, and I have to be perfectly okay with it, but it doesn't work the same way when we are in each other's shoes. Oh yeah, and let's not forget the fact that the man literally hasn't said a single word to me in the past five days. I go to bed, he's not there. I wake up, he's not there. The only reason I know he's actually been there is because his spot is still warm. For him wanting me to love him so bad, he's definitely giving me some good freaking reasons to do so!"

"Wow...so much anger...can I have sweet Cali back?"

"You know, I don't even know what my point is in being here anymore. He told me that I was the only girl he was interested in, but now I'm starting to think that he really isn't interested in anything but sex, and he definitely is not have sex with me. That can only mean that he is having sex with someone else. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if I found out that he was having one of the house bimbo's pleasure him during his office hours. That's probably why I'm not allowed in his office."

"H-how do you come up with such creative ideas?."

"Please, we both know that's probably exactly what's going on." Then it dawned on me, "Oh my god. I-I need to start looking for a new boyfriend. I can not be turned into one of the girls that gets passed around like a piece of trash. I would rather cut the break lines on my own car then let that happen. Know of any single men around here who would be faithful and keep me safe?"

"Cali. By any chance have you tried, oh I don't know, talking to Dominick about how you are feeling?"

"Actually yes," I admitted and held up two fingers, "Twice. The first time he told me that he was too busy to talk and then basically kicked me out of the office. The second time I tried to stay up and talk to him, and by the time he was out of the shower, I was already passed out. I know it sounds stupid, but I feel like he is purposely going out of his way to not talk to me. And I was even starting to think that we were beginning to head down a better road for the two of us."

"I feel your pain and I really wish that I could help you. I know Dominick, but not that much. To be honest, I'm thinking that this is much more of a Sam helping situation then a Hope helping one."

A light bulb suddenly popped up above my head and started to glow. I took another large drink and then shot to my feet, "Do you know what's better then both a Sam and Hope helping situation?"

"What's that?"

"A Leo helping situation. Thanks for the drinks, but I got a douche bag's best friend to hunt down."

With determination powering my movements, I headed back inside into the kitchen and started my search. The place wasn't super busy, but there were still plenty of people moving around, trying to get their daily chores finished. I had a few hello's, and how's your days, thrown my way, but rather than that, the workers of the household kept to themselves.

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