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After my conversation with Leo, all of the talks I've had with members of the family started to circle around in my head. As much as I wanted to not take their advice, they were all pointing towards the same exact answer, and they were right. I needed to talk to him. The two of us needed to have the talk. The only question now was how I was going to get him to actually have a full conversation with me.

"Come on Cali," I said to myself as I paced around the bedroom, "You are a very creative person. You can think of something. Just imagine yourself as Paisley. She would know exactly what to do." A few darkened thoughts slid in through the crack, "Okay, maybe not full on Paisley. Imagine yourself as half Paisley." The thoughts lightened. "Much better."

Pacing the bedroom, I grabbed a piece of paper, and a pen, and then started writing down ideas. One choice was getting Hope to pick out my sexiest pair of lingerie, putting a coat over it and then march right into Dominick's office. When he started telling me how I needed to leave, I would just lock the door and then drop the coat. The next choice was faking an emergency. I felt confident that it wouldn't take a lot getting the guards outside the room to go along with it. As soon as Dominick would come in, I'd just lock the door and keep it locked until we were done talking. Another choice was waiting till he came into the room to sleep, and then as soon as he laid down, I would roll right on top of him. I'd just have to make sure that I was naked. Hard to deny the woman you supposedly loved when she's on top of you and naked.

"Oh my god, I am going to have to sleep with him." But am I ready for that? It's been a month since I've been here, and the farthest that I've let him get was my first night here when I drank way too much whiskey with Hope. After that night, I started pushing him away with every chance that I got. It's not that I didn't want to sleep with him, because it was hard to deny that the man wasn't sinfully delicious, but what kind of person did it make me if I slept with a murderer. I told him that I wasn't going to cave, that I didn't have feelings for him anymore, and there was definitely no way that I had any ounce of loving feelings for him because he was the worst of the worst. He was a monster.

Taking a deep breath, I swiped at the tears that were sliding down the plains of my cheeks without permission, and then opened my door and peeked my head out. Both of my guards immediately turned and faced me.

"Guys...I-I need a favor from you."

"Yes ma'am?"

"What are the chances that one of you could come up with some kind of emergency that would get Dominick to come rushing up here?"

They shared a look and then offered me a kind smile, "I have a few thoughts that come to mind." Said the one on the left.

"Thank you. If everything goes well, I will try to talk him into giving you both a raise."

"Don't sweat it, Ms. Young," the other said, "We are more than willing to do whatever it takes in order to put a smile on your face."

I thanked them both again, and then headed back inside. After going over a few minor details in my mind, I headed into the closet, and then started going through his hanging clothes. I found an older T-shirt on the bottom row, stripped from the dress I was wearing, slipped on his shirt, and then moved back into the main bedroom. After puffing up my hair, I ran to my dresser, and pulled out a pair of knee high socks. It was such a simple look, but if any of the old Dominick was still alive, then this would be what I needed to help steal and hold his attention.

"Alright, Caliana Young," I quickly jumped into the bathroom and gave myself a once over, "You are hot, you are young, and you are supposedly the love of Dominick's life. You know he wants to screw you, so give that to him. You know that he is great in bed, and that he has given you the best orgasms in your life, ever, so at least you know that the sex isn't going to be bad. It's also probably safe to say that wanting to sleep with him is probably not that fact that you have feelings for him, but because you are starting to go through the symptoms of Stockholm Syndrome. Yes," I beamed, "Stockholm Syndrome is that exact reason that I am willing to sleep with him right now."

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