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"Please tell the court exactly what you witnessed Miss Young." I take a deep breath, keeping my eyes on either my parents or the attorney asking me questions. It took everything in me not to look at him, not to look into those gorgeous electric blue eyes that were no doubt throwing daggers into my chest.

"We had just gotten out of the movies, the 9 o'clock movie, and he asked if I wanted to grab some ice cream before he took me home. I said yes. As we were walking towards the place, he told me that he needed to make a quick stop. I didn't think anything of it, so I agreed. He took me down a dark alley. I was scared, so he pulled me closer to him, kissed the top of my head and told me not to be scared. That he wouldn't let anything happen to me. His words comforted me enough that I was able to relax a little.

We then walked in through the back door of some small restaurant. We walked through the kitchen without being stopped, though I did notice that some of the workers seemed kind of scared and were doing their best to not even look at him or me. I...I didn't question it. I just continued walking with him. Then we moved into a small back room, where a small group of men were gathered around a table playing some card game. All of them looked scared just like the workers, and left rather quickly, leaving only one behind. Dominic dropped my hand, and asked that man if he had the money. The guy started rambling on about needing more time when my body jumped from the sudden sound of a gunshot.

I was turning towards Dominick to tell him we needed to run when I saw the black pistol in his hand.He...he...he turned towards me with a smile and kissed my head again. He asked if I was ready to get the ice cream. I...I didn't say anything. I just let him drag me out of there."

"And are you sure that the defendant did in fact shoot the man?"

"Yes. I-I turned back as he pulled me out. The man, he was um, he was lying face down on the table, and behind him there was blood splattered all over the walls. I remember it well cause the walls were so white and the blood was so red compared to it..."

"And why didn't you call the cops right away?"

"He killed a man," I say, the shock from what had happened still evident in my voice, "Without a single blink of an eye. All I could think was 'what would stop him from doing the same to me.' So...I kept my mouth shut."

"What made you finally decide to come forward." 

"I was at home with my mom and dad and saw it on the news. My dad suddenly asked me what was wrong and it hit me that I was crying. I just...I broke down to them and came clean."

"Thank you Miss Young," he turned back towards the judge, "No further questions, Your Honor."

As he sat down, the defense attorney stood up. His movement was what slipped me up. It grabbed my attention causing me to look his way, and from the corner of my eye I saw him. His facial expression told the whole room that this entire situation was boring to him, like he didn't have a care in the world when it came to his case, but his eyes told a different story. Something about me testifying was entertaining to him. There was also something dark in his monstrous gaze, and in that very moment I knew that if he managed to get out of this, I was screwed.

The look in his eyes was enough to make me want to recant my testimony, but I knew that it was too late now. I was here and had already spilled the beans. I was going to have to suck it up and pray that my testimony was enough to get him locked up.

"Tell me again Miss Young, exactly how long had you been involved with the defendant?" The defense asked as me moved towards the jury.

"A little over a year."

"So you're telling me in that whole year of you two being together, you never once saw him do anything that could be considered illegal?"


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