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The quesadilla ended up being much more delicious than I thought it was going to be. I hadn't had much of an appetite since Dominick showed up, but one bite brought my hunger rushing back. It also helped that somehow, my date actually managed to remain quiet throughout the meal. There were plenty of times that I did catch him looking at me, but he would just give me his stupid smirk, and then continue eating. Not a single word left his lips. I don't really know why, but the whole thing had really irritated me.

Our waiter came back for the final time with some boxes. I noticed right away that he didn't bring our bill, but when I asked him about it, the answer that I had gotten left a sour taste in my mouth. Apparently, the meal was on the house, but something tells me that, the "on the house part" was more along the lines of either we got our food for free, or the waiter was going to get a free bullet in the head.

"You don't look very happy, Cali."

"Just ready to go home." I said quickly.

"What if I don't want to go back there just yet?"

"Then I guess I will be doing whatever it is that you want to do. After all, we both know that we are only going to end up doing what you want to do."

Leaning back in his chair, Dominick chuckled at my words, "I do believe that's a false statement my dear. I mean, I'm fairly confident that if I told you that I wanted you to come across this table, climb onto my lap, and kiss me, you wouldn't do it." He's not wrong, "There's definitely a limit to what you will do."

"Can we please just go back home," I asked, trying to keep the topic away from stuff like kissing, "I've been through a lot since last night. I just want to be able to relax."

"We were relaxing earlier today,"

"There was so much tension in the room. I was too worried that Paisley was going to snap and that you were going to kill her."

"Alright then," he stood up, grabbing both boxes, "Since you were honest with me, I will reward you by taking you home."

I stood up quickly, probably quicker than I should have, but I was too happy in the moment. I was ready to change into one of Tanner's larger sweatshirts, pop a bag of popcorn, and turn on a movie that would make me laugh. I needed it.

The drive back home was a quiet one. Dominick actually kept his hands to himself this time, and his eyes never once wandered off the road. It was weird, and I was waiting for the ball to drop. Dominick had always been the touchy feely type. When we were dating the first time, after being together for a few months, he'd have his hands all over me any chance he got. Sometimes it was even a challenge to be out in public with him, because of how bad he could get. Him not trying to touch me, especially since he's been forcing his touch onto me from last night, left a bad feeling in my gut. That feeling only grew worse as we turned onto my street and I saw the black f150 sitting behind my car.

"Hey Dominick..." I said as we pulled up to the curb.


"Is there any chance that you could drop me off, and then go pick me up some tea. My stomach really isn't feeling the greatest. I could shower while you're gone..."

"With your boyfriend?"

"W-What do you mean?"

"Do you not think that I did some digging into your personal life before coming here? Your facebook isn't really that protected, and you sure do like to post a lot of pictures with your loving boyfriend. His facebook was an open book. I know that's his truck sitting in front of your vehicle. From the sounds of how your conversation went with your roommate, he already knows that I am here. I bet that he is sitting in your room right now, waiting for us to come back so he can display his dominance."

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