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Hope opened a door revealing a neatly put together office. There was a single, dark wooden desk sitting in the far back, with two black leather chairs facing it, and two large bookcases on either side. In front of the chairs are two black leather couches, each pressed up against the wall. An antique looking coffee table sits in between the couches bringing the whole room together. The only thing the room was missing was a tv, but something told me that the office was that way on purpose.

"What are we doing here?" I asked as she twisted the lock into place.

"We are talking, and all of the office's in the house are soundproof," She kicked off her shoes, and then skipped slightly over to the desk, "And I don't know if you noticed, but they had nothing strong out there." Hope dropped down, and after hearing the sound of drawers being opened and closed, she shot back up, a bottle of jack in her hands, "And just like I thought, the boys always keep something delicious hidden in their desks."

"Don't you think whoever owns this office is going to be upset that you're going through their stash?"

"Psh," she waved me off, opened the bottle, and took a large drink, "It's just Dominick. I bet he won't even notice. Now," Hope moved back to the front of the room, and dropped down onto one of the couches. After taking another swig of the whiskey, she patted the spot next to her, "Come, sit."

"I don't really feel comfortable with this...Dominick won't be happy about this."

"If he gets ticked, just show him your tits.


"What...The man was in jail for five years. You really think he was getting laid during that time? Probably not. You offer him even a slither of bare skin, and he'll be putty in your hands. From the way his eyes were practically glued to you the whole night, he'll probably be happy with just a bare leg."

"I'm not that kind of woman, and he knows that. He isn't expecting anything from me any time soon."

"And that is exactly why I pulled you away."

"What do you mean?" I finally took the seat she was offering.

"Look, in this world, alliances are a big deal. One way alliances are made is through marriage."


"Before Dominick left to be with you, there was talk of him marrying some chick from another family. Sam told me that he didn't have any issues with it, but then he fell in love with you before he could actually meet the girl. Now," she took a third drink, "If I remember correctly, while he was in jail, we did have a visit from the family that the alliance was supposed to be with. The chick was now married, but her younger sister must have had the hots for your man, and decided she would be willing to marry him. Dominick's older brother Dante, agreed to this."

"So what your saying is that Dominick already has a fiancé?"

"Well....when Dante went into the jail to talk to him about it, he said he refused and that he was still in love with you. Sam, who had actually been there during the visit, told me that Dominick was refusing to have any part in forming an alliance if it's through a marriage involving himself. Of course that resulted in a fight between the brother's and Dante stormed out."

"So there is no other fiancé?" Without thinking, I grabbed the bottle from Hope's hand and took a drink. It burned as it went down, but I shook it off.

"Yes and no. Dante signed off on the alliance. All they are waiting for is the marriage to make it official. Now that Dominick is actually home, I am sure the girl and her family will be showing up sooner or later in regards to doing the marriage. That is a major issue for you."

Young RetributionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon