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"Alright," she placed the box down softly onto the carpet, "Those are all of the boxes from your car. Where's the rest?"

"That's actually all of it," I chuckled softly, "I really didn't bring a lot of stuff with me. Really just the basics."

"R...really? No offense but you seem like the type of girl who would turn a whole room into a closet."

"To be honest," I sighed as I dropped down onto my new bed, "You're not that far off. I have a huge closet back home filled with more outfits than I can count. It's just, recently I've come to the realization that all of the material stuff doesn't have too much meaning if you really think about it. So, when I made the decision to move out here, I also decided that I was going to leave a lot of stuff at home with my parents. I only wanted to bring the things that were a necessity."

"Geez, are your parents like important CEO's or something? Come on," she grinned at me, "You can tell me all about your rich parents...I promise I won't tell anyone..."

"Actually, my mom is a heart surgeon and my father is a brain surgeon. My grandfather was a heart surgeon too, and my grandma had been the city's top veterinarian who also had a license to work with exotic animals. So really the money was kind of just passed down the line. Each generation of parents in my family started giving their children money after they made a solid career choice. My parents didn't even get the money from my grandparents until I was about 8, and they were both heads of their programs."

"Wow...," her eyes went wide, "So you're telling me I have a doctor as a roommate! I never have to worry again!"

"I actually dropped out of medical school."

"Wait, what?" Her excitement vanished.

I gave her an apologetic smile and started to fiddle with my fingers, "That was part of the reason that I came to this coast. I kind of just wanted to move on from the whole life I had started. My parents were pretty shocked when I dropped out, especially since I was following the path of my father, but when I gave them the full reason, they supported me. In fact, the job I'm starting next week is all thanks to my parents. My dad contacted one of his old medical buddies on this side of the country, and he managed to set something up for me. I've always had a good head when it came to business and organization, so when I was told of a position to be the co-owner of a bar, I decided to take it. I mean bar co-owner and brain surgeon are pretty different, and that's what I wanted. So...that's my story on how I got here!"

"Must be nice having parents like that."

"What about you?"

"Well, I actually opted to work straight out of highschool. My dad works for a construction company and my mom is a college professor, so money wasn't just flowing out of our pockets. My aunt is actually a financial analyst for some fancy, business mogul, and managed to get me a job as his assistant. I managed to save up a lot of money, and after 3 years of working, he offered to send me to college to get my degree in editing and english. He wanted to add on a publishing firm to his business, and my aunt must have made a comment on how good I was with editing papers and similar stuff. He tested my ability and offered to pay for my bachelor's and master's. It was a wonderful offer, but in the end my conscience got the best of me and I told him I would only agree if I was able to continue working. So now I work for his new publishing firm about three times a week. Once I finish my masters, I'll start as a full time editor."

"That's still pretty neat. Honestly, the research and writing was the part I hated most during medical school. I give you props for actually pursuing a degree in the field," I paused as something she said suddenly clicked, "Didn't you say your mom is a college professor, doesn't that mean you get college for free?"

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