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*Picture up top has the outfits for Cali and Hope.

Hope had been right.

Dominick was definitely not going to see me before we left.

One look and he would be throwing me over his shoulder and dragging me right back up to the bedroom where the night he promised me would become more punishment then pleasure. Not before he went through on his threat with Hope though.

"This night better be as epic as you say it's going to be," I laughed nervously, "Cause you and I are both dead when he sees me tonight."

"I think he'll be too consumed with his lower head to think clearly with the other one."

"He is going to be pissed."

"Well I don't care what he thinks, what I want to know," Hope straightened me up so I was fully facing the mirror, "Is what Cali thinks."


"And I don't want the what-Cali-thinks-Dominick-would-think either. I want to know what the inner, single, party-animal, Cali thinks."

I rack my eyes all over my body. What does inner Cali think?

The skirt was a type of elastic material, the color of champagne. It went mid-thigh, up to my belly button. Showing just a slither of skin, the top was a tank-top that had a plunging neckline and a thick black choker collar. Match the black top, she tied the whole outfit together with knee high boots with ties at the top. The colors fared well with my complexion, making me look a little bit more tan then I really was.

For my make-up and hair, she went extremely simple. She had pulled my hair up into a semi-tight pony tail full of loose curls. Then added a few free strands around my ears. My eyes were lined in black eyeliner, with a smokey, champagne eyeshadow scheme. I'd never seen my eyes so blue before. I looked beautiful. I looked...

"You are right." I admitted reluctantly, "I am hot as hell right now."

"Oh I know. Just like you know how amazing my taste for fashion is."

"If you have any kind of taste, it's definitely murderous-boyfriend taste." I laughed. Something told me that Sam wasn't aware of the outfit that Hope had picked out. He probably wouldn't have let her leave the house wearing what she was.

Hope had opted for a dark green long sleeved silk dress, with a neckline that dropped down to her belly button, and a skirt that had a slit just an inch away from her panty line. Due to the openness of the chest area, she added a black, lace bralette. Her two pieces of added jewelry included a star spangled lariat necklace, and a black belt with two circle circlets for the buckle. She went with makeup similar to mine, but chose to keep her hair down with it's natural wave.

"By the way," I turned away from the mirror, "Do you have a plan for getting out of here? Cause all it will take is one text from literally anyone in the house, and I'll blink, and then somehow magically be back in the bedroom.

"How dare you doubt my diabolicalness." She grabbed the third garment bag, and then pulled out two black overcoats. "Trust me, I've been thinking of this since Dominick told me he wanted me to take you out."

Grinning, I snatched the coat from her hands and slipped it on. After I slid all the buttons into place, I peeked at myself in the mirror. The coat stopped right at my mid calf. It hid the outfit perfectly.

"Is it bad that I am actually very excited for this?"

"Are you seriously asking me if it is bad that you are excited to go to a club, drink, and dance your ass off? No," she laughed, "Not one single bit."

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