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Of course, of all the places he could have chosen to get dressed, he chose to stand in the one place that allowed for one of the mirrors in front of me to reflect all of his actions. I was trying my hardest to focus on my episode of Friends, but every few seconds, my eyes would wander away from the laptop screen and onto the mirror hanging near the main doors.

    At first, Dominick had just been standing in place, a brown towel wrapped tightly around his waist, as he typed away on his phone. His body had still been wet, the natural light from outside shimmering off the small droplets of water slowly gliding down the tight, olive colored defined abdominal muscles. Now, he was actually getting dressed, but from the slowness of his actions, he was not in a hurry to get anywhere.

    Stepping into a pair of slacks, I watched as the muscles on his back flexed and relaxed in response to his actions. The backs of his arms copied the movements as he popped the button and pulled the zipper into place. He then turned and walked away before returning a few seconds later with a long sleeved white dress shirt. As he slid his arms in, he turned my way and I quickly darted my gaze back to the screen. No matter how bad I wish I could, I couldn't stop myself from admiring the body that he had spent years shaping. The man was the farthest thing from ugly, even I wouldn't lie to myself about that, but letting him know that was the last thing he needed. If he knew that I was still impressed with the body that I had felt pressed up against my own too many times to count, he would use that to his advantage, and if I had it my way, he'd never get another advantage for as long as he lived.

    "You know what," Pretending to be more focused on my show then him, I waved my hand in the air to signal him to continue, "I just remembered something that I actually missed while I was in jail."

    "And what was that?" I asked, adding annoyance to my voice for added effect.

    "You...helping me get dressed..." his voice was suddenly much closer. Taking an audible, deep breath, I pulled my gaze away from the screen for a third time. My breath immediately caught in my throat as I found myself staring into two, deadly oceans. Dominick leaned downward, placing the palms of his hands onto my shoulders, "Everything you would do, would somehow always get me so turned on. You were such a little vixen back then."

    "Well then, I guess it's a good thing you're used to doing it on your own now."

    "We should change that." He slid his hands lower, the tips of his fingers resting on the top of my breasts, "We should change a lot of things..."

    "Don't you have things you have to do?" I snapped, my voice dropping slightly as my body began to register the sensations of his bare hands on my skin.

    "I do...but I would much rather do you..."

    "We all have things that we want to do...doesn't mean we are going to get what we want." I dropped my gaze again right as Dominick rolled his eyes. I could hear him mumbling a few words under his breath, but he was keeping them to himself. Wise on his part.

    Knowing that he wasn't going to get what he wanted, Dominick finished getting dressed rather quickly, kissed me on the temple, and then left the room without another word. I waited for almost ten minutes, making sure that he was really gone, and then powered down the laptop and walked into the bathroom.

    Like the rest of the room, the bathroom was also a complete masterpiece. The whole area was wide open, with a his and hers bathroom sink set up on the right of the room. Across from the sinks, there was a closet, and when I opened it, I found all of the towels, washrags, a few necessary feminine products, a large amount of hair products, and a few things for him. Below those shelves, there were four hooks, one of which was holding a soft, thick, cotton robe. There was a sticky note above it, with a scribbled note. Without reading it, I grabbed a towel, and a washrag, and then closed the doors and started admiring the rest of the room.

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