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*Warning! Mature, sexual content ahead*

My body bounced as it hit the bed. Without looking at me, Dominick ripped his jacket and tie off, and then marched into the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind him. Unable to stop myself, I darted off the bed, grabbed his tie, and then put it on myself. I was grateful to my father as I tied the tie perfectly. After meeting Mr. Grumpy pants, he made sure that I knew how to tie one, saying that 'a wife should always be able to tie her husband's tie'. Marriage wasn't really in the picture at that point, but Dominick painted a super pretty picture for my dad, and my old man fell for it perfectly. We all did.

After checking myself out in the mirror, the dark red tie resting peacefully between my perky breasts, I moseyed on over to the bathroom, knocked twice, and slowly opened the door.

"I'm really not in the mood."

"I'm sorry..."

"No you're not. You're sorry that I'm pissed. If I wouldn't haven't come when I did, you'd probably still be in the hot - fuck." His eyes went wide as I stepped into view. In nothing but his tie and my red thong, I knew that I had him. As much as I didn't want Hope to be right when she said that I needed to seduce him and make sure the other girl couldn't sneak in and snatch him, she was. Thank God for the alcohol...

Smiling seductively, I moved from the doorway to his side. I jumped up onto the granite counter top and leaned back towards the mirror, pushing my chest up and outward. His eyes dropped to the movement. His pupils dilated slightly, and then he was in front of me, his hands on either side of my hips. I could feel the expensive fabric of his suit as my hardened buds scraped against it. In that moment, a very large part of me wanted to shove him away and go straight to bed. I could see myself shoving him backwards, flipping him off, and then ignoring him for the rest of the week, but as I lifted my hands to push, they did the opposite of what I wanted. They climbed higher and higher until they were knuckle deep in his hair. Then to make matters worse, without my permission, my legs wrapped around the back of his thighs and pulled him even closer. What are you doing, Caliana Young? Push him away and go to bed! Right now!

"Do you realize just how bad I just want to strangle you," Dominick growled as he wrapped a single hand around my throat, "You really pissed me off tonight. Getting naked like you were...getting unbelievably drunk...teasing me..."

"So?" I challenged, "What are you going to do about it? Punish me?" Like I had hoped, the words caused his grip to tighten and his eyes to darken. As much as the man complained about hating it when his authority was challenged, whenever I would do it, it would bring out a different, more sexually aggressive side to him.

Finally, his grip tightened to the point where I could feel the pressure around my airway. It usually took a lot on my part to push him as far as I had tonight, and while I knew it was wrong, my body was loving every second of the closeness. Taking a deep breath, I reached for his shirt and unhooked the buttons one at a time. We kept our eyes locked as he shrugged it the rest of the way off, the soft material hitting the ground with a light thud.

There was no objection on my part as he leaned in, his lips pressed against my own. I kissed him back without a second thought, moving my hands back up to his hair, and pulling him against me. His grip around my throat dropped, and then his arms were around my waist, and we were moving back into the bedroom. For some stupid reason, I let the dumb drunk girl controlling my body shove my hate for him to the deepest part of my mind, and pull the old trust I once had for him back to the surface.

Keeping my eyes closed, I let myself get lost in the feel of his lips molded perfectly against mine, and the way the heat of his body blended so flawlessly with my own. Soft moans filled the room as he trailed his kisses from my mouth, to my jaw, and then down to the spot where my shoulder met my neck. His name was practically begging to be set free, but right as  I started to grind my hips against his, he pulled away. I was left lying flat on the bed, wet, and seriously turned on. Smirking, Dominick undid his tie, pulled it out from under my neck, and then turned around. I shot up to my feet as soon as the shock from what just happened wore off.

"W-what was that?" I asked as I pulled off the comforter to the bed and wrapped it around my body.

"What do you mean?"

"You just... I'm practically naked and you... You never... What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Nothing is wrong with me."

"Well clearly there is!" I snapped, "I am naked, and literally offering myself to you. You have been teasing me since day one and threatening to screw me every chance you get! Do you not remember when you told me that you were going to bend me over and ram into my tight pussy until I'm a shivering mess beneath you. Yet, the moment I actually offer it to you, you get me super turned on and then you walk away! What, am I not good enough for you anymore? Did me getting into the hot tub basically naked really piss you off so much that you don't want to touch me anymore?"

Taking a deep, audible breath, Dominick swapped his slacks for a pair of sweatpants, grabbed something from my drawer and then came over to where I was standing. "It's time for bed," He handed me a different pair of underwear, "Put these on and then get some sleep."

"No!" I hissed as I threw the clothing straight into his face, "I want an answer, Dominick!"

He picked up my underwear, "You know...I really don't like you when you drink whiskey."

"Well, that's your fault!"

"I'm sure it is. Now please, change."

Growling, I grabbed the bundle of material from his hands, and then turned around and chucked it across the room, "I won't change until we are done talking!"

"Please, just go to sleep, Cali. We have a long day tomorrow and the more you sleep the less of a hangover you will have. You not having a hangover, will be best for the both of us."

"And why is that? Is your stupid other fiancé finally going to make a show with her gorgeous body and her stupid liking of what you monsters do here? That's why you don't want to have sex, isn't it!? You're saving yourself for her! Going to just give me away like trash now that you have some perfectly little slutty killing lady-"

A hand clamped around my mouth.

"First off," Dominick started moving forward, forcing me to step backwards, "let me make myself very clear when I say that if I ever catch you drinking whiskey again, I promise that you will be unable to sit for a month. Second, I don't know what kind of twisted ideas Hope put into that dense mind of yours, but there is no other fiancé. There is you and only you. Third, I'm not having sex with you, because the only reason you want to right now, is because of how drunk you are. Which you and I both know is borderline shitfaced. If I were to have sex with you, which trust me, I want to, and by want, I mean I am seriously struggling with holding myself back, I know for a fact that you would wake up tomorrow morning and hate me. I do want you to love me again, and I know that taking advantage of you in the state you're currently in will not help me in that department. So please, for the love of all that is holy, go put the underwear on that I got out for you, and go to bed."

I opened my mouth in order to argue, but then stopped myself last second. Giving Dominick a dirty look, I turned on my heel, and stomped to the bed, climbing in and keeping myself as far as I could from the other side of the bed. If he doesn't want to sleep with me, fine. He can just keep his hands to himself while he's at it, all night.


I hope you enjoyed the fifteenth chapter of Young Retribution!

Much shorter chapter then normal. I'm super sorry! Still, as much as I wish it was longer, I think that if I change it at all, it will ruin it.

Isn't Dominick sweet? He really wants to sleep with Cali, but he knew that she would hate him if he took advantage of her drunk, so he didn't.

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Next Update: September 16th, 2020

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