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"So," I moved back to the stove without making eye contact, "Uh, do you want any breakfast?"

"What are you making?"

"Uh.... Eggs, sausage, bacon, toast... and uh, there is a good variety of fruit in the fridge."

"I'll just take whatever you make for yourself."

"Okay uh... how do you like your eggs? I'm making mine dippy."

"That's fine with me."


I started cooking, making sure to give all of my attention to the food. I didn't want to have to look at Julie, not with the vibes she was giving off. I felt like I was trapped in a room with an angered snake, and if I made any wrong move, it would strike. I didn't doubt that she knew what had happened. I mean, suddenly you're asked to watch the boss's fiance in a house away from the estate and she's not allowed to leave under any circumstances without the boss around. Who wouldn't question something like that?

It's okay, Cali.... He told you that he trusted her. There is no way he would leave you alone, in a secluded, wood hidden, lake house, where no one would be able to hear you scream should she choose to try and end your life earlier than you originally planned...

"So, did you have a good weekend?" This silence is killing me.

"I did."

"What did you do?"

"Just hung out with Elena. We did our usual thing."

"Well I'm glad that you had a good weekend."

"I did. Though, from what I've heard it definitely wasn't as fun as yours." I froze as I slid her eggs onto a plate. Deep breaths... Dominick just left... she won't do anything with him so close...

"Uh yeah... it was definitely an interesting weekend."

"You and alcohol really don't make a good pair, do you?"

"No," I laughed nervously, "Well, I should say that uh... whiskey and or liquor and I don't make a good pair. I usually uh... stick to like seltzers or stuff like that... It's a much safer option for me."

"Did you drink a lot of whiskey Saturday night?"

"More than I should have."


"Why what?"

I finished making our plates and then turned around and slid over her food. The look she was wearing made me want to run up to my room, lock the door, and slide every single piece of furniture in front of it. She knew about the flash drive. She knew all about it.

"Why did you drink more than you should have? It sounds like you know your limit, yet you clearly, and knowingly, went past it."



"Yes, stress. I've had a lot of stress on my plate, and when I started drinking, I started to relax and I fell in love with that feeling, so I kept drinking."

"I guess you're pretty lucky that my brother was there to watch out for you then, weren't you?"


Julie grabbed her fork and started eating. I did the same, using the silence to attempt to calm my nerves.

Counting every single bite that I took, I ate as slow as I could without making it noticeable. Every swallow felt as if it was a lump of coal going down my throat and not the food. I couldn't keep my eyes from darting towards the fork in her hand. I had been kidding a little bit when I had asked Dominick which side of my neck she would go for, but with the way she was gripping the fork, my fears were starting to come to life.

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