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"Do you know what you are having yet?"

"A little boy," I grinned as I rubbed my slightly bulging stomach.

"Well from the look on your face, I'm assuming that's what you wanted."

"I did."

"What about your husband?"

"He's just happy that the baby is healthy."

"When are you due?"

"August 18th."

"Over half way done."

A look suddenly crossed her face and I knew exactly what was on her mind. I grabbed my notepad to give myself something to concentrate on and then waved for her to continue, "Go ahead and ask."

"Do you think about him at all? About what would have happened had the two of you stayed together."

"Not really," I chuckled as I jotted down a few notes from my previous session, "I mean, there are aspects of the incident that I do think of, but honestly most of it doesn't have to do with him."

"You mean the best friend?"

"Mhm." Sky blue eyes flashed in the back of mind causing a soft smile to grow on my face,

"Did you ever find out what happened to him?"

"Not really. Evelyn said that a car had crashed into the vehicle transporting him. I remember her telling me that he went to the hospital, but I never really checked in after that."

"Didn't want to or...."

"I was just...happy to be done with it all. As much as I wanted to know, I also knew that I needed to move on from all of that. Evelyn and Julie are the only connection I have left to that place. And that is enough for me."

"Oh yes... them."

"Someone sounds jealous." I laughed.

Paisley rolled her eyes and then shifted her left leg over her right, "Well it does kind of suck that they are here and I'm across the country. I miss living with you."

"Something tells me that neither of our husbands would appreciate the two of us living together."

"Who cares what they think." She grinned.

This time I rolled my eyes. "So are we done with my counseling session, cause I do have a doctors appointment to get too."

"And here I thought you enjoyed these kinds of sessions..."

"Yes, when I am giving them to my clients, not when my best friend is giving them to me cause she'd rather go through the drama in my life then be with her husband during his business meetings."

"You have the most exciting drama though. Holly is kind of boring. She has drama, but it's not like yours."

"Well it's a good thing the drama part of my life is over. Now I'm just a happy wife with a job that I love." I closed my notebook and stood up, "And seeing how it is the end of my shift, I shall be going to check on my healthy little boy and then will be going home to see my loving husband. Do you need a ride to the office?"

"No," A knocking noise signaled the official end of our little chat, "Sebastian's driver is waiting for me. He told me just to text him whenever I am done here. Is that the super excited Grandpa or Grandma?"

I turned and saw my dad looking into the window. Rolling my eyes, I grabbed my coat and handed Paisley her stuff, "That would be Grandpa. He's always trying to wiggle his way into every appointment that I have."

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