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"And you were worried that she was going to kill you," he chuckled as he slipped the jacket of his suit over the arm of the couch, "Yet I see no fork sticking from either side of your neck."

"It seems she was more scared of you then I would have thought." I admitted.

"Or you know, it could be because Julie actually respects me," he slid into the spot next to me, "And listens unlike a certain someone." Dominick wrapped an arm around my waist, and pulled me against him, "Did you have a good day?"

"I did. Did you talk to Leo at all?"

"Of course I did. Why wouldn't I?"

"You know that's not what I was asking," I said, my eyes fluttering shut as his lips scrapped against the taunt skin of my neck, "He knew about what I did... Yet he didn't say anything..."

"He was protecting you," he dropped a hand onto my thigh, squeezing slightly, "I'll admit that in the beginning I was angry about it, but after I let him explain himself, I managed to calm myself down. His reasons were... acceptable."

He kissed higher as his hand curved around the inside of my thigh.

"Y-you didn't h-hurt him?"

"No," I felt his body shift more onto my own, "But I don't really want to talk about him right now."


"It's been a long day, Caliana. All I've been thinking about the entire day was coming home to you, and hearing you moan my name while being wrapped up in the sheets of our bed. So let's not ruin the moment we are heading towards."


"Seriously?" He asked as if he didn't believe what he'd just heard.


Dominick pulled back, a smirk glued onto his sinful face. He raised to his feet, and held out a hand. My heart raced as I placed mine in his own, the warmth of his skin practically wrapping itself around my entire essence. I kept my eyes glued to his back as we moved throughout the house. Everything faded around me as I centered my focus on only him. In a way, the man had me wrapped around his fingers. I don't think I could deny him at this point even if I wanted to.

We walked into the bedroom, not bothering to close the door behind us. As we moved deeper within, Dominick faced me once more. He reached for the zipper of his jacket, and slowly pulled it downward until the two lengths of teeth separated from each other. With only a slight shove of his finger, he pushed the shoulders of the jacket back, causing it to fall backwards. It caught at my elbows, exposing the bikini underneath. His eyes darkened at the sight.

Taking a deep breath, I reached out, and undid each button of his shirt, one at a time. I pushed the material gently off of his shoulders, gliding my hands along the hot skin of his strong arms as I pushed the material to the ground. I let the jacket follow his shirt, and then grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the bed.

His lips greedily slammed against mine as my back hit the mattress of the bed. He tugged at the straps of my bottoms, groaning into my mouth as I lifted my hips to help. I reached for his pants feverently, ripping the button open, and shoving downward on the waistband. He shifted me closer to the center of the bed, pulling my legs up around his waist. I used the position to force his pants down to his ankles with my feet. As the material moved past his knees, he shoved them off the rest of the way.

"F-Fuck-" my breath caught in my throat as he buried himself inside of me with a single stroke. I sucked in a deep breath, gasping suddenly as the air didn't quite catch. I tried again, tears blurring my vision as a burning sensation grew in my chest.

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