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The tow truck driver handed over a yellow slip of paper and then slipped back into his vehicle and drove away. Tanner sighed as I approached him. I gave him a supportive smile and wrapped my arms around his waist. He returned it with his own smile and took two steps forward, backing me up against the side of his truck.

"I'm glad that man was willing to let you take your truck back." I whispered against Tanner's lips. His eyes did a quick look over the vehicle he had me pressed against.

"Me too. I'm lucky he was so understanding."

"Did he happen to say why he was towing it?"

"Apparently one of the neighbors called it in. They reported that I was loitering. A little strange considering how often I come here. Did you guys get a new neighbor or something?"

"Not that I know of. But...I really don't see any other reason to fret over it since you were able to get your truck back," also because you definitely don't want to talk to the person who really did it, "I just wished that we would have been able to spend more time together, alone, in my bedroom."

He leaned in and kissed me again, "There is always tomorrow. How about I come over after work, cook you up a delicious dinner, and then we can climb into your bed and finish what we started."

"Sounds like a plan." Kissing him goodbye, I stepped away from the truck and watched him jump into the driver's seat and then pull out onto the main road. My smile dropped the moment his truck turned down a different road. Taking a deep breath, I turned on the heel of my foot, and then walked back inside and up to my room.

Like I was told to do, I began stripping the moment I closed my door. I started with my shirt, pulling it off above my head. After that, I unbuttoned my jeans and slid them down to my ankles. Luckily this time I wasn't wearing a thong, but Dominick's favorite was always the lace, and of course I just had to be wearing my favorite pair of black, lace cheeksters from Victoria's Secret. Taking a deep breath, I reached behind my back, undid my bra strap, and stepped the rest of the way out of my jeans at the same time. As the last piece of clothing hit the floor, Dominick finally stood up, his eyes glued to my bare chest.

"So, how shall I be punishing you for your actions today?" He deadpanned as he raised his hand and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "First you try to stab me - even if you didn't manage to get to the knives - then you talk back, then you decide to run after I told you not to, and after I finally think you are getting what is going on here, through that surprisingly thick skull of yours, you go and start making out with that boy. You have been testing my patience all day my dear Caliana, and I am almost to my limit."

Dominick dropped his hand and started running his finger up and down the front of my throat. I tried to keep my eyes opened, to be brave and hold his gaze, but after only a few seconds, I was enveloped in darkness. Chuckling, he dragged his touch around the side of my throat, stopping as he took a stance behind me. A shiver shook my limbs as he dragged the tips of his fingers down the curve of my spine. I couldn't stop the sound of pleasure that escaped my lips. It was crazy to think that something as simple as tracing my spine with his fingers, was enough to make me react.

"Tell me," His warm breath brushed against the curve of my neck causing my body to shudder in response, "How long can you stand here and resist my touch? How long will it take for you to succumb to me?" He dragged his fingers back up my spine and then down again, "Are you thinking of that boyfriend of yours right now? Or is your mind full of the images of our past relationship?" Dominick glided his other hand around my side, flattening his palm against my stomach and pulling me against him, "If I were to move my hand lower," he pressed a kiss against my bare shoulder, "Just how wet would you be?"

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