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"So, what do you think?" What had I thought? I thought that I hated Dominick even more now then I did before. Of course, his real home just had to be as gorgeous as the devil himself. In the movies, it always did depict the mobsters living in some fancy, giant, mansion, and it seems they weren't too far off. The place looked as if some actress should be living in it.

The wide platform steps led up to four, three story tall columns, and a porch that stretched across almost two-thirds of the front of the house. The place looked like it could fit a couple hundred people comfortably. The windows were endless, with three massive panels of crystal clear glass sitting on either side of the center, and two similar panels sitting above them for the second floor. The thing that drew my attention the most with the place, was the two massive black doors sat in the dead center of the place, both of which caused an eerie feeling to settle in my stomach as I realized that what was happening was all too real now. The last thing I noticed was that there wasn't a single thing out of place with the yard, the grass was almost too green, the shrubbery that lined the front porch was cut to perfections, and the reddest roses I'd ever seen before spotted throughout the greenery. I wanted to love the place, but knowing who lived inside the white, brick walls was keeping me from doing so.

"The place is gorgeous," I admitted as Dominick asked the question a second time, "I'm kind of surprised you actually chose living in your apartment over this place."

"Well, that apartment had the one thing this place didn't."

"And what's that?"

"You." Unable to stop him, he leaned in and kissed my cheek. I tried to make a comment about it, but before my words could leave my lips, the car door opened, and I was pulled out behind Dominick. Sticking to my word, I immediately smiled and slipped my hand into his own.

"Welcome to your new home," Leo beamed as he joined us, "Tomorrow, I can give you a tour of the place."

"Don't worry about it," Dominick chimed in as the three of us started walking towards the front doors, "While I may finally be home, I don't plan on jumping into the work until Monday."

"They aren't going to be happy about that."

"Well last time I checked, I am the boss now."

"God, you are just like your old man."

"I'd rather be like him then my brother."

The doors opened as we approached them, and two men, both dressed sharply in black suits with navy blue ties, stood blocking the entry way. Their empty gazes darted over the three of us, the one with hazel colored eyes staying on me a little longer then I liked. My hand automatically gripped Dominick's tighter, and he pulled me closer to his side.

"They're new." He said to Leo.

"Yeah...we've hired a few new guys since you've been gone. Don't worry though, we already have a full report with all of the new guys sitting on your desk, at least the ones that will be working closely with you."

"Background checks?"

"In the report too. Everything that seemed important, was highlighted, or at least marked in some way that really made them stand out."

"And these two?"

"Are in the report. They are actually ex-military. Got kicked out for not really behaving that way military men should have. The one on the left is especially talented in getting information from people. The one on the right, well he should probably be locked behind bars right now."

Dominick stopped in front of the two men. Finally their eyes were off of me, and on him. "What are your names?" He asked with a straight face.

"Julian Verta." The one who couldn't keep his eyes to himself said.

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