Say you'll see me again even if it's just in your wildest dreams

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Author's note: Thank you so much for reading everyone, this is the last chapter. of this story. The next chapter is some more results so do check everything out and don't worry Hayner and his sister will be back.

{ 488 }

September the 2nd. That was the day your heart broke, and a sadness washed over you, because now it was real, the last week you were certain it was just a nightmare and you would wake up any time soon. But it isn't. You and Hayner stared at the house, the house you arrived in 365 days ago... Your vision began to blur and Hayner quickly gripped your hand. You could feel him trembling and you knew he was just as upset. Upset for your sister, upset for your family, upset for Hayner, upset for your friends, and your heart.
"You ready to go?" Nyx appeared behind you both and you turned slowly, neither of you spoke and Nyx nodded, he took the last of your bags and headed to the car. Fran closed the door to the house and hurried passed the two of you and into the passenger seat.
"This is it." Hayner whispered, you could feel a lump in your throat. All you could do was squeeze your brothers hand in acknowledgement. "I'm- I'm never gonna see her again." Hayner said, you glanced at him, the tears already spilling from your eyes, and Hayner's tears threatening to spill. "I- don't think I can do this without her." His voice cracked and he raised his free hand to his face rubbing his eyes. You turned to him and exhaled sadly and wrapped your arms around his neck as he cried onto your shoulder. For once, it was your turn to be strong.
"we're gonna be okay." You whispered, he held onto you tightly and you buried your head onto his shoulder. Seconds passed, which felt like hours to you, and you pulled apart before making your way to the car. Hayner opened the car door and you turned back to the house, before you had an idea. You quickly rummaged through your bag and pulled out a book, a black and blue heart patterned notebook. You stared at the book before heading to the door, you ran your hand along the book, you stared at the door step and placed it down. You felt the tears fall off your cheek and you ran back to the car and hopped in. You brought your knees up to your chest and you and Hayner began to cry as Nyx drove off, away from the island and back to Hollow Bastion, your year finally over.

{ Results }

Cloud walked down the pathway to stop by the door. He frowned as he saw his notebook he gave you. He bent down and picked it up. A letter fell out of it, and he flicked through the notebook. The first page titled 365 days, and as he began to read the entries he realised this was your whole year here on destiny island, all the adventures, all of the memories, and moments condensed into this little book. He got to the last page, and it was then it hit him, his heart ached and he glanced at the letter, the letter which was addressed to him. He heard footsteps behind him but he didn't move, he couldn't. He didn't want to, for inside he was breaking. A hand went on his shoulder,
He opened the letter and a hand reached round and grabbed the notebook.
"This is... {Name}'s..." Tifa stepped around and Cloud's gaze flickered to her before back at the letter.
"I- what am I supposed to do?" He asked, Tifa felt tears prick at her eyes, as she held the notebook close to her chest, her mouth opened and closed but no words came out as he scanned the letter.

Cloud, I am so sorry. It happened so suddenly and there was no way I could get out of it this time. I wish I could have stayed longer, I wanted to stay, I truly did. With you. you've made this whole year incredible and I wouldn't change it for the world. Cloud, from the bottom of my heart, I...
"Cloud?" Tifa began, he crumpled up the letter and ran his free hand over his face as he exhaled heavily. Tifa placed her hand on his shoulder and rubbed it gently.
"She's gone. She's really gone." He repeated, Tifa shook her head as tears slipped down her cheeks, she raised her hands up and wrapped them around his shoulder's pulling him into a hug. He buried his head into her neck and she cried softly, not only had he lost the love of his life, but she had lost two precious friends and nothing could take that pain away...

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