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We came to a stop.

"Are we here?" I asked Jackson as I heard him place the car in park.

"We are. But Kane there's another car here too. We should be careful."

My heart sank. What if Hera was in danger now. I'd never forgive myself. Not ever if something happened to her.

We both stepped out of the vehicle. I gripped Jackson forearm as we made it up the stairs together. I hated my eyes in this moment. I cursed my deficiency. How could I protect?

We stopped at the top of the stairs and I heard Jackson cock his handgun.

"Listen whatever you hear or feel or sense don't say a word Kane. If he's in there with her we want to catch him off guard. Follow me." I was never more grateful for Jackson's military background.

I heard the quiet click of the knob as Jackson turned it. It wasn't locked and I knew that wasn't a good sign. My heart was pounding. I could hear it in my ears. Hear the sound of blood rushing through me too quickly. Hera always locked the door. I listened as the door swung open slowly. I couldn't hear anything else but my ragged breathing and my heart sank. Where was she?

Jackson moved forward and I stayed closed behind. I almost tripped over something and reached down to feel her purse. And inwardly groaned.

Jackson's hand came back halting me. I could hear crying from the direction of her room. And then that pricks voice taunting her. And then the sound of his lips against hers.

I didn't realize I was moving until I felt Jackson hand grab my arm. Everything behind my mostly useless eyes were red. My blood was boiling. Tom was a dead man.

"No Kane, let me!" Jackson whispered, quiet but urgent.

I don't know exactly what transpired but I heard the door slam open. And Toms voice.

"What the fuck!"

"Get the fuck down man!" Jackson's  booming voice and then I heard the bed rustle. I could make out Jackson's massive body pulling Tom off and I heard his weak attempt to wrestle him.

A loud thump hit the ground.

"Stay down dude or I will shoot you!"

Jackson was safe.

"She's on the bed Kane but she's not moving."

It was all I needed before I rushed the bed. I ran into the corner knocking my shin and not giving a fuck. I could see her slumped silhouette against the headboard.

"Hera! Hera baby!!" My hands felt her body. Her arms were taped up. And her face head was lolled to the side. I could smell the tinny scent of blood and when I reached for her face I felt the sticky line of drying blood.

"She got a head wound Jackson, call 911!"
"Baby baby!! Open your eyes baby please!"


"Jackson help her please?!" My tears were streaming I was helpless all I could do was pull her into my arms.

I held her until the ambulance showed up.  They wouldn't let me leave with her and I was anxious as I waited to speak to the police.

Then they came and arrested Tom Smith. Fortunately without hestitation But I regretted not getting my own punch in as they took my statement. I explained the few instances of harassment that Hera had experienced. And told them i had gotten a distressing call from her before we arrived.

They attempted to condemn us for showing up armed instead of calling first and I listened disinterested. If we would have waited he could have...could have... ugh I could even think the words in my own head.

I was grateful he didn't get a chance to do worse. What had transpired was disgusting enough.

Jackson called Grayson and Enzo for me so they could take me to the hospital while Jackson gave his statement. I had some very serious lawyers so I knew no matter what Jackson said or did he would be taken care of.

But I was moving in a daze. My brother and best friend said nothing to me as we drove. To which I was grateful for. And Enzo called Penny for me.

Fortunately, they led us back to a waiting room quickly and after a few minutes Enzo shook my shoulder alerting me the doctor was here.

"Excuse me are you Mr. Brown? I was told you are Hera Hill's emergency contact."

"Yes that's me."

"I'm Dr. Fallow, the ER physician taking care of ms Hill. The results of her CT are looking good. There are no bleeds in her brain, But it looks like she will leave with a few stitches and a serious concussion. She was able to speak with us some but she's resting now ok. When she's awake you can take her home, but she needs to be taking it easy for the next 3-4 weeks. The nurse will give instructions for signs to look out for. But otherwise things are looking good.

I extended my hand. "Thank you doctor thank you!"

"You're welcome Mr. Brown. If you'll follow me we can take you to her now.

They led us down the brightly lit halls to a private room. Enzo, Penny and Grayson quietly slipped away as I found the chair and moved it as close to her bed as I could get. I searched until I found her hand and intertwined our fingers.

I could feel the wires and IVs hooked up to her as I ran my hands up her arms.

Alone now with no one around I held her hand and cried. I don't remember the last time I had felt so overwhelming grateful. When I woke up blind I was a miserable broken man. And after years of therapy and help I realized that life was more than my eyes. And then I met her. She was the sun shining brightly enough for my eyes to see.

And I was so grateful that she was alive. That she was safe now. I cried as I sorted through my feelings. My love. My fear.

I reveled in the sound of her heart


Beep beep
Beep beep
Beep beep beep

I felt her move as I held her hand.

"Baby? Can you hear me?"


"Oh god Hera! I hollered for the nurse. You're awake thank God. Nurse! Baby oh god baby"

"You're safe now, Hera." My tears flowed from my eyes in a steady stream.

"what happened Kane."

My mood shifted but I would not let it take this moment.

"Not today baby." My voice was tight. "Today I take you home and hold you."

Everything else happened fairly quickly. The nurse came in as well as our friends. Penny's sobs were louder than mine had been. Once she was checked out by the doctor one more time we were released. Penny pushed her wheelchair. Fussing over her much to her dismay.

Grayson drove us home together and after helping her to bed the three took their leave giving us privacy again.

"Kane will you tell me now?"

I groaned inwardly.

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