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His voice was like music after my long and uncomfortable day. I approached the table top. Kane sat in my booth with two other men one I recognized because he was a mirror image of Kane but without the beard shadow and the other I recognized from the magazine article, Lorenzo.

I was slightly embarrassed to meet Kane's brother and friend while they sat in my booth in their business suits. Looking imposing and well built attractive men and then Kane looking even sexier in his suit.

"Kane I didn't expect to see you here!" I said surprised.

"We were hungry after our meeting and then I figured why not bring these two clowns to meet you." He pointed at the two sharing his booth. The two other men grinned widely at me and we shook hands as Kane introduced Grayson first then Lorenzo who, also kissed my hand.

Kane's smiled dropped at the sound and he glared in Enzos direction who just laughed before releasing my hand.

"Let me take your orders and I'll take a break and come back when I get a chance" Kane reached out his hand towards me and I leaned down so he could place it on my cheek.

"Thank you so much baby" he whispered to me sweetly.

I took their orders for bacon burgers, fries and cokes. And put them up on the line. As I was filling 3 glasses Penny came up behind me.

"Girl he's way hotter than those pictures, and his friend Lorenzo is very cute."

"Penny!" I exclaimed.

"Well I'm not dead yet. I mean it's been a few years since Scott passed...."

"Maybe I'll get his number for you." I declared wiggling my eyebrows. She blushed and we laughed.

I got the drinks together and Penny delivered them so I could check on my tables before I took a break. My tables were set and I had a few minutes to spare.

Kane stood up while I was away and I watched Penny direct him to the bathroom before beckoning me over, she had the tray with their food and I took it from her so I could deliver it and take my break.

Grayson and Lorenzo were deep in conversation as I came up and I heard my name before they both noticed me and ended the convo. I set down their food and sat in the open seat by Enzo as we waited for Kane.

I knew they had been talking about me and they knew they had been caught too. After a few seconds of awkward silence Grayson cleared his throat.

"Hera, I love my brother, we both do" he was indicating to Lorenzo but we have to ask. What are your intentions?"

"I think that's between Kane and I don't you think? It's a little to soon for the intentions talk too I think?." I clapped backed. I didn't like feeling like I was on the spot.

Grayson and Enzo looked taken aback for a split second and then both of them smiled at me.

"I like you Hera, you got sass I'll give you that" Grayson said back. Kane arrived at that moment sliding back into the booth

"Are you hitting on my girl or trying to scare her away Gray?" He reached his hand across the table and I placed mine in his. Grayson shrugged and took a bite of his burger.

"Neither Kane, he was defending your honor from little ole me" I rolled my eyes and Lorenzo laughed out loud. "I like her Kane!" He said in between his laughter.

"I gotta get back Kane but I'll see you soon ok." He stood up with me and took my face in his hands kissing me on the lips. I ached to deepen it but I pulled away and headed back to work.

The guys ate quickly. And I watched them as I cleaned and tended to my tables. They paid and left a huge tip for which i split with Penny insisting it was for her too. My phone chimed as they left the 3 of them waving goodbye from the door.

Kane's name flashed across the screen as I peeked. There was message saying thank you and that he'd see me tonight.

Penny came up to me as I cleaned a table. "Keep him girly, you deserve happiness" she said it before walking away cleaning up the last of the stragglers before the dinner rush

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