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What luck!

I thought to myself as I held Hera's hand and led her inside. Despite my near blindness, the route to the market and back home was one I knew well and I didn't exactly need her help despite my broken cane, I could have just called for my car.

But my already heightened remaining senses went haywire when she spoke after knocking me over. Her voice was like her name, that of a goddess. I wanted to reach out and feel her face, to see the beauty I knew matched that voice. I wanted to, but I held back, it was intimate and she had a sweet shyness about her. It would probably frighten her. She didn't know me well enough.

I walked with confidence around my home knowing exactly how many steps it took to get where I needed to go. I released her hand again much to my dismay but headed toward the kitchen and beckoned Hera to follow. She trailed quietly behind me her footsteps light on my hardwood floors.

"Have a seat here at the counter on one of the stools, but please I do have one rule in my home and that's to make sure everything gets placed exactly where it was. Otherwise I'm bound to have a second fall today" I smiled at her.

I heard the scraping of the stool legs and felt the air move as she sat. I counted my steps to the left until I stood at what I knew was the cabinet that held the first aid kit, my vitamins and various other over the counter meds. Regardless everything was labeled in Braille.

"Here's the first aid kit" I slid it to her from across the counter.

"Thank you Kane, really this is more than I deserve after running into you." She apologized again. "Are you hurt at all?" She asked sweetly.

"Think nothing of it. I'm perfectly fine." I was being sincere and I hoped she believed me.

I listened to the clasps snap open on the small case and the lid hit the counter top. She made quick work of her wounds, her sudden intake at the sting of alcohol, was a sound that went straight to my groin. I readjusted myself and after a few moments I heard the clasps again and the kit slide across the countertop until it tapped the tips of my fingers.

"Thank you again, it was kind of you not to be upset with me and I feel terrible about leaving you with a broken cane. Are you sure there's nothing I can do for you before I go?" She spoke shyly and with guilt still in her voice.

My mind jump started knowing she was leaving. I needed to be near her longer I decided. Her voice was a subtle sexy sound and she didn't even know it and I needed to keep hearing it for just a few moments longer.

"Uh...wait Hera, before you go, how about lunch? I make a mean sandwich." I had heard the quiet grumble of her stomach on the walk here. She was ready to protest, I could tell but I pushed on.

"Please Hera it's the least I can do, you may have fell into me but I did make you bleed. And you had to walk out of your way to get me home, Please?" I was nearly begging. I probably sound like a desperate weirdo.

"Kane....I don't....think....I'm not sure..." she was hesitant still.

"I don't bite Hera, I just want to feed you" Damn that sounded erotic to my own ears. Maybe she wouldn't catch the double meaning.

"Uhm....ok...sure" she didn't quite sound convinced though. I was aiming for comfortable and non threatening but I swear I could hear her retreat into her shell like a turtle.

Regardless, I was elated at the thought of sharing a meal with her, my puppy dog eyes must have been on my side at least a little.

With all the quickness of knowing where everything was by memory, I pulled out two plates and Caesar salad and everything for turkey sandwiches. I made quick work of the food asking her for her sandwich preferences and plating the sandwiches with a generous portion of salad. I carried the two plates and gestured with my head to follow me to the dining room. There was only a small round table set for two and I heard her seat pull out. I set the plate down in front of her. I took the other chair across from her wishing it was closer.

Before digging in I heard Hera's stomach grumble louder this time.

"Sorry I left my place without breakfast." She shared quietly. Embarrassment marred her beautiful voice. I wondered idly why she would even be embarrassed but put it aside for the opportunity to be with her instead. Tucking into the food i listened to her pleasure as we ate. Her sounds of enjoyment were erotic as hell and I enjoyed being the one, albeit indirectly, to give her that pleasure.

We didn't say much but silence didn't feel awkward to me. It felt like she had always been here with me quietly enjoying a lunch together. I reveled in the feeling. It was new but not unwelcome. Many of the woman I spent time with were short flings nothing more than sex and companionship.

I could feel she was different. For one she didn't know a damn thing about me. I wasn't famous but my name sparked recognition in those that cared about status. But not with her. It was refreshing and surprising. She also seemed unfazed by my lack of eyesight. While I could see light and shapes I couldn't make out faces or read anymore. Usually people wanted to do everything for me like cut my food, but in the short time we had been together she never made me less. It was new and refreshing. And I wanted to get to know her more.

As we finished up I turned to her and asked if she needed anything else and if she wanted to stay for coffee and ice cream. Her agreement to further our time together added a pep to my step as I took both plates and headed to the kitchen. I could hear Hera getting up following behind.

I wasn't paying attention and didn't immediately detect the the stool as I walked. I was too elated to further our time together. So the sound of breaking porcelain wasn't my shining moment.

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