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Sunday was my only day off and despite my young age I was a creature habit. I had always been an early riser and woke up without an alarm to the rays of sunlight through my shabby but clean and mended curtains. Getting ready for the day I dressed in my favorite sundress. It was just above my knees, navy blue and covered in big yellow sunflowers. I plaited my long curly black hair in a braid that fell just above my bottom. White sandals completed my look before I grabbed the food money, phone and purse and headed out the door sans breakfast. My stomach was already grumbling.

I strolled leisurely towards the market thinking only of making my birthday a positive one. I had my health and my friend and I tried to remain upbeat knowing my time to shine would come one day. My mocha colored skin warmed under the suns heavy rays. Summer would be officially ending soon but California never really lost the sun.

Lost in the bright, sun-lit, blue sky day I received a text from Penny wishing me a happy birthday. Hers would be the only one I received today but that was ok. I had shaken my glum mood from last night replacing it with positivity. Maybe I'd bake me a cake I thought and pulled up recipes as I walked.

Face in my phone I looked up too late noticing a man kneeled down tying his shoe. The mystery man was just moving to stand when I barreled into him. I tumbled into the man knocking us both down in tangle of arms and legs.

"Oooph!" I knocked the wind out of him landing on his stomach. My knees hit the concrete and scraped across the hard ground.

"Omg! I'm so sorry" I apologized as strong arms grabbed mine as I laid across a hard chest. I attempted to sit up but he held me there.

"Wait, Are you ok?!" The man asked with concern. His voice was deep and dark.

On a quick assessment I seemed fine, a little dizzy but otherwise no major harm. No broken bones and my purse was still on my arm. My knees were scratched to hell though and I could feel the blood oozing from a long gash.

"I'm ok...I think." I said before he released my arms. I sat up needing space from this stranger. Eyeing the hard chest I fell onto my body reacted, butterflies began to wiggle in my gut. The hard chest was in a tight white tee with his toned arms and tight abs moving as he sat himself up.

I unglued my eyes from his chest hoping he hadn't caught me ogling at him. I looked up but found myself instead drowning into ocean blue eyes. They were unlike any shade I had ever seen shiny and bright with green rims and golden specks. I openly stared.

Something was just a little off about his unfocused eyes though. I looked around noticing the white cane that lay bent next him.

Without thinking I blurted out loud
"Oh god you're blind!" Covering my mouth despite his inability to see my embarrassment I quickly apologized again. This time for my insensitivity.

"I—I am so sorry that was rude."

Mortified I looked at his face again when he didn't say anything to a toothy grin. Mystery man laughed "well you don't miss much do you? Here let me help you up."

Only just realizing we were still sitting on the hard ground I was embarrassed as passerby's openly stared. I took his outstretched hand and together we stood.
He was much taller than my short frame. At least by a foot. He was young and fit. His head was covered in dark tousled hair and his face, a five o' clock shadow. He was gorgeous.

His hands were soft with long fingers and they felt warm in mine. I ignored the feeling I had low in my belly as we held hands briefly before he released me. The cool breeze across my palm was noticeable at the loss of his warm touch.

"Would you mind handing me my cane please? I just need to right myself." He was smiling still apparently unfazed by our accident.

Silently I took a few steps to his fallen cane and with a frown noted that it was bent at an odd angle. I had already made a fool of myself and now I had broken his walking cane as well. I internally groaned at my clumsy luck.

"I am so sorry sir. It appears to be broken. I have money I can replace this for you." I said thinking my budget was about to get much smaller.

What was this cursed life I led?!

Grinning, the handsome stranger laughed and said, "How 'bout we make a deal? You walk me back home so I can get my replacement and we can call it even."

I wasn't sure if I wanted to be alone with the handsome stranger but manners dictated I help him out after breaking his walking cane and dirtying his clothes. He didn't seem dangerous and if I was being perfectly honest with myself he was blind after all so I could probably outrun him. Not to mention I had my cell and my pepper spray. Ugh these thoughts were sending me straight to hell.

"Yes, of course I can help you home."

Beaming he reached out a hand again, this time in greeting and said "my name is Winston, Winston Brown but everyone calls me Kane. And you are?"

I placed my hand in his outreached one and noted the warmth radiating into my body again.

"My names Hera, you know like the Greek goddess. It's silly but my parents loved to study mythology." I mentally face palmed myself he probably didn't need an explanation.

"Well it's a beautiful name, I can tell it fits your beauty by the sound of your voice." I blushed at his compliment grateful he couldn't see me looking awkward.

"Now if you don't mind take my arm to help lead me home. I only live a few blocks over on the other side of Main" he presented an elbow to me. I hooked one arm through his, the other hand on my pepper spray just in case he turned creepy. Though I didn't get any bad vibes from him.

Despite his blindness Kane pointed in the direction of Main Street and we began to walk arm in arm. Kane and I walked in silence towards a group of small neat homes. The silence wasn't awkward but i still felt odd not filling the space. Instead I focused on the feel of his strong arm. As we walked I glanced over to him casually. Watching his profile. His jaw was strong and set, a playful smile was on his lips. I had admired his chest already and remembered the feel of his hard muscles under my body.

Kane spoke interrupting my assessment. Thank god because I was sure I was drooling. He gave further directions to his home and described it to me, it was 20 minutes more of leisurely walking before we arrived at the address he gave. It was a quant two storied townhouse, painted in a light blue with white trim and surrounded by a well manicured lawn and several types of flower bushes. I walked him up to the door and began to apologize profusely again and offering him cash for his broken cane.

"Hera I don't need money for it really, I appreciate the sentiment but please stop apologizing it was a complete accident, I hold no ill will. Look, why don't you come inside and clean off, and I can smell the slight scent of blood so don't try and deny it."

Blushing I responded, "Kane thank you for the offer but I better be running back home"

"Please I swear to be on my best behavior", he gave me a cocky grin at that,  "please come in and clean up. I'll even close my eyes to give you more privacy." His grin was cheesy at his lame joke but i laughed anyway. "Text a friend with my address so someone knows your safe." He finished more seriously.

I threw caution to the wind and pulled out my phone texting Penny quickly giving her Kanes address and an abridged version of the story.

He beamed at me. And extended out his hand again.

I couldn't helped but smile as I took his hand allowing him to lead me inside.

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