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I began to plan the date as I made my way to my old cane. It was in the coat closest and it was a little worse for wear but it would do for the short walk. I would have to eventually get another one to replace the broken one but I couldn't be mad at the situation that had led me to Hera's soft body and sweet voice.

My body stirred at the thought of her body. I wanted to kiss her again but I'd wait. It would only make the next time that much sweeter. I sensed that she had little experience with men, but I would gladly show her what her exes hadn't.

The best thing with blindness if there was ever a good thing was my heightened remaining senses. Her voice reached my soul and the feel of her was amplified by the hundreds. Sex, if and when she was ready to take it there, would be over the top if her kiss was any indication.

Thinking back if anyone would have told me that 10 years ago at 24 I would find any gift in my severe vision loss I would have laughed in their face. But at 34 I was much wiser. Yes, things were hard after the accident I pushed almost everyone out of my life, but my twin brother Grayson had refused to let me wallow and had helped him see the upside. I shook my head at my wayward thoughts and refocused them to the beauty in my house.

As I made my way to the foyer I could hear the gentle scrape of her bag across the counter and the jingle of keys being picked up. The sound of her hitting the keys on her phone could be heard. Idly I wondered who she was texting. And wether it was about me. Whoever was on the other end wasn't a boyfriend she had made that much clear. Jealousy at the thought of another man near her made my blood boil but I instinctively trusted her when she said there was no one else. I didn't have a reason not to.

I headed to meet her at my front door with my walking cane in hand. I wasn't sure how far from our original meeting place she lived and I wanted to be prepared. I grabbed my phone from the dish on the table by the door and put it in my pocket. If it got too late I would call Jackson, my driver, to pick me up.

"You ready beautiful?" I asked. Her voice was as sweet as ever as she replied that she was indeed ready.

"Well onward then" I said back.

We exited the house and I locked up once on the sidewalk. Again I reached out for her hand but this time intertwining our fingers. I felt her tighten up momentarily, still unsure of herself around me but then she relaxed and I pointed foward beckoning her to lead the way.

With her hand in mine we walked enjoying the rays of late afternoon sunlight. While I couldn't see the blue of the sky I could feel the suns heat still and that was enough.

Holding hands as she led me I began  asking her questions in rapid fire. Some she found difficult to answer like what her favorite movie was. (She didn't have one because she hardly went to the theater due to expense.) Others I could tell she found easier like what her favorite color was. (She said the blue of the ocean.)

With her company the walk seemed shorter than the 35 or so minutes it actually took and I was disappointed to be parting with her so soon.

"We're here Kane, thank you for walking me home. Thank you for lunch and everything else. I wish you would let me please replace your walking cane..." she let her voice trail off guilt was still evident in her tone.

Ignoring her request to yet again replace my broken cane I took a leap and decided that I wasn't done spending this time with her today.

"I know I said we'd be even...but dinner tonight? I'll pick you up at 7pm there's this great Italian place not far." It came out as a statement more than the question I had intended but I decided didn't care because I didn't want to give her the chance to say no.

"I really shouldn't Kane. I can't afford dinner, but thank you for the thought maybe some other time?" I heard sadness and I think embarrassment again in her tone. Obviously money was not a subject she was comfortable with. even still I was confused at why she thought she would pay for dinner. Had no man ever taken her on a date or was she playing it assuming we'd go to dinner as friends?

I couldn't stand the thought of her feeling like money was an issue. Or that I planned to see her in a friendly way. I had plenty of both.

I tugged on our hands, still intertwined causing her body to meet mine. Her softness complimented my hardness and I spoke sternly.

"Beautiful, have you never been wined and dined before?" I let my cane fall to the crook of my elbow so i could reach up and feel her face again. Her skin had warmed from the sun but was just as soft as i remembered. I let my fingers follow her jaw down until I reached her chin gently forcing her to look at my face.

"In case I wasn't clear, Hera I would like to take you to dinner on a date. You know where you don't pay, where I pull out your chair, we talk over pasta, then kiss you at your door as I drop you off.
So, dinner tonight at 7?"

I heard more than felt her gulp of air. And her warm breath spilling over my face as she exhaled. I felt the tension in her body pressed up against mine. I was getting aroused at her nearness and I'm sure she could feel my rising erection pressing against her belly but I really didn't care. She turned me on. No denying. When she gave her consent I was going to do whatever I could to please this intriguing woman.

I was ready and wanted to worship her from head to toe like the goddess she was.

But I pulled away slightly to stop the sexual tension building up between us but held her chin in my hand still.

Slowly nodding into my hand she agreed to dinner. And a pickup of 7pm. I placed a light kiss on her cheek doing everything I could to not place a line of kisses down her jaw and to her full lips. I could hardly wait to be with her again despite her still being here.

"Hera put my number in your phone and text me your exact address. So my driver knows where to pick you up"

I rambled the numbers off to my cell. After saving it to hers she texted the address to mine.

I stood at the entrance to her apartment until I heard the door to her place close before turning towards home.

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