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After the desk and the floor we finally made it to the shower cleaning each other off before sliding into bed. We were both exhausted from the day, the fight and the sex. And fell asleep nearly instantly together.

It was morning now and we both trudged into the kitchen for coffee.

I wrapped my arms around Kane's neck as we waited for the coffee to brew. I didn't care about our morning breath and kissed him on the mouth.

"Kane last night was amazing." I said once I released his lips. "I'm so excited for Miami!"

I turned pulling mugs out and Kane kept his arms wrapped around my middle.

"Miami, hawaii, all just the tip of the iceberg. I can't wait to take you everywhere." Kane kissed my hair before letting me go to grab his coffee.

"Oh by the way Hera, I have a meeting today for some final things with the restaurant. I'll be busy all day with Jackson driving me around. I'm hoping I won't be done too late."

"That's ok it might be a good time for me to head back to my place and feed titan."

"Just move in already Hera." He had been annoyed with me keeping my apartment for the time being. But he did have a point I had barely been there.

"I'll think about it Kane." I rolled my eyes and he smiled. "I'll take the bus to my apartment, pick me up there?"

He frowned, he hated me taking the bus. But he agreed.

Jackson was able to drop me off to the school early. I unlocked and headed to my desk. There was plenty of time to tidy up my desk while the coffee brewed. I got started with all my morning tasks but my mind wandered thinking of what it meant to live with Kane, for real. He wanted me there and I wanted to be there but to give up the life I built was scary as hell. A hand squeezed my shoulder making me jump and spill my hot coffee down my front.

"Shit. Hot, hot!" I exclaimed pushing away from desk fanning my chest where the coffee had spilt down my front and onto my skirt.

"Dammit Hera! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to frighten you." I looked up into Toms smiling face. "Let me get you a towel." He disappeared into office before coming back with a handful of paper towels. "Best I could do honey." Another smile. But I inwardly cringed at his use of pet name.

I took the handful of paper and blotted my white shirt and black skirt. Ugh, I would have to change into my t shirt and jeans for the diner I always carried.

"Hey you know I could help you with that Hera if you need a an extra hand." I looked up into Toms face, his eyes were trained to my partially see through shirt my black bra visible.

I turned to clean my desk giving him my back. "No thank you, I'm fine." I was pissed and irritated with him. Not to mention Kane was right. I needed to be clear. And I would today after work.

Tom headed to his office after I ignored his further requests to help. I used the restroom to change and came back to start my day. I avoided Tom at every turn Especially if it meant us being alone.

It was about time to leave but I gathered what bravery I had and headed to Toms office.

"Excuse me Mr. Smith could I speak with you?"

"No need to be so formal beautiful. Tom is fine." He smiled at me and I ignored the comment.

"Ok Mr. Smith I just wanted to say that... that I've been feeling a little uncomfortable lately. I'm in an exclusive relationship with my boyfriend and the comments while flattering are making me uncomfortable." The words tumbled out quickly from nerves.

He looked at me, a strange look on his face before smiling wide. "That's too bad Hera I can show you a great time. You're a beautiful woman. We don't have to tell anyone."

My eyes grew at his implications. "Look I want to be clear that this is a professional relationship only. If you don't stop I'll be forced to file a sexual harassment claim with HR and the school board."

He was around his desk and in front of me quicker than I could have imagined. His face took a hard edge as he backed me into the wall.

"Don't threaten me Hera, I don't like that." His grin turned wicked and His arms caged me and he ran his hand down my cheek before roughly grabbing my chin to look at him. I couldn't help the tears from falling fear gripping me temporarily.

"Just one date, one fuck Hera. We don't have to tell your rich little boyfriend."

"Please Tom, stop!" I cried.

His hand tightened on my face. Faintly on the background I heard his office phone ring. It was just enough distraction for us both. He loosened his grip and my brain kicked in to high gear. I pulled my knee into his crouch. As he fell from pain to his most private areas I managed to get the office door open and run. The evening bus was pulling up and I ran to catch it.

As the doors closed I turned to see Tom in the distance staring as the bus driver drove away.

I had my purse and dug into it to grab my phone. I dialed Kane's number. His voice would calm me and he would know what to do. It rang and rang with no answer. I left a voice mail asking him to call me back as soon as he could.

It took 45 minutes until the bus reached the stop closest to my apartment. Kane hadn't called me back. And I was fighting back tears the best I could until I was alone in my safe space.

I pulled my purse in close as I walked quickly towards the deli. The streets were quiet as usual but I was paranoid and jumpy.

I took the stairs two at a time to my front door and fumbled with my keys. My hands were shaking too much. When I finally got the deadbolt open I pushed the door open quickly. My anxiety lessened slightly as I stepped into my apartment and turned to shut the door.

It caught and I looked up into Tom Smiths wild eyes.

Blindsidedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن