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"Hera can I try something? If it makes you uncomfortable, then I give you full permission to punch me."

Unblinking I stared into his gorgeous blue eyes. Curiosity and excitement was surrounding me, for what was to come. I said nothing as Kane leaned into me simultaneously pulling me closer. I felt my heartbeat quicken, following the line his face was taking as it leaned into mine, knowing what was coming next.

When his lips reached mine they were soft and hesitant silently asking if this was ok. I had never been kissed before. Not like this, not with this heat, this electricity. His lips opened and his tongue darted out asking for permission to enter.
I wondered what his tongue would feel like in my mouth and between my lips. I wondered if he would be soft or if passion would overtake him giving it a hardness letting me know he was in charge.

I was an amateur for sure and my nerves caused me to tense slightly unsure of my own skills before opening to him.

His tongue played with mine when I opened up for him the sweet taste of vanilla ice cream and the dark coffee still on his breath.

Whatever I had felt at the first touch of his lips skyrocketed, the electricity building with the way his lips and tongue caressed me. I could drown in this feeling.

When he pulled away it felt too soon.
I didn't move or say anything sitting there with my eyes closed replaying the moment in my head. When I opened them Kane's face stared back, anxious.

"Hera? Was that ok...you're not saying anything."

Ok was not a strong enough word to describe how I was feeling. Happy. Excited. Nervous. Wanton.

"Oh sorry." I snapped out of my reverie. "Yes Kane I'm fine. I'm great. That was...." I trailed off cheeks heating with worry about his thoughts on our kiss.

"that was the most incredible kiss I've ever had." He stated confidently.

I was speechless at his confession, I had been sure I was dramatizing the heat in my head. However his face only showed honesty. There was no hint of a lie behind his blue eyes. Kane smiled at me and I took a moment to study him. His face held sharp lines and a strong jaw with the shadow of a recently shaved face. His blue eyes seemed almost unfocused but they were gorgeous with long dark lashes.

Without thinking I reached up to feel his five o' clock shadow enjoying the roughness beneath my fingers. He smiled a relaxed smile and I felt instant comfort with him.

How my day had gotten to this point I had no idea. I had never done anything like this before. I didn't get close to people especially men but here with Kane he didn't feel like a stranger.

Penny was going to reprimand me for spending my day in a strangers home. It made me feel a little nervous again. But Kane had been a complete gentleman he hadn't done anything I would deem too scandalous.

After the kiss we sat quietly holding hands enjoying each other's presence no words needed to be spoken with just a feeling of contentment. His thumbs twirled lazy circles on my hand and feeling courageous I leaned into his hard bicep.

Kane's voice soft yet strong broke through my relaxed haze.

"I probably should have asked sooner if you were seeing anyone"

"Do you think I make a habit of kissing handsome strangers if I was?" I giggled.

I had never had a real "boyfriend" unless you counted Derek Johnson, chess nerd in high school. Otherwise some dates with a few guys that never lasted longer a couple nights out. I stiffened at the thought of revealing my non existent sex life and that at 23 I was still very much a virgin. I had hoped I would find someone to 'just get it over with' but my shyness had deterred most men and the ones it hadn't I found reason to never call back.

"No Kane I'm not seeing anyone. Are you?"

He smiled at that and shook his head at me.

"I'm not seeing anyone. Infidelity isn't my thing plus I'd like to see you again. If you would be so kind as to oblige me? Let me walk you home and we can talk about it more."

"I think I'd love that Kane"

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