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I heard the door open for me and then she was in my arms. I had takeout and my cane in one hand and I grabbed her lithe body picking her up with the other. I walked her backwards into her apartment careful not to go fast to avoid tripping over an object I couldn't see.
She kissed me hard with her arms around my neck.

"What a welcome!" I said once I set her back on her feet.

"On the chance of sounding corny and maybe clingy I missed you Kane"
She walked around me to shut and lock the open door.

"It's not clingy, I missed you too baby. Very much. So since I was coming over I brought Thai I hope that's ok."

I had two big bags with some of my favorites from a local Thai restaurant I frequented. She took them from me and I heard her walk to a table and set them down.

"I've never had Thai before but it smells amazing! I don't have a dining room table so I hope you don't mind if we eat around the coffee table. I'm sorry it's not nicer" she said shyly.

"The coffee table is fine don't worry baby I only care about being with you"

She led me to the short table and I folded my cane and sat on her floor. Before sitting next to me she unbagged the styrofoam containers opening each one by one.

"Kane this is so much food everything looks and smells amazing!

"Since you don't know what anything is and I can't see it we will consider it an adventure"

Being here with her was nice and relaxed and we laughed and tried forkfuls of food together. We talked about our day in between bites. She told me about her busy day and about Penny's anger at her. I hadn't met her yet but I had a lot of respect for her for looking out for Hera. Everyone should have a friend like that.

After we were full Hera insisted on cleaning up the leftovers without help since I had brought the food over. While she cleaned up I excused myself to the restroom after she explained where it was.

I used my cane and followed her directions through the bedroom and into the bathroom. After relieving myself and washing my hands I couldn't help but use my sense of touch to explore a little. I was being nosy again.

Her sink countertop was clear of clutter. The only bit was a single cup with a toothbrush and toothpaste.  And a hairbrush. I liked that she kept her few belongings tidy and it appeared well taken care of too. I stepped back into her bedroom using my cane to feel out the furniture. She had a small dresser, and her bed was small barely enough for two. But her room smelled liked her and I ran my fingertips over a soft quilt on her bed.

"Kane you doing ok?" I heard her call and guided myself back out to her.

"Could I ask you something?" She said cautiously.

"Anything" I said as I made my way to one side of her couch. I felt her sit across from me and reached out for her pulling her legs and feet in to my lap. I rubbed her feet that I'm sure were sore after a busy day waitressing.

"Well Penny gave something to read today, an article...about you"

I groaned knowing exactly what she was talking about, but smiled at her anyway. I hated that article. Lorenzo and Grayson had encouraged me to do it and to tell my story but it was a dumb fluff piece that made me sound like a helpless, poor little rich kid. I motioned with my hand for her to go on.

"is all of that true? What they've written about you"

I was surprised most people asked about the money straightforward. When you were worth millions people were always curious.

"Yah at the core the article is true, they embellished parts for reader interest. But the accident, my dreams, ... the money it's true"

She placed a hand on mine halting my foot rub. "I'm sorry Kane, about your dreams. I know that had to be hard but look at what you've done since, I'm in awe of you."

She reached into my heart and she took hold. People always figured that it was easy to accept my fate because now I was rich so it was all right. But the truth was it was hard to let go of my dream in the kitchen. I loved cooking and creating and how good food brings people together and I rarely got the opportunity to cook now because I couldn't rely on my other senses to makeup for what was lost.

I still mourned that lost part me. How she knew just what to say was beyond me. But with her sweet words she took hold of me and I wasn't sure I could let her go now.
I put a smile on my face not wanting to know how deeply she got me.

"Thanks for not calling me the blind millionaire. Makes me glad I'm not a billionaire then I really couldn't live with that name" I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"I don't think either of those two words are a great description of you. You are so much more than either of those. You must know that. And if anyone spent 5 minutes with you'd they'd know too."

Who was this woman? She was intuitive. It's why I hated that article because not one of the people I had met since it's publication understood me like she did.

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