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I then went in the escalator, eyes fixed on him as the tears rolled down my cheeks.
I broke down in the elevator knowing that it is ending faster than expected.
He is not showing any signs of reconciliation and I don't know if he will proceed to continue when they asked again in a week time.

Every month, PDnim will asked us during the WGM behind the scenes interview if we would still want to proceed with the show or cancel it.

Right now, I am contemplating. I mean what are the odds that he will choose to continue too?


Asian Artist Award 2019

It's been three days since we last talked.

He did sent in short texts time to time and I guessed that is the time when he had the WGM camera with him.

I looked myself in the mirror in my waiting room and took a deep breath.

"Wahh looking good unnie." Skylar commented as she walked in with Min-Jae.
I smiled as I hugged them.

"We got this!" We cheered before we sat down and do our thing.

As we were waiting, the door opened revealing Hansol's face.

He smiled at me as if nothing happened.

"We will come back later." Min-Jae and Skylar excused themselves.

I sat down in front of the make up table and touch up, trying to cover my puffy eyes.

He gave me the flowers as he placed his hands on my bare shoulders.

"You are going to do great. Relax."

I hummed.

"Anyway, I came to let you know my decision for the continuation of WGM. It has only been a month. So I told them I still wanna be your husband." He said.

I looked at him, his face expressionless.

"Why?" I asked.

"What do you mean why? We were gonna aim for more than the other couples right?" He asked me back.

"Why continue if we are not even on talking terms?" I answered.

"We are talking now." He said.

"Cause you want me to continue. To save your reputation." I spat.

"As if you took care of it when you went behind my back with Jun hyung?" He snickered and I stood up, pushing him aside.

He caught my wrist as he turned me to face him.

"It's only over when I said it is. Till then, you have to pay back what you did to me." He said as he pulled me closer to kiss me on the lips.

As I tried to push him away, he held me by the waist and bit my lips hard causing me to wince.

"Stop it please." I teared.

When he let me go, I ran out of the room wiping away my tears before anyone sees me.

"Welcome to the AAA 2019." Min-Jae said as the three of us stood on stage.

The crowd cheered for their favourite band as the first group is getting ready to perform.

Part of the MC skit:

Min-Jae: Ohh the next group is my favourite. And I'm sure it's noona's favourite too!! *turns to face me*

Me: Ohhh who could it be??

The crowd mostly, Carats scream happily.

Min-Jae: Ayyy noona. Your husband is part of the group.

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