Ding Shun is Ding Xue?

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Xuanli open her eyes, she already in the red gown and sitting in front of the mirror with many marriage stuff like jewelry and gold crown in makeup table. 

(Xuanli : Holup isn't the story too fast? I'm marrying prince Ding Shun tomorrow?)

Someone opening the door. Her maid coming in.

"Princess Xuanli, is there anything you need now?" Ask the maid.

"Oh... what do you means?" Ask Xuanli.

"Like maybe a wine?" Said the maid.

"WINE?! FOR WHAT?" Ask Xuanli.

"My princess you already marrying the prince today. This is your first night. You forget?" Ask the maid.

(Xuanli : WHAT? It's not tomorrow....?)

Then someone from behind coming inside the room. It's him again. Prince Ding Shun coming to the room.

"Is there something happening in here..?" Ask Prince Ding Shun.

"Nothing." answer the maid.

"Right, you can go now." Said prince Ding Shun. 

"Alright." Said the maid, walking to the door.

(Xuanli : This is bad! I'm not gonna sleep with him, eventhough this is just a dream!)    

"Oh wait! I'm gonna go to kitchen too." Said Xuanli.

"For what? The maid gonna prepare it for us." Said Ding Shun.

"Alright, I'm gonna prepared it for you both." Said the maid again.

(Xuanli : Ugh nonono! I need to put the sleeping powder to his wine.)

"I need to go so I can check that nobody is trying to poison us." Said Xuanli.

"Well, then go, but you need to be back again soon. It's already late." Said Ding Shun.

"Alright." Said Xuanli.

Xuanli went to kitchen, putting a sleeping powder inside the wine secretly. Then she bring it back to her room.

"Here you go, the wine." Said Xuanli, putting the tray with a bottle of wine on the table while the prince already sitting in the chair.

"Hm, well, I didn't ask for a wine nor am I drinking a wine. It's your idea. So you are the one that should drink it." Said prince Ding Shun.

"Oh well, then I will bring this back to the kitchen and throw it away." Said Xuanli.

"I refuse to throw a food. All things on earth are a gift from heaven so you should be thankfull and accept it with a good heart." Said Ding Shun.

(Xuanli : Not only his beautifull and handsome looks, he is also a good heart...)

"Well, then, nobody gonna drink this, so it is a waste if i put it here." Said Xuanli.

"How about you drink some and I will follow you to drink." Said Ding Shun.

"How about you first, prince Ding?" Ask Xuanli with a smile.

"It looks suspicious if you ask me like that. Did you put a poison inside the wine?" Ask Ding Shun.

(Xuanli : He catch me... although its not a poison... I hope this won't take any effect for me...)

"Alright I'm gonna drink it first." Said Xuanli, pouring the wine to her glass.

(Xuanli : I'm hoping I'm safe after drinking it...)

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