A Chess Match

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It is Sunday. The sun shining brightly up in the sky. Everyone are enjoying their weekend holiday, meanwhile Xiao Dan is running away after she already takes some photos of De Ming, while De Ming is chasing her.

"HEY WAIT!!!" Shout De Ming while chasing Xiao Dan.

"NO!!!" Shout Xiao Dan who is already running ahead.

"Delete that!!" Shout De Ming while both are still running.

"No way I'm gonna delete it!" Shout Xiao Dan still running.

"WHYYY?!!" Shout De Ming.

Suddenly Xiao Dan stop running. De Ming also stop running too.

"Stop stop stop.... I'm tired... Don't chase me..." Said Xiao Dan, she is out of breath.

"Alright. Now give me your camera." Said De Ming.

"Why??" Ask Xiao Dan.

"To delete my photo." Said De Ming.

"No way! If you delete the photo your fans might crying." Said Xiao Dan.

"That's not my business. That photo is my privacy. If you want to take my photo you need a permission from me." Said De Ming.

"Ah, need your permission? Okay. De Ming, I am taking your photo." Said Xiao Dan.

"I just remembered something, nobody knows you are the leader of my fanclub, should I call Xuanli right now?" Said De Ming, while he taken out his phone from his pocket.

"No!!" Said Xiao Dan.

"Alright. Delete it. Now." Said De Ming.

"Should I spread the photo in your house?" Ask Xiao Dan.

"You..!!" Said De Ming.

"Alright, I gotta go home now~ see you~" Said Xiao Dan leaving De Ming in awe once again.

Xiao Dan finally back at her home after finished getting De Ming's photos today. She went to her room. Turning on the light, well, De Ming's polaroid photos can be seen hanging behind her bed, also in her study desk too.

"Wah~ Today's photo is great. De Ming looks so handsome from every angle. But, this one is the best for today, look, his hoodie, jogger pants, sneaker and a sling bag, he looks so sporty today! I should upload this one to the fanclub. He looks really good in this photo. Oh... and I should save the rest for myself~~" Said Xiao Dan, talking to herself alone in the room.

Meanwhile in other side, Xi Feng is in his room doing a study task. A message is coming to his phone. It's a message from Xuanli.

XL : When will you teach me the chess?
XF : When my study task is done.
XL : When is that?
XF : Hm.... Depend..
XL : Depend??
XF : If you help me again, then it will finished quicker.
XL : But I already help you before...?
XF : Just kidding. Just pick a day when you are free.
XL : Right now :D :D
XF : Alright just come to my place anytime.

Xi Feng just chuckles while reading the message, while Xuanli just finished cleaning the plates.

"Finished!~ Now take me home!" Said Xuanli.

"Sure. But have you packed your stuff?" Said Ding Xue.

"No worries.." Said Xuanli.

Xuanli and Ding Xue went back to her home. After arrived at her home, she just throw the luggage to her bed and leave again.

"Where are you going again?? You just arrived at home!" Ask her mom.

"Um.... Helping my friends for her homeworks.." Said Xuanli lying to her mom.

"But you just comeback home..." Said her mom.

"Don't worry I will accompany her." Said Ding Xue.

"Wh-whaaatt?! No!! I can go alone.." Said Xuanli.

"Alright thankyou Ding Xue. I'm relieved when you accompany her." Said her mom.

Few minutes later both are already in a car again driving to Xi Feng's house.

"Are you sure this is the right route?" Ask Ding Xue.

"Yes." Said Xuanli.

"This route seems familiar." Said Ding Xue.

"Alright right path and we are arrived." Said Xuanli.

"Oh, that boy house? Since when he becomes her?" Said Ding Xue.

"No worries, I'm here because he just want to teach me playing traditional chess." Said Xuanli.

"Sure, I wanna see it too. Incase another things happen, so I can prevent it from happening." Said Ding Xue.

"...... Ugh... What might happen though?!" Said Xuanli.

"Anything can happen." Said Ding Xue.

They both finally came out from the car and ring the bell. Xi Feng come out and open the door for them, they both finally already inside the house and sitting on the sofa.

"So what you want to drink?" Ask Xi Feng.

"Just bring us water." Said Xuanli.

"Alright." Said Xi Feng.

He finished preparing the beverages and now Xi Feng come out with an old traditional chess board from his room and put it on the table.

"Amazing, you still got this stuff..." Said Xuanli.

"It looks nice. How about a match with me?" Ask Ding Xue.

"Sure." Said Xi Feng.

"This match won't be interesting without a prize." Said Ding Xue.

"Holup holup!! But I'm here to study the chess...." Said Xuanli.

"Since I'm just student in college, so I can only paid you for a meals. How about that?" Ask Xi Feng.

"Sure, if you win, I will recruit you to work in my company." Said Ding Xue.

".... EH?! Are you serious?" Said Xuanli looking so confused.

"Alright, deal." Said Xi Feng, shakes hand with Ding Xue.

to be continued............

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