Sudden Engagement!

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Xuanli is now inside the elevator. She is now going to buy a coffee in cafetaria for Ding Xue.

Right in the elevator she met again with Yi Jian, who just come in also.

"Oh Xuanli hi!" Greet Yi Jian.

"Hi!" Greet Xuanli.

"Buying coffee?" Ask Yi Jian.

"How do you know?" Ask Xuanli.

"Ah.. It's normal, previously he keeps asking me to buy a coffee for him at this time. So, the coffee virus also get to me. It's become a habits to buy coffee at this time for myself." Said Yi Jian.

"Amazing.. You both are really close?" Ask Xuanli.

"Yes we both are close since elementary untill he moved to NY and we keep in contact nearly everyday since then, sometimes when the holiday is come I visit him in N, till now we meet again and work together." Said Yi Jian.

"How can you so attached with an annoying person like him?" Ask Xuanli.

"Well.... That's a long story.... But I must say yes, he is an odd one.. How can he still remember you after a really long period of time?" Said Yi Jian.

"Right. I don't even remember I ever met him at all....?" Said Xuanli.

"Really? Then how about me? Did you remember me?" Ask Yi Jian.

"Of course.... Our first met is when Ding Xue introduce you to me in his office room...." Said Xuanli.

"...... You really forget me?" Ask Yi Jian.

"Uh....Have we ever meet outside the office?" Ask Xuanli.

But after that the elevator beeping, means both already arrived in the cafetaria area.

"Uh I need to buy the coffee quickly, before Ding Xue is mad.. See you later." Said Xuanli, she quickly left.

"Alright.." Said Yi Jian.

Right now Xuanli become confused, who is Yi Jian? Is he someone she knows from the past? How can she cannot remember anything about him or Ding Xue in the past? Meanwhile Ding Xue keep doing his own stuff about engagement stuff, asking her to work in his office, and even having a chess match with him. Who is he actually?

Meanwhile in other side.

"Alright today's class already end!" Said the lecturer.

"YEAH!" Shout De Ming and some students.

"Don't forget the group project! It conssist of 2 people! The deadline is on our next meeting, which is next week, the same day as today. Okay, class dismissed!" Said the lecturer.
De Ming now went to Xiao Dan.

"We are in 1 group right?" Ask De Ming.

"We..? No." Said Xiao Dan, walks away and leave the class while De Ming still follow her from behind.

"But I don't have any friends in that class..." Said De Ming.

"But you hate me. You said I'm annoying. So why should I be in a group with you?" Said Xiao Dan.

"Alright, I'm sorry again. I like you! So we should be in a group right?" Ask De Ming.

"No. I wanna go home. So, see you in next class." Said Xiao Dan leaving.

After that Xifeng coming from behind.

"Whoops. Another rejection." Said Xifeng.

"You saw it?! Did you saw it?! She rejects me!! I'm just trying to be nice with her!" Said De Ming.

"Then you can try it again after this. Maybe keep begging her in a chat? or just ask her out to a cafe, or you can even bring her a flower to her house?" Said Xifeng.

"You sounded like a pro... Did you dating someone right now?" Ask De Ming.

"Uh... No! Ofc I'm still... single...." Said Xifeng, lying.

"Really?! How can you know those stuff?!" Ask De Ming.

"O... Of course I read in internet..." Said Xifeng.

"Alright! Remember our promise right?! When 1 of us dating someone they need to be honest and paid the other a meals till the other date someone too." Said De Ming, scaring Xifeng.

"Alright! Anyway, I wanna ask, you learn to hack before right?" Ask Xifeng.

"Yeah why?" Ask De Ming.

"Can you help me?" Ask Xifeng.

"Sure why not?" Said De Ming.

"Alright~ come to my house, I will tell you the details~" Said Xifeng.

"Dinner on you right?" Ask De Ming again.

"Ofc! Let's go!" Said Xifeng. They both are leaving to Xifeng house.

In other side.

Xiao Dan is in her room. She is smiling widely and so happy. She keeps remembering De Ming saying I like you to her.

"Is he really saying it? Maybe it's just because he is being nice to me. Or maybe he wants to be in a group with me because he wants me to do all the group works? Ah!! What should I do? Should I accept the group projects? Or... But I already reject it....? Should I chat him now....? No... If I did that he will take it for granted... But... Let's just wait till he chat me first...." Said Xiao Dan alone, confused, in her room with her phone.

Meanwhile in the office. It's already time to go home. Ding Xue and Xuanli are both already inside the car.

"Where are we going now? This is not a way home." Ask Xuanli.

"To a jewelry store." Said Ding Xue.

"For what?" Ask Xuanli.

"Our engagement ring?" Said Ding Xue.

"No! We are not going there...! Our parents haven't agree on anything yet.....!!" Said Xuanli.
(This is a nightmare!! Can someone wake me up from this nightmare!!! I don't like him, eventhough he is good looking but his polite manner is more scary than his good looking face!)

"They already agree with this." Said Ding Xue.

"But why so sudden?!" Said Xuanli.

"Well, if you think about it more deeper. It's just an engagement. Not a marriage." Said Ding Xue.

"........ O yeah... STILL! This is too much!" Said Xuanli.

"The engagement will take a place in a hotel, this weekend. You can invites your friends to come. But mostly who comes are some of my office workers and people from other company." Said Ding Xue.

"........ We are gonna stay in hotel too right?" Said Xuanli.

"Yeah." Said Ding Xue.

"You will pay for me and my friends room too?" Said Xuanli.

"Sure.. Only those 3 right?" Said Ding Xue.

"Yeah! Just give them 1 room! They can sleep anywhere!" Said Xuanli, looking so excited suddenly.

"You looks excited suddenly." Said Ding Xue.

"Oh...." Xuanli surprised.
(Omg! We can do the trick this weekend! We can get to hack his laptop while he is busy talking with people in the room! This is it!!)

"Aha~ nothing! Let's go to the store~" Said Xuanli again.

"Okay." Said Ding Xue.

to be continued........

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