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They both finally finished eating and left the restaurant. They are back in the car again.

"Hey may I ask something?" Ask Xuanli.

"Sure, go on." Said Ding Xue.

"Did you ever dreams being back to old era?" Ask Xuanli.

"Being back in old era? You means, like living in a dynasty era?" Ask Ding Xue back.

"Yeah! Like that! You ever be there too?!" Said Xuanli, surprised.

While Xuanli is asking, suddenly Ding Xue's phone is ringing. He just smiled at her, and take the phone call. It's his mom and dad calling him. Ding Xue end up having a long talk in his phone while driving the car to Xuanli's college. Meanwhile Xuanli just there listening to his phone conversation in the car.

Soon they arrived back to her college.  

"I will pick you up again later." Said Ding Xue after dropping off Xuanli in her college.

"No need. Today I'm going home late. I will go home alone." Said Xuanli.

"What time?" Ask Ding Xue.

"Maybe 7pm or 8pm. If the lecturer happy maybe it can be earlier as 7pm." Said Xuanli. 

"Alright, I'm gonna pick you up at 7pm. Bye!" Said Ding Xue, who left after he said Bye.

"Ish... I even haven't say yes and he already gone!" Mumble Xuanli.

Xiao Dan run to her from a far.

"Xuanli this is bad!" Said Xiaodan.

"What is it?" Ask Xuanli.

"The lecturer already pick you from our class to have an intern in DXC company!" Said Xiaodan.

"Ah.. Isn't that a good news?" Ask Xuanli.

They both continue chatting while walk to their class.

"Uh.. Well actually it is a good news. The bad news is, I cannot see you again for your 6 months full time intern in the company." Said Xiaodan.

"Oh.. But I still come here for my class though..." Said Xuanli.

"And that's why!!! Lecturer said you don't have to come here anymore in 6 months and just focus for your intern." Said Xiaodan.

"Whaaat??! But then... I cannot meet Xifeng?!" Said Xuanli.

"And that's too! Oh.. And lately you always coming to our school with a car, did your dad buying you a car?" Said Xiaodan.

"... No, someone I don't know come to my place to stay and then my parents keep asking him to drives me to college." Said Xuanli.

"Lucky you.. Who is that person? It's weird that you don't know him but your parents knows him so well." Said Xiaodan.

"Right? But he know who am I. His name is Ding Xue. His face is kind of good looking. But no.. I'm not interested in him at all...." Said Xuanli.

"...Wait.... Did you just said Ding Xue?!" Said Xiaodan in surprised.

"Yeah.. He is an annoying person..." Said Xuanli.

"Ding Xue.... Isn't that the owner and CEO of DXC??? That rich company?.." Ask Xiodan.

"Huh? You mean... him??? I will work for him full time 6 months and leaving this college and Xifeng for 6 months?!!" Said Xuanli.

"Yeah!" Said Xiaodan.

"Ok! Talk with you later!" Said Xuanli leaving in a rush and went to search for her home lecturer while Xiaodan just in awe looking at her.

Xuanli finally meet the homeroom lecturer.

"Excuse me Mrs. Cheng, can we talk for a moment?" Ask Xuanli.

"Sure, what can I help you?" Ask Mrs. Cheng.

"Um.. I heard that you pick me to work in that big company DXC as an intern for 6 months and fulltime..." Said Xuanli.

"Yes. It is. While you work as an intern over there, all class that you supposed to attend will be graded A+." Said Mrs. Cheng.

"Uhm.. May I ask what happen if I want to reject it....?" Ask Xuanli.

"You will have to work so hard to gain A+ in all class you have to attend. Not to mention, this is a really good offer that come only once for some student in their 2nd year of this college." Said Mrs. Cheng.

"You said some student, it means, not only me right?" Ask Xuanli.

"Yeah, there are some student who also picked to become intern over there like you." Said Mrs. Cheng.

"Do you have the list and can I see it?" Ask Xuanli.

"Alright here you go." Said Mrs. Cheng handing her the list of who will have an intern at DXC.

Xuanli taking the list, she read it quick to search for Xifeng name. But sadly he is not in the list.

"Mrs. Cheng, is the list just these only and no more and cannot add more?" Ask Xuanli.

"Yeah, just that. All those people have been pick by the company itself. So yeah, I don't think our college can add more student." Said Mrs. Cheng.

"Alright thankyou Mrs. Cheng." Said Xuanli.

"Remember, your intern will start in next week, Monday. Today will be your last day hanging around in college." Said Mrs. Cheng.

"Ok! Thankyou Mrs. Cheng!" Said Xuanli, leaving her and went back to class.

Today is Friday. The last day of Xuanli studying in her college, while Monday she will start her intern in Ding Xue's company.


It's 6pm. Xuanli class finished earlier today. After her class finished, she rush to call Xifeng's phone.

Xu : Xifeng!
Xf : Oh hi Xuanli!
Xu : Are you free right now?
Xf : Yep, just finished my class right now.
Xu : Where are you right now?
Xf : In the college lobby.

Xuanli end the call and rush to the lobby. He found Xifeng waiting in the college lobby bench.

"Let's go!" Said Xuanli holding Xifeng's hand.

"Go? Where?" Ask Xifeng.

"Dinner!" Said Xuanli, which already running while holding Xifeng's hand.

Both of them are running to a restaurant near school.

To be continued......

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