Back To Old Small House

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Xifeng and Xuanli are still in their dreams. They are investigating the strange things in the old small house. 

"Look there is a white powder here on the table." Said Xuanli.

"Don't touch anything in this house randomly.." Said Xifeng.

"Well... I already touch it... Might also smell it..." Said Xuanli, she smell the white powder. 

a few second a loud sound of somebody falling on the floor can be heard. Xuanli fainted after she smell the white powder that she found on the table.  Xifeng rush to her and trying to wake her.

"Hey wake up!..." Said Xifeng trying to wake Xuanli.

"Ah.. dang it... we should go back now... I will take the white powder to investigate it.." Said Xifeng, alone. 

He take out a zipper plastic bag from his pocket and put the white powder inside then put it back to his pocket. He carry Xuanli on his back and went back to their office.

At the office. 

Xuanli still asleep and laying on the sofa. While Xifeng still investigating the white powder from that house. 

Xuanli moves her body and fall on the floor. She awakes weirdly. 

"It's the second time you fall again on the floor." Said Xifeng in his working desk.

"Oh... still here... I thought I already in our world...." Said Xuanli.

"I don't think we can get out from this world, unless, we finished the story of this book." Said Xifeng.

"The moment we awake... are we gonna late for the college?" Ask Xuanli.

"Not sure..." Said Xifeng.

"But anyway, what are you doing with that laboratorium thingy?" Ask Xuanli.

"I'm investigating the white powder...." Said Xifeng.

"Isn't that the things that I touch before????" Ask Xuanli.

"Yeah... turns out it was a poison... but we don't know the effect yet..." Said Xifeng.

"Well... this was just a dreams right, it won't really effecting me in real life right??" Ask Xuanli.

"We still, don't know that yet. Wait.." Ask Xifeng.


Both of them finally awake from their dreams because the alarm ringing loudly.

"The dream so real....." Said both Xuanli and Xifeng.

It's already morning. They rush to the college to meet each other.

Xifeng running around the corridor, searching for his friend, Deming. Turn out Deming was running in the field. He went to the field and talk with him.

Xifeng went to run beside Deming.

"Yo what are you doing here? You gonna join a club with me?" Ask Deming.

"No, I'm here just want to ask something..." Said Xifeng.

"Oh, in the early morning like this?" Ask Deming.

"Yeah it's really important." Said Xifeng.

"What is it?" Ask Deming.

"Do you know any girl in our college named Xuanli?" Ask Xifeng.

"Oh... you likes someone....?" Ask Deming. 

"No... There is something important. I will tell you later, but, just answer me what class she is in?" Ask Xifeng.

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