A Help!

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In other place, Xifeng awake from his sleep while looking at his hands.

"It feels weird. We hold hands. It feels so real..." mumble Xifeng after he awakes from his sleep.

Just after he awakes, his phone is ringing. De Ming is calling him. He pick up the calls.

"Hey, whatsup? Why are you calling me in the morning?" Ask Xifeng.

"This is bad... The project that we are making are all crashed!" Said De Ming.

"You mean? our house miniature design?" Ask Xifeng.

"Yeah! The miniature hotel building that we made together!" Said De Ming.

"The hell? We didn't sleep just to make that stuff! It also takes more than a week to finished it! Why it's all crashed?" Said Xifeng.

"I don't know! I went to our class this morning to check it, then it was all crashed!" Said De Ming.

"Alright I will go there now! Wait for me!" Said Xifeng.

"Sure, quickly!" Said De Ming.

Xifeng rush to his college. After he arrives in his class he looks at De Ming, who try to put back everything in place, but of course it is impossible. 

"What happened?" Ask Xifeng, walking close to De Ming. 

"Our project is crashed......." Said De Ming. 

"If it is like this, then it means we need to ask the lecturer for more times to finish this stuff again.." Said Xifeng.

"Yeah.. but then.. we need to start all over again from the start, we didn't have time for it, even the lecturer agree to give times, it might be just 1 or 3 days. How can we finish all of it in a short time?? we even take a week to finish all of this." Said De Ming.

"We need more hands to help us.." Said Xifeng. 

"Who?" ask De Ming.

Suddenly someone from outside greet Xifeng. It's Xuanli. 

"Xifeng!~" Greet Xuanli.

"Oh such a coincidence!" Said De Ming.

"Hi Xuanli. Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be working?" Said Xifeng.

"I just finished the training for the works today. HUH???! What happens with your building?! Why it's all crashed!?" Said Xuanli, so shock looking at the crashed miniature building. 

"Nice work. That's why, we also don't know who is behind all of this." Said Xifeng.

"And now we need a hands to help us finishing this from start. Anyway, I gotta meet the lecturer to ask for more days to finished the project. Be back later guys!" Said De Ming, leaving both two.

"Um, if you need helps, I can help you, but then... you also need to help me too." Said Xuanli. 

"Still, atleast I need 1 or 2 more people.." Said Xifeng.

"AH! No worries! I can ask Xiao Dan to help us!" Said Xuanli. 

"Really? that's great! Thankyou Xuanli!" Said Xifeng, smiling so happily while looking at his crashed project.

"Wait! But you need to help me after the project finished later!" Said Xuanli.

"Sure, what is it?" Ask Xifeng.

"Teach me to play the old chinese classic chess." Said Xuanli. 

"Hm, you are so lucky since I already learn to play that when I were kids." Said Xifeng.

"Realllllyy? So you will help me??!" Ask Xuanli. 

Xifeng nodding and smile. While Xuanli jumping happily.

"So, when are we going to start?" Ask Xuanli. 

"How about this evening, 4pm after De Ming class finished? We meet again in front of college gate and going to my house together. For now I'm going to buy some stuff we need to make the project." Said Xifeng.

"Alright, I'm gonna search for Xiao Dan first~ see you later!" Said Xuanli.

"Yeah, bye!" Said Xifeng.

Xuanli went to search for Xiao Dan. She call her phone. 

"Xiao Dan! Are you free later?" Ask Xuanli. 

"Um, yeah I am... why?" Ask Xiao Dan.

"Let's meet now~ I need to talk something with you~" Said Xuanli.

"Sure, I'm in canteen right now." Said Xiao Dan.

"Alright I'm going there!~" Said Xuanli, ended the call, after that she rush to canteen.

In the canteen. 

"Xuanli! here!" Shout  Xiao Dan.

"Alright~" Said Xuanli, coming to her, and sit with her.

"What happen?" Ask Xiao Dan.

"Um, I need your help to help Xifeng." Said Xuanli. 

"Why? What happen to Xifeng?" Ask Xiao Dan. 

"His project is crashed, he needs help." Said Xuanli.

"Alright..." Said Xiao Dan. 

"There is also De Ming too.." Said Xuanli. 

"Alright!~ When is it?" Ask Xiao Dan.

"This evening we will gather in front of the gate~ Not to mention after that we will go to Xifeng house~!" Said Xuanli. 

"Woah! Cannot wait for it~! We will be a help for them~" Said Xiao Dan.

to be continued........... 

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