The Keyring

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After Xuanli found a blue bird hurting on the ground, she takes it with her and bring it inside the palace to treat the wound. It's soon already the 3rd day after the birds get treatment. The bird seems healthier now, it can chirp, and can fly. 

"Woah Xiaolan, you can fly and sing, previously you are hurt. It's so bad, people trying to shoot you. Now you can go and fly, don't get shoot again okay." Said Xuanli, she let the birds fly. 

The next day there is a prince from the kingdom coming to the palace searching for Xuanli.

"Miss!! Miss! Urgent!" Said the maid.

"What is it? What's happening?" Ask Xuanli, surprised. Xuanli is reading a book, inside her palace when the maid suddenly come.

"It's... prince Ding Shun, he is coming to search for you outside." Said the maid.

"Oh okay, tell him to wait, I'll be coming out soon." Said Xuanli.

"Alright miss." Said the maid.

(Xuanli : A prince.... ? Isn't the story about the birds turning to human and repay his thanks? or.. That birds become a prince?)

Xuanli went out to meet the prince and is surprised. That prince is someone she never meet before. He is the meaning of beauty and handsome in 1 pack. His eyes is sharp with lids, his nose is sharp and very precise and pretty, his lips color is like a peach, not to mention the eyebrow that looks strong and sharp not too thick not even too thin and he got that light brown eye color. His beautiful long dark brown hair is lingering down beautifully till his waist, with just a little braid in the middle behind. He also bring a fan with a mountain scenery on it, in his left hand. He might be a left handed. Not to mention he is tall. Is such a pretty man really exist?

"Excuse me, a prince is coming and you are just there staring at his face?" Said Ding Shun.

"Oh.. I'm sorry, greeting to prince Ding Shun." Said Xuanli.

(Xuanli : Weird.. who is he? This doesn't look like the story from the book I read...)

"Greeting to you too, princess Xuanli." Said Ding Shun with a small smile on his lips.  

"... How do you know my name?" Ask Xuanli. 

(Xuanli : That's weird, he know my name, is he someone that I know?)

"What? of course, you are the princess in this kingdom, that's why I know your name." Said Ding Shun. 

"I'm sorry, so what brings you here prince Ding?" Said Xuanli. 

"Well, my father want me to propose you right now and your mother, Queen Xu, approve it, so here I am right now." Said Ding Shun.

(Xuanli : This story is such a plot twist. If I accept the marriage, what will happen with the birds that turns into a human and gonna marry me later?) 

"So how about it? will you accept it?" Ask Ding Shun.

"What will happen if I refuse it?" Ask Xuanli.

"Hmm... Our marriage is for the kingdom sake and the clan friendship. So it will still happening eventhough you refuse." Said Ding Shun, flapping his fan in small movement.

"Oh yeah, it means I have no choice then." Said Xuanli.

"Yeah, I come just to inform you that. See you later then." Said Ding Shun. He flap his fan. 


"Xuanli wake up! It's already the closing time of the library." Said the librarian.

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