Xuanli is Dating?!

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It's already night. Xuanli and Xi Feng just finished discussing the stuff. Now they are walking together to go home.

"You know, actually I can go home by myself. You don't have to walk me home." Said Xuanli.

"Nop. It's not good for a girl to go home alone. Especially it's already 9PM." Said Xifeng.

"Thanks~" Said Xuanli.

"No problem." Said Xifeng.

"Anyway, do you have any idea how to end the dreams?" Ask Xuanli.

"Drinking coffee so you won't fall asleep?" Said Xifeng.

"Impossible, I cannot work properly if I did that." Said Xuanli.

"Alright, I'm still searching a way though. Anyway, that keyring looks cute, where did you get that?" Ask Xifeng pointing at the cat keyring.

"Uh... I thought you give me this...?" Said Xuanli.

"When?" Ask Xifeng.

"In library. The day i fall asleep and forgot to meet you. I thought you come and put this on my book." Said Xuanli.

"No. Not me. Even I don't know you are in library before, I call you and you didn't answer, so I went back home." Said Xifeng.

"Then who put this?" Said Xuanli confused.

"I don't know." Said Xifeng.

"Alright, we already arrived at my home. So, goodnight. See you soon." Said Xuanli waving at Xifeng.

"Yeah, see you soon~" Said Xifeng, waving back at Xuanli.

Xuanli went inside to her house and Xifeng go home.

"Mom! Is Ding Xue already home yet?" Ask Xuanli.

"Yep, he is in his room." Said her mom.

"Alright!" Said Xuanli, rushing to Ding Xue's room.

"Hey! Your dinner!!" Shout her mom.

"Thanks mom, I already eat outside!" Shout Xuanli.

"Ish! That girl........." Mumble her mom.

Xuanli went to Ding Xue's room. She open the door. Over there Ding Xue is writing the  story in his laptop.

"Yo DX!" Shout Xuanli.

Ding Xue quickly minimize his writing in his laptop.

"Next time when you gonna come inside someone's room, please knock the door first." Said Ding Xue.

"Sorry then." Said Xuanli.

"So what brings you here?" Ask Ding Xue.

"I am here to ask about Yi Jian's number." Said Xuanli.

"For what?" Ask Ding Xue.

"Uh... works?" Said Xuanli.

"Impossible. You both are in different work division." Said Ding Xue.

"Then making friends and connection..?" Said Xuanli.

"No. I won't give it to you. Now if you done asking, could you please get out? I need a peaceful atmosphere to work." Said Ding Xue, shoo-ing Xuanli from his room.

"Uh.. he is so stingy." Said Xuanli, going back to her room. She cleaned herself and then back to chat again with Xifeng.

XL : Have you arrived home safely?
XF : Yeah, thankyou for asking.
XL : You are welcome~ Anyway, I didn't get Yi Jian numbers..
XF : You can meet with him tomorrow, so it's okay.
XL : Yeah, but he is in different division from me.
XF : Alright, you may ask people about him and meet him after the works end.
XL : Okay~ Anyway, may I ask something.. ?
XF : Sure.. what is it?
XL : The confession before....
XF : I still got alot of task from my lecture, see you again tomorrow.
Xifeng end the chat.

Meanwhile Xuanli mumble to herself.
"Ah! He didn't answer me..." Said Xuanli.

While in other side, Xifeng, is relief.
"Woah.. she caught me....! Luckily I ended the chat.." Said Xifeng.

It's already night, one by one already fall asleep.


Xuanli open her eyes. It's an open sky, while surrounded with so many trees. She is laying on the ground. She looks at her surrounding. Xi Luo is nowhere around. But then, Xuanli still found Xi Luo's sword beside her.

A split of second Xi Luo come. He brings some food to eat.

"Finally you are awake." Said Xi Luo.

"Woah, what did you brings?" Ask Xuanli.

"Of course a food. Here you go." Said Xi Luo, giving some of the food to Xuanli.

"Apple..." Said Xuanli.

"I can only found that around here." Said Xi Luo.

"Anyway, where are we going after this?" Ask Xuanli.

"Far away from the palace." Said Xi Luo.

"And then?" Ask Xuanli.

"So maybe, when we are getting far from the city of the story, we might be getting out from the story itself..?" Said Xi Luo.

"Alright... Let's try it!" Said Xuanli.

They both finally continue to walks further, away from the castle.

Right now they are walking to another town while talking.

"Hey you know about yesterday..." Said Xuanli.

Meanwhile Xi Luo just silent.

"Is it real or j-" Xuanli haven't finished her words, and Xi Luo already turn around hold her arm and kiss her lips.

Xuanli's face is blushing and she is confused.

"Please keep this just between us." Said Xi Luo.

"..... but why?" Ask Xuanli.

"So I can still focus with my college study and you can focus with your works..." Said Xi Luo.

"T-Then... are we... dating?..." Ask Xuanli.

"Mhm." Said Xi Luo, nodding his head.

To be continued............

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