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An alarm is ringing from her phone. It's Sunday 8AM. Xuanli awake from her dreams. She awake looking so confused at where she sleep in. But she remember it's not her own house but it's Ding Xue apartment.  She also confused with her dreams, because in her dreams she always have a romantic scene with Ding Xue but in real life, she didn't feel anything towards him at all except just a rich company owner, and annoying person.

Xuanli wake up and went out from her room. She looks around her. It's still quiet in the morning. She open the door of Ding Xue's room. His room is neat, like how a business man room should be, there is a working desk and a comfy working's chair, a shelf, a walk-in wardrobe and a big bed. Not to mention his room also had a bathroom. 

Xuanli looks at the bed, Ding Xue is still sleeping there. She start walking closer to him and stand beside him. She pinch his cheek to awake him. 

"Wake up!" Said Xuanli, while pinching Ding Xue's cheek so hard. 

"Ugh... that's hurt.. can you be more girlish while waking people up from their sleep?" Said Ding Xue, rubbing his cheek.

"Girlish your ass! I'm hungry now!" Said Xuanli.

"Then cook for yourself, I'm still sleepy..." Said Ding Xue. 

"I can't cook." Said Xuanli. 

"Are you even a girl?" Ask Ding Xue.

"But, aren't chef in restaurant are mostly boy?" Ask Xuanli again. 

"Alright alright, just go outside first, I need to bath.." Said Ding Xue.

"Alright please be quick because I'm hungry." Said Xuanli, leaving the room. 

"How can I even fall in love with a girl like that??" Mumble Ding Xue. 

30 minutes later they both are in dining table. The table already full of breakfast dishes. 

"... Aren't all of the dish on this table are too much for us?..." Said Xuanli. 

"You said you are hungry. So there it is." Said Ding Xue. 

"It's just for 2 people but all on this table is for 4 people portion." Said Xuanli.

"Well just eat, eventho we cannot eat all of these, it still won't go to waste." Said Ding Xue. 

Few minutes later, they finished their breakfast, and there is still leftover on their table. 

"I'm full..." Said Xuanli. 

After that Ding Xue stand up and take all the leftover and leave the apartment. Ding Xue went to outside the building, near the park, giving the stray dog with 3 of their child a left over from their breakfast just now.  Meanwhile Xuanli just looking at him from the balcony of his apartment while mumbling and talking with herself. 

"Woah... did he just pretend to care for the animals or is he really kind towards the animal.... ? But impossible if God made a perfect face with also a perfect personality like that. Like... aren't mostly in this world perfect face go on with a suck personality, meanwhile the so-so face are made like a kind hearted angel?? Or.... ah.. did I just stuck in dreams again right now? *pinching her own hand* It hurts.. I thought I'm stuck in a dream with Ding Shun again.... If it is then it is like the movie Inception.." Mumble Xuanli. 

Meanwhile while she mumbling Ding Xue already behind her, folding his arms. She turn around and surprised.

".. Oh, so you are stuck in dreams right now?" Ask Ding Xue.

"Since when you are here?" Ask Xuanli. 

"Since, 'Woah did he just pretend to care for the animals or is he really kind towards the animal ? But impossible if God made a perfect face with also a perfect personality like that. Aren't mostly in this world perfect face go on with a suck personality, meanwhile the so-so face are made like a kind hearted angel? Or did I just stuck in dreams again right now? I thought I'm stuck in a dream with Ding Shun again. If it is then it is like the movie Inception.'" Said Ding Xue mimicking her voice. 

"Congrats you hear me. Now I want to go home." Said Xuanli. 

"Well atleast you are praising me and no. You are not going home yet. I pay for all the breakfast today, so now you need to compile all the files in the folder, checking every task if there is a typo or wrong grammar in the document I write, also sorting the files." Said Ding Xue. 

"But it is Sunday..........." Said Xuanli. 

"You are welcome." Said Ding Xue.

Few minutes later, Ding Xue sitting on the sofa watching a movies, meanwhile Xuanli sitting beside him on the floor with the laptop on the table, doing the task he gives her. 

Ding Xue are playing a thriller movies in his tv. Xuanli secretly doing the task also looking at the tv. 

"Ish... stupid!!! the killer is him!!! HIM! It's behind you!" Shout Xuanli who is watching the tv too. 

"..... Aren't you supposed to do your task?.." Ask Ding Xue. 

"Oh.. I'm doing it... no worries." Said Xuanli smiling to him then her eyes getting back to her task.

Few hours later.

"Finished." Said Xuanli.

"Alright. You can leave the laptop there." Said Ding Xue.

"Alright, I want to go home." Said Xuanli. 

"Oh last one. Please wash all the plates from today's breakfast." Said Ding Xue.

"........ Sure sure... You have paid for all the breakfast...." Said Xuanli. 

(This bastard guy, super annoying... What a tiring sunday....)

"Clever, you know it." Said Ding Xue.

In other place.

De Ming is walking out from his house. Then he heard a click clack sound. He looks around and voila, there he saw Xiao Dan hiding behind the electric pole. Xiao Dan uploading the photo of De Ming that she just takes. While De Ming walk closer to her. 

"Did it taken nicely?" Ask De Ming, looking at her. 

"Yes it is~ So purrrrrfeeeectooo!! De Ming looks so handsome in here~" Said Xiao Dan still looking at her camera, sliding and checking the photo she has taken, and didn't realize De Ming is behind her. 

"Can I take a look at it?" Ask De Ming again, folding his arms.

Xiao Dan turn around and he saw De Ming. 

"Ah! De Ming! Such a nice day right? Are you in a rush? Cos I am in a rush right now! Bye~" Said Xiao Dan, grinning and running away. 

"HEY WAIT!!! Shout De Ming, running chasing Xiao Dan.

to be continued...............

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