Last Chapter : Happy Ending!

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It's another new day, Xuanli awake and found a letter that Ding Xue writes for her and he left to NY. Today, she awake and prepare her self to the college.

Inside the class. Xiao Dan who came after Xuanli surprised while seeing her sitting on the class. She finally run towards her and take a seat beside her.

"XUANLI!!! You finally came!!" Said Xiao Dan.

"Yeah!~ I'll be having my class again today~!" Said Xuanli.

"Finallyyyy!!" Said Xiao Dan while hugging Xuanli.

"But then how about your works?" Ask Xiao Dan.

"Here read this~" Said Xuanli, giving her Ding Xue's letter.

Xiao Dan take it and read it.

"Finally, there is no more working in an office and meeting him again~" Said Xiao Dan.

"Yeah, but I think I'm gonna miss him~" Said Xuanli.

"Wait, miss him?... So you already end your relationship with Xifeng? Ask Xiao Dan.

"No! That's really didn't make any sense. I mean I will miss him like, he is my cousin? or my brother? or my childhood friends?" Said Xuanli.

"You got me surprised.... I thought you broke up with Xifeng..." Said Xiao Dan.

"How about De Ming?" Ask Xuanli.

"....De Ming? Why suddenly ask about him?" Ask Xiao Dan.

"I thought you already date him..." Said Xuanli.

"I haven't... He is... I don't know.. He likes someone else, there is no hope for me.." Said Xiao Dan.

"Really?.. Maybe you misunderstand something.." Said Xuanli.

Then Xiao Dan start telling what happens to them in library, where Xifeng tease De Ming of a girl that De Ming likes.

"Are you sure?~ You want to know something? But don't tell De Ming or Xifeng that I tell you this okay?~" Said Xuanli.

"Sure, what is it?" Ask Xiao Dan.

"Xifeng told me that De Ming secretly likes you~ De Ming telling Xifeng everyday, but he denied it when he sees you around~" Said Xuanli.

Xiao Dan's  face suddenly blushing so red. He stand up from her seat and leave the class quickly to search for De Ming in his class.

Xiao Dan runs to De Ming and Xifeng class. There she saw Xifeng and De Ming are chatting and laugh together and suddenly she came to their seat and stand beside De Ming. Xifeng saw her and greet her.

"Yo Xiao Dan morning!" Said Xifeng who sees her first.

De Ming surprised and saw her.

"Morning!" Said De Ming greeting her.

She grab De Ming's hand and both are running towards the rooftop. In the rooftop it's only them two standing there.

"Stupid!! You are so stupid!! I like you! For a very long time and you don't even realized it! Xifeng said you like me! But you never told me that! You only act like you hates me, or act like a friend to me!" Said Xiao Dan, shout to him.

De Ming surprised.

"Did Xifeng told you that?" Said De Ming.

"It's doesn't matter who told me, but you are not telling me the truth! I hate it!" Said Xiao Dan, her eyes are teary, she already gonna left but De Ming stop her and hold her wrist.

"Alright I'm sorry but please listen to me first. At first, I only think of you just as a friend, all those candid camera, I really hate it. When I know it's you that are the owner of the fanclub, I start to nagging about how I hate you to Xifeng. But then, you secretly heard all of the conversation and those hate words. I feel uneasy that day. Next I heard some girls in my class talking that the fanclub of me that you own suddenly closed. It makes me feel guilty for a reason. Then, I start asking some of your friends in your class, if you have taken any other extra class, that student with another major can apply. They said you apply the philosophy class. Then I start searching the lecturer of that class and ask him to apply... well, the class were actually full, but I beg him to give 1 more seat for me, and he accept, then we are finally in a class together. At first, it looks weird, but seeing all your different side everyday, the class becoming fun. Each day I cannot wait  just to come to philosophy class and study together with you. The next thing I know... I already.. fall in love with you.." Said De Ming, while he still holds Xiao Dan's wrist.

Xiao Dan's face are red. Her eyes teary and she suddenly cries so loud.

"H-Hey.. I'm sorry.. Please don't cry..." Said De Ming, worried.

But Xiao Dan still crying, so De Ming hug her and pat her back.

"I'm sorry... I will buy you ice cream after this.." Said De Ming, still hugging her.

Xiao Dan stop crying.

"Really? promise?!" Said Xiao Dan.

"Yeah, promise!" Said De Ming.

"Also.. I want to watch a movie too in cinema!! Last time you only left me a ticket and I go alone!" Said Xiao Dan.

"Alright! I'm sorry! Let's go to cinema after we buy the ice cream!~" Said De Ming.

"Love you~" Said Xiao Dan hugging him sweetly.

Few days later.

Xuanli and Xifeng are on the phone.

"All right~ good night!" Said Xuanli.

"Sweet dreams to you." Said Xifeng.

"You too~" Said Xuanli.

They end the call and went to sleep.
They open their eyes again.
They are wearing a hanfu,
They are sitting under a big maple tree, holding hands and kiss each other sweetly.

Meanwhile 6 months later Ding Xue already back from NY. His health condition is back to normal. The culprit who makes him get an accident also already been jailed.

After Ding Xue get back, he quickly went to go to the forest that he saw in his dreams.

He is now walking in a forest. But suddenly a girl is falling from the tree. He is surprised and he catch it. He saw her face.

"Huo Yumao?..." Ask Ding Xue.

".... How do you know that name?" Ask the girl.

"You aren't? Your face just looks like her, the phoenix bird I saw in my dreams.." Said Ding Xue, released her from his arms.

"..... That's my grandma who already died long time ago... I'm Huo Ni." Said Huo Ni.

"So... you are the girl I saw in the window? A bird who transform into a human?" Ask Ding Xue.

"You!! It's you who saw me transform!" Said Huo Ni.

"No worries, I won't tell anyone, that's gonna be our secret~ But anyway, why you fell off from the tree?" Said Ding Xue.

"Alright~ Yeah, a little accident, I'm trying to take some apple upthere, but I fell.. So, where are you going?" Ask Huo Ni.

"That's too bad, here, I will help you bring the apples to your place. Actually I'm gonna take a views at the mountain." Lied Ding Xue. He is actually came just  to search for her.

"Since you looks like a nice guy, I will accompany you there after we get home~ I know this area so well~ Thankyou for helping me~" Said Huo Ni.

"Really? Then, thankyou. Please lead the way." Said Ding Xue, he smiles.

"YEAH!~" Said Huo Ni, he walks beside him and hold his hand.

Ding Xue's face are blushing, but he is happy he finally see her again.

The End.

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