We're all dying

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We're all dying until we realize we are dying and then all of a sudden we feel the urge to start living but by then it's too late.

Get it? No? Ok. Time for explanation.

We are all dying. Not living. We are in this cycle that just seems endless. What exactly does living mean? It means whatever it means to you. It should be whatever you want it to be.

Is it though? Right now when you look around you would you say that you are living or dying?

Because dying is a long process. First we start to walk and then we start to talk and then we start to go to school and then we learn responsibilities and then we can get so caught up in them that somewhere in between we lost ourselves and now you've reached the end of the race but, when you come to think of it- have you really won?

You've died. You dragged your rotting carcass all over your 50s and 60s when you could have been living.

This is your life. You have every right to make it all about you. Be selfish. Be possessive of yourself. Make sure that the keys are clasped tight in your hands in such a way that no one can ever take it from you.

Happiness is what life is. That's what it is. That's all what it is.

People lived before money and now people are dying for money.

There are a few things that people have said to me and I will never ever forgive hem for that and those words have been engraved in my heart so I will never forget it either.

I'll put that in in the next chapter.

But in all of my fifteen years I can tell you that I have had maybe a few sparks of life but other than that, I have been dying.

We all have and you know it.

Let go of the reigns that are tying you down to the ground. To hell with the society and it's rules. To hell with then telling us that we can't be happy. To hell with telling us that money is everything.

It's not.

Might sound immature to you; I certainly hope not for your own sake.

Love; should be happiness. Not a ridiculously extravagant ceremony that unites two people that have never seen each other or talked to each other before.

Marriage is not love.

It shouldn't come to a point where you stop and think to yourself where you went wrong.

Regret is painful.

So just live. It's hard, I know. Trust me on that. Especially when the roles tied to you are stronger than you can ever be.

But you have to try.

Don't stand at the finish line and look back to regret all the time you could have enjoyed the whole experience instead of following the same routine that you'd grown accustom to.

Jaa Simran! Jaa jeele apni zindagi!

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