Keyboard Performance

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Most of my friends don't know this about me, but when I was in 6th grade I had started going for keyboard classes.

My father used to keep pestering me over this. He wanted me to learn keyboard for some reason. I wasn't interested but he said I'd get interested after I go for classes.

By coincidence my mom's friend had told her about this institute just a little far away that teaches dance, drawing, keyboard and guitar.

So, the next Friday I was sent to the institute and given a small introduction class.

Yeah, I didn't really like it but I thought I could go with it, no problem.

About a year later, my keyboard sir thought I was ready to start performing on stage.

I have to admit that I hadn't thought much about it until I actually got to the performance area.

It was a small room but, big enough to carry a crowd. It had stage at the front but it wasn't very high.
I saw my keyboard sir and sat down on a seat next to my friends and family.
I began getting really nervous. My 2 friends who were supposed to perform too went on stage and performed pretty well.
My heart starting beating really fast.  My hands were shivering really fast which wasn't great considering the fact that I needed them to play the keyboard
My keyboard sir called me on stage and I got on stage. The sir set the keyboard for me. The curtains rose and my confidence fell off a cliff, hit a lake and got eaten by a fish. Too late to back down now. I tried to get over with it as fast as I could and stormed off the stage. I sat on my seat.
I was pretty sure I had played the keys right. But I was also pretty sure that I had played it really slow.
But that wasn't the problem. The problem was that I had to go back to the institute the next day. The thought of the humiliation made me more nervous.
But I still went the next day, I thought I'm no coward I'm gonna go there and deal with like a boss.... or my parents forced me to go but I like to remember it the other way.
My sir didn't talk much about the performance but that made me feel terrible, like I had disappointed him.
That was how I had discovered I had stage fright. This was only the beginning of a string of events that caused me so much humiliation I got used to it.

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