Be yourself

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I'm the kind of person that always thought that my life wasn't great. I thought it was boring. No fun, no excitement, nothing. Just plain boring.

The cause of these thoughts? Sitcoms. Yes, that's right. I thought my life was boring because I wasn't a wizard and I couldn't fly, I couldn't go out whenever I wanted to etc. etc.

Then one day I was just thinking about old memories and I realized that I had had a lot of amazing memories that I would never want to forget. Thus the birth of this book.

I might not be adventurous or thrilling or funny or anything. But that's what makes me me.

Everyone has their own thing. Everyone has haters. Everyone has people saying they're not good enough. But that's life.

When you do your own thing you'll gain fans and friends unknowingly. Just for being yourself.

You don't have to get in trouble to look cool. I don't wanna sound like an old ass lady, lmao, but try being your own self and people will like you. Because in my opinion, changing yourself and being someone else is kinda annoying.

I'm a teenage rebel. You tell me to do something? I definitely will not. Why? Because nobody bosses me around.

That's me. I'm a teenage rebel. But I also don't like breaking the rules too much. Confused? Ya, I thought so. That's just me getting out of my comfort zone.

It's important to get out of your comfort zone sometimes. But when you do it's important to stay you and do your own thing.

I don't really want to go too deep into this topic and make this chapter more boring, so I'll just stop by saying, stay true to yourself no matter what you do, where you go or who you talk to.

I hope this wasn't as boring as I think it is. Just some teenage advice, that's all. Hope you liked it and will be helpful.

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